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    Lucid from last two nights. ★☆☆☆☆

    by , 08-05-2014 at 09:59 PM (593 Views)
    I realize that I am dreaming, RC/stabilize. In a house. I ask a DC what my goals are and he doesn't respond. I can feel my throat killing me, I need some water. I look for a kitchen and wake up. :/

    I go to sleep. I feel the back of my head hurting. I realize that I am already in a dream. I reach for the feeling, and I can feel that I am still in my bed. I don't know yet if it is a dream or not. I RC/stabilize, and it seems to show that I am in a dream. I feel the back of my head and start doing some dream control to fix it. Whenever I pay attention to it, my entire body starts shaking and my heart beat is super loud. I move away from it and decide to float where I am for a while. I notice that I am in the void. I let my mind wander for a bit to see if I can get any semblance of a dream and a DC starts talking to me, I forget what he says. I ask him a question, but get no answer. My mind goes back to my neck and it starts with the shaking again. I float adrift and see a scenery. I am in a place similar to a space port, and I am helping move some tiny boxes with TK. I RC/stabilize and continue while I look for what to do in my place. I move away from where the dream was leading and the buzzing starts again. I wake myself up and I am in SP. I recover some thoughts and try to get back into a dream, but I had woken myself up too much. I break SP and get a drink.

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    Updated 10-22-2016 at 01:01 PM by 58222



    1. fogelbise's Avatar
      Very interesting...I wonder if this was an -NREM/Delta lucid. Do you have a theory on the buzzing? Is it the same as vibrations?
      Sensei likes this.
    2. ThreeCat's Avatar
      Also may have to do with illness--sometimes in fever dreams are very strange. Ear infection maybe as well? But otherwise I like how you woke up and were like, "Oh, sleep paralysis. I break sleep paralysis. I get drink." Definitely an experienced dreamer here
      Sensei likes this.
    3. Sensei's Avatar
      Well it got so intense when I focused on my brain stem, I thought at first that it might be something that I had discovered like some other weird mental thing, but then I realized in the dream that it was probably just part of the dream making a compensation for the buzzing to sleep feeling that people sometimes get between waking and sleeping. Like just amplifying it because I paid attention.

      Maybe. I knew I was sleep deprived, so I was trying more for WILD than DILD, and WILD transitions are always... strange
      Thanks, I get SP pretty infrequently, but knowing so much about it makes all fear go away.
      StephL and fogelbise like this.
    4. StephL's Avatar
      Hm - how unusual for you - as far as I would guess, how action-loaded you are usually on and about in your lucids. Maybe the infection + eventual meds playing a role? To more action and less nervous system caprice for ya!
      Sensei likes this.
    5. Sensei's Avatar
      Maybe StephL. I had some fun fighting last night, but all non lucid. Hoping to kick some butt in my LD tonight. Maybe with some anime style PILLOW FIGHTING!
      StephL likes this.
    6. StephL's Avatar
      Yeah!! We definitively need to get in some of that!! All of us!

      Sensei likes this.
    7. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      I hate feeling thirsty in dreams! I've been getting that a lot since I've been sick... and waking up and deciding between DEILD and getting a drink.
      At least you got your RC/stabilize!
      Sensei likes this.
    8. Sensei's Avatar
      StephL. Last few nights. At least some of us need to do that!

      Yeah, I have fixed it in dream before, but I also think that this is a waste of time. Allergies and sickness always kicking my dreaming face in the butt.
      ~Dreamer~ likes this.
    9. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      Get better soon!
      Sensei likes this.