Tactile methods🌙
, 11-10-2015 at 07:19 PM (525 Views)
🌷When the alarm goes off and Oobe after reading new methods
Got lots of sleep this weekend so feel redy for a wbtb - Went to bed at around 10pm and Set my alarm for 3.30am - I got up and went to the loo then laid back down and allowed snooze control to go on. I thought I may try to train myself to sleep quicker after hitting the snoozes - something Sivason Mentioned trying to do in training for Deild's . After hitting a few snoozes - I start to notice I am just getting into mellow mood-sleepy when the music goes off and just the fact of moving my arm to find the snooze button changes the feeling towards awakeness... Hopefully this will get better - I am happy I noticed that any way. But I move my hand to sit directly on my iPad now so next snooze I hardly have to move - I am on my back.
I keep going like that for a few snoozes ( 20 mins between each ). As I lay there I remember reading about the Wild methods last night ( paradigmeshift - tactile wild method) and snoops thread about using imagination with moving the Dream body in the period of time leading up to a Wild ( during the dive ). In the Paradymeshift he/she says as son as you are starting to feel sleepy start to imagine your body being pulled by your feet and have a tactile feeling of your body sliding along the sheets. So I start doing this and it works! Suddenly I am Lucid in my dream but waking in a dream bed in a dream senecio - I come out of my body OOB style and move through the walls - the surroundings are very clear but I don't recognise anything - my waking Memeory is very much with me as there is a prayer I have been wanting to say in my LD and I manage to say it. I sit down and meditate too which has been a goal for a long time... I expected it tobe out of this world but it was quite funny ... DC's start coming towards me with aggression ( never happened before in LD) I maintain meditation and they try to attack me - at first something REALY hurts and I feel quite threatened ...but then they disolve and are gone into thin air- I carry on sitting there and it feels quite ordinary - I am amazed at the LD feeling having lasted so long this time - I feel it could be my longest LD. I spend some time really honing into the feeling of just being in the LD.
I wake up and feel my body clearly in my bed - I remember to feel my body being dragged across the bed again and then ....Yes I am in the dream again - a semi Lucid dream continues now ... I feel myself in bed again and then back in the dream a couple more times - just short but all due to this imaginary moving of my body while falling off to sleep 🌺
I can't wait to try again tonight as this was a great experience!
Thread I was reading ;