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    5/7 Water - beach and flood

    by , 05-08-2013 at 02:58 AM (523 Views)
    sleep from 550 am to 2 pm. no remembered wakings

    My mate and I traveled up the beach and down the beach and past a punk rock bar. We went through a house that no one was living in with a cloth bag holding some goodies. on the way out of that house there was a woman with a basket of laundry heading inside. Got down to the beach area and it was just me (ish - I think I might have been black). Something was mentioned about me being a survivor. I scoffed, looking at my current life, but then remembered how I got here. That I can hop to in a pinch. I've gotten soft though, living like this. The dog is talking - trying to get a guy from upstairs (in an apartment complex) to come down for a date. yelling in fact. I think all the guy hears is barking ((I'm remembering a dead friend now - David - maybe something to do with the apartments he used to live in)).

    Went to a restaurant with my mate and some friends. I was a little late getting there. There was a pillow so I could lay down. Someone ordered cheese sticks. I nabbed one. There was a bar. Downstairs was a forge. A friend (rob) of mine was there - Ironing out some marks in a few metals pieces he had just made. He was just starting out - hadn't done much smithing. I came back up and layed down. someone was asking for the slayer. I was sleepy enough I didn't budge (I was the slayer). Eventually she suspects me and we start talking. Just chit chat. me telling her how cute her necklace is or something - making her think I'm not who she is looking for. Someone comes up from the basement - its started to flood - we have to go NOW! we all run - out and up a hill. I have a bunch of stuff in my arms - a book or two and some other things. I'm trying to protect them from the spray behind me. It surges forward - splashing my back and then dragging my ankles back as it regroups for its next surge. I'm kinda in front of everyone else. I get up the hill. someone (mate?) drives a car up. At the top the girl finds me again. Spike pinned her and handed me a sodden splinter of wood. I bitch and am still hiding who I am from her but she is buying it less and less. I find a more appropriate wooden stick and use it on her. drive it through her chest, but it doesn't work. she is a vampire - her forehead is all wrinkles. she gets away somehow and the hole is a missing chunk in her windpipe. She disappears and is found but in the body of a little boy. I am not going to kill a little boy.

    I'm in an arcade with my mate. Lots of video games. I think we left most of the people playing other games (no video) or having other fun (dancing, skating, etc). something weird happens with one of the games.

    Loki was feeling his keyboard and looks at me because it was kinda sticky. I told him it was dirty and I had to clean it. The sticky would go away soon.

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    Updated 05-08-2013 at 04:32 AM by 62401



    1. Zoth's Avatar
      Those vampires 0o I like how you just decided to hit her with the stick after you realized she wasn't believing you anymore xD