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    Cities in the Astral

    01/04/13 Psychodelic Euphoria/FA/New Dream Sign

    by , 01-06-2013 at 04:49 PM (398 Views)
    This was a WILD that became a FA and then became lucid later as a DILD. I did a basic WILD and when the dream started I had lost awareness for awhile. I felt high as hell! I was in complete euphoria and my body was rushing out like it was on LSD. I felt myself expanding and beautiful purple hallucinations were in the visual field. This made me lucid, because I have not done LSD for a very long time (many years), so when I felt completely bombed on acid, I knew it was a dream. I became fully lucid and just enjoyed the feeling. it was probably more intense than most drug induced euphoria.
    The scene then resolved into me being surrounded by people including my grandmother. She was saying that I got so high I passed out, and everyone was noticing something was wrong. I felt very very very high. I started to believe her. I forgot how old I was, so being high no longer was a useable dream sign. She whispered that she had told everyone I was mentally ill and suffering some sort of fit, to avoid the calling the police.
    My father was in the crowd, but as I wrote last month, he is recently deceased, so I have named him as a dream sign. It worked again. I was instantly lucid again. I tried to follow him and see what he was up to , but he blended into the crowd. I went back to just enjoying the euphoria and hallucinations. the dream ended shortly after that. Dur~4-5 min.

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