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    Magic Box

    I will put in the box

    the swish of a silk sari on a summer night,
    fire from the nostrils of a Chinese dragon,
    the tip of a tongue touching a tooth.

    I will put in the box

    a snowman with a rumbling belly
    a sip of the bluest water from Lake Lucerene,
    a leaping spark from an electric fish.

    I will put into the box

    three violet wishes spoken in Gujarati,
    the last joke of an ancient uncle,
    and the first smile of a baby.

    I will put into the box

    a fifth season and a black sun,
    a cowboy on a broomstick
    and a witch on a white horse.

    My box is fashioned from ice and gold and steel,
    with stars on the lid and secrets in the corners.
    Its hinges are the toe joints of dinosaurs.

    I shall surf in my box
    on the great high-rolling breakers of the wild Atlantic,
    then wash ashore on a yellow beach
    the colour of the sun.

    1. Lucid #80: Back to the Past

      by , 09-30-2012 at 05:18 AM (Magic Box)
      We were walking up a road with a small circular park in the middle, that thing where the cars could revolve around. I thought it seemed familiar, but something was off. Then I realized everything looked old, and the people were wearing traditional clothes. I realized it was a dream and went lucid. It must have been in the 1900's, because there weren't any buildings -- just wooden houses and kalesas. However, instead of changing the dream scene or using powers or anything, I decided to just...explore. It didn't even cross my mind. At that moment, I just thought that it wasn't everyday that I got to dream of my country's past. If I manipulated the dream, who knows when I get that chance again?

      So for the rest of the dream, which probably lasted about 10 minutes, I just walked around and watched the dream characters. Some men were farming in the distance, with some carabaos. Some women were out in their porches, weaving blankets with a huge wooden tool. Some kids were running around.

      Spoiler for kalesa:

      Spoiler for carabao:

      Spoiler for weaving thing:

      Spoiler for traditional clothes:

      Some of them even saw me, took off their straw hats, and bowed courteously. I bowed back.

      I woke up a few minutes after that. But that was such a beautiful experience. I travelled back in time and got to explore! I doubt any of my friends have done that. Suckers.
      lucid , memorable