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    Nef's dream journal

    Short lucid from a week ago

    by , 05-25-2017 at 08:27 PM (462 Views)
    I got lucid by talking to a girl I haven't talked to a long ago, like 4 months I think.
    I confirmed it by looking at my hands ,that had 20 finger approximately.
    Then I stood up from the computer, walked to the window , and tried to float out , at second try I succeeded.
    Outside the weather was kinda bad , it was a about to rain, the street looked a bit different than irl but there was no major differences.
    My vision was bad, as always, and the dream started to fall apart. I tried to stabilize it by touching myself, rubbing my hands together but I woke up in the end.

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    Tags: frag, lucid, short
