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    Cities in the Astral

    03/01/12 Non Lucid Steering the Bus

    by , 03-02-2012 at 06:13 PM (420 Views)
    I was heavily sedated on sleep meds, anti-histamines and wine. I am suprissed I had any recall at all. In one scene Rod Stewart was singing from stage directly to my wife. Another, we were on a Bus and the driver was in the back, not at the wheel. I managed to steer around obsticals by shifting my weight. Then we had made it to someones house, but my wife had migraine and wanted to go. We ended up on the wrong side of town and passed the local Kung-fu master, then said hi to an old friend who was outside a house. We finaly went in a house looking for another friend, and were told she was out back.
    Really not an exciting night.

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