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    Some non lucids

    by , 07-22-2017 at 03:57 AM (388 Views)

    I was in some park on a hill. Bjork was off in the distance singing and walking towards me with a cameraman behind her. She kept looking at me and smiling. I was wondering how she knew me and why she was walking towards me. she had hair down to her chin.

    Money confusion.

    I was getting a ride with C who lives with my aunt. My cousins girlfriend was outside the window and handed me a large envelope filled with cash to give to my aunt for a car payment or something. C offered to take it for me but my cousin's GF said that I should take it instead indicating that C might pocket it for herself. I agreed to take it instead.

    C grumbled and let me out of the vehicle. I seemed only to be a block away from my house and started walking. I noticed K from work standing on a lawn and staring at me. "Are you stalking me?" I asked her. She said nothing for a long moment and said, "yes," jokingly? she started walking with me. I was saying, "nothing really to see here... After work I go home here and do basically nothing." I went in and forget what happened after.

    stay safe

    I was in my inner world house. Asuka and data were around. I thought there was going to be and earthquake. I saw some knick knacks on a corner shelf wobbling. I went into a door way and held on to it. Asuka asked me what I was doing. I said apparently this is the safest place to be in an earthquake. everything wobbled for a bit and then stopped.
    Raven Knight likes this.

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