Skating adventure
, 11-06-2015 at 08:30 PM (625 Views)
Sat up for a 5am Wbtb this morning inspired by recent threads about Deild's with great advice - I sat up and quietly in bed and inwardly said my mantra and reminding myself from time to time I am going to teleport
" remember I am dreaming" over and over
I could still feel the sleepiness as I laid back down and knew I would be asleep soon but felt some awarenes too -" knowing "I laid down for a possible Wild/ Dild
Not sure how I got there so Dild ; skating along happy and fast " I know I am dreaming " skating is so much fun jumping up on benches with my skates grinding along like a young expert - exellent!
- after some fun skating about ~ doing huge jumps across big bodies of water and grinds along benches ....wahoo
I attempted a teleport - remembering my goal I closed my eyes to teleport and couldnt open them again... they felt all glued together... then as I squeezed them open and expected the beach scene I felt myself waking up Lucidity going astray .. It was a FA - it was such a memorable experience too though because I was being licked all over my face including my lips which I was trying to squeeze shut by a very happy to see me dog...which I immediately felt was my dog ... I felt pretty yucky with that episode but soon forgave him as one does ones own dog( lucidity was waining now as I don't have a dog in WL
Turns NL where the bed is then covered in about 6 or 7 little dogs jumping around for my attention- how sweet!!! Next my brothers and sisters came in to join us( never met them in waking life tho We all chatted then made food together🌺
Very Enjoyable