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    Going on holiday, meeting andy sandberg (AKA: Irken)

    by , 09-08-2011 at 05:09 PM (858 Views)
    I am preparing for holiday, I am out shopping with my mum, dad, joe and josh. I am walking around looking at things that i'll need, clothes, supplies etc. I realise that i dont really need anything at all because the holiday i am on will be all-inclusive. I rush round to tell josh & joe, then i leave them to it.
    We head home and start to play Naruto Ultimate NinjaStorm 2 and i keep beating them both really easily, they hate it but i am laughing.

    We decide to play some cod, at first we are all playing and then suddenly we are transported into the game and playing. I remember running round with a p90 in a sort of desert map with a huge building in the middle. I seem to kill a load of guys and i'm pretty chuffed with myself.

    *dream skip*
    I arrive at my destination, exit the plane that im on. As i get off the plane i realise we have landed in a really derelict runway that is surrounded by fields and over grown weeds, i look up to the sky and it seems pretty overcast. I walk on to the fields and for some reason begin to search for cannabis plants, i remember saying to myself "gotta make this holiday worth hit" i am inspecting a plant but someone calls my name. I look up and see my dad at the top of a hill staring down over the horizon. I get curious and want to see for myself so i walk up to him. I look down and can see a huge beach, with beautifully clear waters stretched out before me. I see hotels lined up too and begin to walk along the beach to find my hotel.
    I leave mum & dad behind and start to walk along the beach, i am just at the sea front and there are plenty of people swimming and playing in the sea.
    The waves here are pretty huge and there are a lot of surfers too. As im walking i find a shopping mall, decide to go in and take a look. For some reason i meet a monk in orange robes, he seems fearful and doesn't want to be noticed. I ask him whats wrong and explains that everybody on this island has a shard of metal implanted in their butt. I laugh when he says this but he glares at me. "its true!" he says, "as im a monk i have to have an orange shard of metal implanted, everyone else has silver" i think to myself "holy shit he is serious" and set about trying to hide the monk. We are walking through the main walk-way and a white guy, about 25ish drops down from above us, he lands right next to us and im startled.
    "what are you doing?"
    "stealing this stuff. I dont have a metal implant so i cant work"
    The monk tells me we need to get out of here.

    *dream 2*

    I am at school, in an I.T lesson, i am sat at a table and to my left is megan, to my right is a blonde girl i do not recognise and to her right is my ex, soph.
    Soph is trying to get my attention but i seem to be more focused on the blonde girl. She is telling me why she left me, because she had my child etc and was worried i wouldn't stay with her, but not is wandering if we could get back together again, she grabs my and and i say "maybe" we are holding hand for some time.
    I suddenly realise i have not done as much work as everybody else & the teacher is coming to check on us. I tell the teacher my first idea was stupid and i had to start again, this time im making a women's magazine.

    We leave the classroom & it is the end of the day, I am walking out of the school gates & see the blonde girl walking with another guy, this alone doesn't bother me but i look down and see a child. This child looks exactly like the guy the blonde girl is with, skin-head with a freckly face, and i make the connection instantly. I realise that she was lying to me and i get angry, she turns around and sees me... She hangs her head and i walk past her without even looking, i can hear her crying as i walk past.

    I notice there is a silver sports car with blacked out windows parked next to the exit to the school. I am checking out the car and as i walk past the drivers side window rolls down. Its andy sandberg "sup muthafuckaaaaaa!" he says and wobbles his head. I laugh "man your hilarious!" i tell him. He laughs and then tells me he knows what has happened, that im upset and that i should follow him so that we can go get really high. I jump in the car & he zooms off.
    He slows down when we reach a huge house, he opens the gate and parks on the drive. We get out and he tells me that some of my friends are already here. We walk up to the house and he takes me to his huge hot tub where i see Paul and Frenchy. I am amazed to see my friends here and we all begin to chat instantly.

    Before i know it Andy is rolling a blunt wrap, i tell him "man i haven't got any green on me and i dont just wanna smoke up all yours" He laughs and tells me "its cool, ive got so much anyway its not a problem, you can sort me out next time".
    He passes me the blunt and i smoke away, its an amazing feeling being high in a hot tub! I feel so relaxed, i realise i need the toilet and ask andy where it is, he tells me and i get out, dry off quickly and head into the house where i find the rest of the lonely island crew. "Oh, i'm with andy, i hope its ok that im here."

    "its fine, its basically Andy's house anyway man, are you looking for the bathroom?"
    I nod and Jorma points to my right. I thank him and go to the toilet.
    I re-enter the hot tub and Andy is telling everybody about a really cool course you can go down on any vehicle. I think this sounds amazing and ask him if i could luge it on my skateboard. He tells me i could and that the start is right outside his house. He even offers me a skateboard to use. I go outside and lay down on the skateboard, paul is on the back to help steer. We roll towards the edge of a hill and start to go down, we have to dodge all the traffic and a car slows down in front of us indicating right, when there is no right turn, i get annoyed at this.

    We pass the car and are heading for a long right turn i lean on the right side of the skateboard and we zoom around it. After this turn there are signs to follow that lead to a run down shed that is displaying my time. 1:08. "yes!" i shout. Everyone is congratulating me, someone tells me they did it on skates and i say "you should try laying on a skateboard. Its scary as hell!" everybody laughs.

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    non-lucid , memorable
