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    My paranoid adventure into the mind.

    1. Night of January 18 2015

      by , 01-20-2016 at 02:27 AM (My paranoid adventure into the mind.)
      Yeah, I've been pretty disconnected with lucid dreaming in general. At this point I can't promise anything, but I hope to have more entries available. On a side note, I had a nice WILD tonight. I feel confident that if I can WBTB and WILD every night, I could have lucids every night!

      Besides that, I didn't remember any other dreams...

      Failed Powers

      I'm awake in my bed. I get ready to start WILD and, like usual, paralysis comes in a matter of seconds. Only auditory hallucinations, which I can't seem to remember, come and it all goes silent. At first, I'm sitting there thinking about when the visual hallucinations which create the dream will come, but I realize the dream may have already started. I get up, do an RC and find I'm in a dream! Strangely enough, this is where my memory of the dream is blurry, as I can't remember which RC I did, or if I even did an RC in the first place. Details become so bright in the dream, and when I start to make my way out the door of my room, I remember the tips to remember your waking life memories and it all comes flowing in. I decide to go in my sister's room, and I find her lying down on her back smiling. She doesn't even blink or move in my presence, and I saw her face being so detailed and accurate. I motion my hand over to her face to get a feel for it, but she kicks me away. I get a bit more aggressive now and start to get in a position to lie on top of her, and I try my earlier move again but she again reacts the same way. I decide to leave her. Yet another blurry part until I reach outside. I see most of my family and I believe I greet them? I'm not sure. I head outside and recall wanting to summon up my tulpa. I tried summoning a door to find her but that failed and the area was so detailed that I could even see that blotch of colour that you see when you focus really hard. I started to lose lucidity at this point. Out on the street I was on, people from both sides started walking towards me, and if I recall correctly the scene sorta looked like it was morphing into a school setting with lockers (but hadn't completely changed into it). To prove to myself to be completely sure I was dreaming, I tried launching a fireball at one of the people, but to no avail again. I then woke up quickly before I had the chance to chain it. Or the dream just went on non-lucid, and I can't remember it.

      When I woke up that morning, I asked my tulpa about it and she was sleeping at the time. Heh..
    2. Night of January 6 2016

      by , 01-08-2016 at 12:25 AM (My paranoid adventure into the mind.)
      Oh boy! Been enough time since I've written a DJ entry. I have been consistently writing in my physical one (what I'd like to think ;-; ). I've been doing WBTB for the past few nights and I'm happy with my recall when I do so. Unfortunately, I keep waking up after the first WBTB and being too lazy to write the new dreams. I've missed writing around 5 dreams like this. Tonight's no different, but I managed to have a short LD tonight! The dreams I recalled after the first WBTB are sometimes just me writing in my DJ (lol). Anyway, here are some dream fragments:

      In the dream I wanted to "better myself" or something similar.

      There were a few dreams where I wrote in my dream journal. I distinctly remember one where I tried to WILD after doing so.

      And for the other dreams, and the lucid:

      Get the program, hurry!

      My brother said we had to obtain this piece of software to fix the broken computer. We had to hurry to the store quick or else some other guy would have taken it. I asked if I could have a new PC after this and he said, "maybe". We never did end up searching for the thing and, though I'm not sure if this is in the same dream, there was this dangerous maze I had to navigate that had monsters and was really bloody from all the other unlucky people to have ventured there.

      After quite a few awakenings, I came across this dream again:

      I was controlling this strong man and was entering the maze from the ceiling. I was thinking the monsters'll never catch me from up here, but surprisingly one jumped up very high and nearly bit my legs off. I was back at my real body's view and my brother said, "Come on, we have to go get the software! Remember last dream?" I got distracted by Saitama and Genos (from One punch man) walking down the stairs and had followed them. But I pondered over what my brother said earlier and realized I was dreaming. I was at the bottom of the stairs and there was a turn that led down to more stairs, which led to a door outside. I was at that middle section, and there was a guy standing there. I decided to wear Saitama's hero clothes, and the show's opening started playing in the background. I punched that guy, OPM style. Strangely enough, I did it with my left hand and I'm right handed. Interesting. I went to the bottom of the stairs in front of the door, and I tried using my cape to teleport myself (sorta like Meta Knight) to Boros so I could fight him. That didn't end up working, and I woke up.