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    Space Home

    by , 09-10-2017 at 07:37 PM (1197 Views)
    7 Sept

    Quite vivid last period REM, with me following the storyline actively in both non-lucid and lucid portions, which probably were 50/50. That resulted in more info that I could consciously absorb and later recall. To make things worse, I only wrote down key words. Nevertheless, it still makes good lucid practice and experience.

    The non-lucid portion includes me watching a version of our first home, but from a new floating space home. We now live in this space home, which isn't really a space station, but more of a floating home, yet highly technological and much closer to the ground. There's a few issues with gravity and balancing the whole thing. I move down different floors, encounter witches that sell herbal remedies along the way.

    The dream is constantly transitioning as we end up on ground, exploring ever changing cities and stores. I run into a special girl from Brazil, with whom I seem to have important things to discuss.

    The whole REM seems to be with an elevated awareness but after this portion, I cross over the edge to full lucidity. I spend quite a bit of the time observing all possible items, walking around, trying to stabilize as things eventually begin slipping away, becoming overloaded with details to remember.

    At some point in time, I recall to try to score a few points for the competition, so I make all DCs around euphorically sing a Metallica song. The performance lasts a while. Another DC appears to the side making comments about this. After that, I continue walking around staring at different objects, thinking that I've already forgotten a lot of details.
    FireFlyMan likes this.

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    1. Xanous's Avatar
      Awesome! I love the whole setup to this dream. Im glad you're back in action. Im really enjoying these email notifications rolling lately. I really need the inspiration so thanks!
      NyxCC likes this.
    2. RelicWraith's Avatar
      Heh, Metallica, eh? So which song was it? Was it Ride the Lightning? Master of Puppets? Or maybe Battery?
      NyxCC likes this.
    3. NyxCC's Avatar
      Awesome! I love the whole setup to this dream. Im glad you're back in action. Im really enjoying these email notifications rolling lately. I really need the inspiration so thanks!
      Xanous! Great to see you too!

      I've found for myself that the only way not to get swiped away by the distractions of everyday life and endless work is to pop up here as much as possible. Been trying to get back on that old track, so it's always good to see familiar faces as well as learn from new guys here.

      Heh, Metallica, eh? So which song was it? Was it Ride the Lightning? Master of Puppets? Or maybe Battery?
      Interestingly enough, my DCs came up with a completely new Metallica song called "War" and knew the lyrics too! I wonder whether they will come up with a title like this one day.

      Master of Puppets would make for a great ld performance, need to try that out. Already had Enter Sandman in non-ld, lucid and live - can never get enough of it.
      FireFlyMan and Xanous like this.