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    Skating adventure

    by , 11-06-2015 at 08:30 PM (625 Views)
    Sat up for a 5am Wbtb this morning inspired by recent threads about Deild's with great advice - I sat up and quietly in bed and inwardly said my mantra and reminding myself from time to time I am going to teleport

    " remember I am dreaming" over and over

    I could still feel the sleepiness as I laid back down and knew I would be asleep soon but felt some awarenes too -" knowing "I laid down for a possible Wild/ Dild

    Not sure how I got there so Dild ; skating along happy and fast " I know I am dreaming " skating is so much fun jumping up on benches with my skates grinding along like a young expert - exellent!

    - after some fun skating about ~ doing huge jumps across big bodies of water and grinds along benches ....wahoo

    I attempted a teleport - remembering my goal I closed my eyes to teleport and couldnt open them again... they felt all glued together... then as I squeezed them open and expected the beach scene I felt myself waking up Lucidity going astray .. It was a FA - it was such a memorable experience too though because I was being licked all over my face including my lips which I was trying to squeeze shut by a very happy to see me dog...which I immediately felt was my dog ... I felt pretty yucky with that episode but soon forgave him as one does ones own dog( lucidity was waining now as I don't have a dog in WL

    Turns NL where the bed is then covered in about 6 or 7 little dogs jumping around for my attention- how sweet!!! Next my brothers and sisters came in to join us( never met them in waking life tho We all chatted then made food together🌺

    Very Enjoyable
    ~Dreamer~ likes this.

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    lucid , non-lucid , memorable


    1. MeohMyoh's Avatar
      seems like you've almost got that one licked
      Patience108 likes this.
    2. MeohMyoh's Avatar
      Nobody Lucids quite like Lucy
      Patience108 likes this.
      Updated 11-07-2015 at 12:05 AM by MeohMyoh
    3. Patience108's Avatar
      Meoh u got your own style too don't forget that now! Your recal is getting seriously great
      Lucids are coming
    4. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      I already expressed my excitement about the skating dream in your workbook, but I'll say again - this sounds like so much fun!

      I think Sensei may have also mentioned (re: the glued eyes feeling) that a great thing to remember is: you don't have eyes in dreams! I think I saw Sageous write that once and it was a really important realisation for me. Since dreams don't follow physical world rules, we don't need to fix issues using our "bodies".
      We can use tricks though, if it helps, like imagining we just have some goggles covering our eyes and "removing" them to fix our vision. But pure imagination is just as good, if we really let that knowledge sink in that nothing can stop us from achieving our goals in dreams - especially not these funny little obstacles that really only apply in the waking world.
      RelaxAndDream and Patience108 like this.
    5. Patience108's Avatar
      Thanks Dreamer - I am getting the feeling that's what incubation is mostly about, maybe for me, in a way - training ones self to remember again and again throughout the day that

      'imagination/Creativity rules!' ( like its the boss

      So that means again and again affirming with ones moments of presence (or incubating ) that anything can happen coz it's all a dream for example - now I am going to ... Open up a portal with my finger by drawing it in the space in from of me to jump through into a world where I train Matrix Style ... Or anything else one cares to imagine ...
      Am I right?

      Yes the skating dream was one where I got Lucid while skating it's the second time I have dreamt of it recently so I am seeing it as a dream sighn now - I skated lots 20 odd years ago and it brought back the feeling
      ~Dreamer~ likes this.
      Updated 11-07-2015 at 07:20 PM by Patience108
    6. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      Yes, I really feel that our imagination/creativity can be endless! I think we get better at using it the more we practice, too. Children constantly find ways to use their imagination and can create whole fantasy worlds to play in, even while awake! I don't think we "lose" this ability, we just find less opportunities to practice as we become more focused on other areas of life. I think it's always possible to incorporate some daydreaming and incubating into our daily activities though, and then we really get to let loose in our nightly play arena, the dream world! I believe we all still have fantastic, powerful imaginations just waiting to be realised.

      I was inspired by your dream and did some more lucid skating myself last night - this time at super high speed on rails, benches, and ramps, right next to a beautiful beach!
      Patience108 likes this.