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    ' I am everything '

    by , 09-08-2015 at 10:24 AM (580 Views)
    Went to bed at around 9 pm after reading about Reverse Blinking. I would like to try give it a shot although I am not sure if I understand how to do it correctly but can see some folk get great results.

    So laying there after taking some time to relax and I start to blink ( I think this means open my eyes and close them again quickly but in one place I read you have to open your eyes long enough to focus on something ...) my eyes open every 5 seconds or so... it was hard to count for 5 secs at same time but I am hoping it gets more natural next time I went on for quite a while like this and my eyes ,more than anything , started to get very very dry almost painfully dry.

    So I decided to stop and relax - HI was strong and I tried to look past it instead of straight on - it goes on for a bit and calms down - I slip into a restful/sleep.

    I am suddenly awake within my relaxation in a calm space I recognise ,what I think is Nrem/Delta . I sense a strong profound presence and feel I have been communicating for some time in my sleep unconsciously...
    ' Who are you?' I ask
    ' How do you know I am here, most people don't notice me.' The voice says
    ' I can feel your presence.' I answer
    ' I am the Universe, I am everything.' The voice tells me
    ' ................................' I am in silence for a while with the presence - trying to make sense of what was just said to me - I have a wonderful wholeness feeling about me.
    I feel my waking life /consciousness coming back
    to my physical body in bed
    [/COLOR]. I look at the clock its 10 pm -it feels like I have been sleeping a long time....

    I try the RB for a while again and feel myself drift into a relaxed state once again - the presence is there again but not strong

    I may have to start my own religion now
    It could have been a bit of noise or I don't know what but I put in wrong tag at the bottom - it wasn't a LD I don't think...
    EbbTide000, MeohMyoh and NyxCC like this.

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    Updated 09-08-2015 at 08:27 PM by 87274

    lucid , memorable


    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      Really nice experience! Congrats, Patience!
    2. Patience108's Avatar
      Thanks NyxCC
      NyxCC likes this.