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    all work and no play

    by , 03-22-2018 at 09:58 PM (363 Views)
    At a workplace the employees were messing about pushing a made up, stuffed and wrapped, figure out of a high up window, as a prank.
    I arrived at work the next day to find my desk covered in crap whereas everyone else's desks were just the normal paperwork.
    A call came through about doing a Law course in my old town, I self consciously put them down.
    It was a works do and everyone headed out to a large venue a few blocks away. It was dark and crowded inside, everyone was getting very drunk, also other stuff that I felt I needed to steer well clear of. In fact, I just got fed up with it all and went home to sleep.
    DawnEye11 likes this.

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    Tags: work


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Good idea to go home. Those employees sound like they're way out of character.xD
      Nebulus likes this.