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    Cities in the Astral

    02-19-12 Short OBE like LD

    by , 02-20-2012 at 10:38 PM (423 Views)
    LD5: I am coming back into my kitchen from the hot tub late at night. I do not remember having opened the door. Hmmm, reality check time. I try levitate. i do not float right away, but feel so much energy radiate from the effort that I am still suspicious. Try again, sure enough, I start floating. I have been neglecting to stabilze my self to often lately, so I immediately make myself do it.
    Look at my hands. Carefully preform some basic mudras (specific hand figures), form a triangle between touching thumbs and forefingers. then interlock both hands at the middle two fingers with outer finger tented. Try to vocalize, just a basic OMMM. Sounds good, deep and resonant. Ok, stable enough. I am in an exact to scale version of my house, maybe a bit of OBE while in a LD? What to do? Oh yeah, I am focusing on taste, sound and trying to smell (no luck on smell yet) lately so maybe try to eat something. How about a bannanna? They have a distinct pleasant taste. Sure enough in the front room is a bannanna, but it is partially opened and smashed. Oh come on! Maybe if I go to the fridge I can summon a good bannana?
    Decide not to bother with the fridge but to go outside through the back door. Pretty vivid, I can feel the tempature drop between the two. Still seems to scale and correct (OBE?). I hear loud voices from the street that is back behind the back fence. I levitate up to the roof, and get a better look. There are two DCs sneaking around doing shifty things and being loud. Not very interested in following any story line like playing hero at the moment, so I look into the front yard. The roof is all spongey and gives way beneath my feet. OK, that is less like OBE, but that suites me fine. I jump down into the front yard.
    Noisey people are now walking down the road in front. Screw them, I am not looking for a story line now, but wish to practice. I decide to play around with fine motor control by doing jumping high kicks and trying to clear the single story roof top with each. After about five fun kicks, I am woken by my wife getting uup to use the bathroom,

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