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    Cities in the Astral

    12/04/12 Cartoon LD with Cartoon Snow TOtM

    by , 12-06-2012 at 12:35 AM (449 Views)
    A short and cute litttle WILD. I did a standard WBTB and tried for a WILD.
    Before to long the standerd HI stuff resolved into a scene. I had chanted the song "Let it Snow" as my anchor, so i at once knew what my goal was. I think it may have been in nREM because of the cartoon quality of the graphics. I decided to just go with it and have an anime type LD, unless it advanced to life like on its own.

    The first thought was of the charlie Brown x-mas special. The scene morphed into a very nice rendition of Peanuts cartoon graphics. It was kind of like the scene when they pick out the x-mas tree. It was snowing a little and snow was on the ground. However, my goal was to make it snow, so this scene was not going to work.

    I decided that maybe I should go inside and then come out again with it not snowing. I saw a house and something in the window. the cartoon thing was working very well so I kept it up. I decided that it would be that cat Garfield.

    Suddenly I was inside the house watching garfiled in the thirdd person, but was also kind of experiencing being Garfield. The house was very X-massy with garlands and other stuff. The graphics had resolved far beyond comic strip level, with bright vivid colors and some slight 3D effect. Still much more cartoon than real life, so I kept up the cartoon theme. I was actually finding it fun.

    I made Garfield climb up the chimney to the roof. I saw him enter the fire place, and then the dream shifted to 1st person, as I climbed out onto the roof as Garfield. It was not snowing. I focused on making it snow. The funniest thing happened! It did start to snow, but it was cartoon snow! Little white pokadots slowly drifting down and slightly moving from side to side, like in the Peanut's X-mas special. I thought that was wickedly funny! I should have stabilized at this point, but was so busy being humored by the snow that I lost lucidity.

    I did make it snow, but will also be attempting this task again, as I did want to really make it snow like a real blizzard.
    StephL likes this.

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