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    Mini-Lucid "Going Blind" On Me And A Non-Lucid Present

    by , 12-07-2013 at 05:53 PM (492 Views)
    So last night - I didnīt plan a WILD up front - I slept from early morning to afternoon today.
    But when I woke up quite nice and naturally - I thought, why not go back to sleep with SSILD.
    I did and I had a dream - but only after one more awakening and some mantras came the dream, where there was a bit of lucidity.
    Not at all like 2 nights back - where I fell asleep and instantly was fully lucid at such a point.

    I was dreaming of meeting a frustrated woman, who got abandoned by her taxi-driver on a little road going through woods and little valleys - vaguely like one I know, which does not get anywhere bigger for a while.
    There was a guy, telling her, this would be typical - the driver would have seen, that he would have to drive back all this way for free, if he took her to that far-off place she wanted to.

    There had been a huge storm before and I saw one enormous tree lying right over the road, on which I looked a bit from above in the same road.

    So - I saw a tree from a weird perspective - and this told me somehow, that I can make huge leaps.
    Which I did - towards it - and by that moment came the realization, that what I do is quite like flying in a dream.
    But my instant first judgement was - naa - this must be reality!
    But I looked at my hands - they were a bit out of focus - but had 5 fingers and the thumb didnīt go through.
    But anyway - the leaping and bounding did register and I did then know it was a dream, even if I had no real grasp of it.
    So I went on looking at my hands and testing their impenetrability - but what resulted was me hovering somewhere and loosing sight - almost completely.
    Not being equipped this time with a comparably good daytime-memory - I did not try to otherwise systematically stabilize - what I did towards the end was shout "more lucidity" when the visuals were almost completely gone.
    They were perfectly vivid and beautiful when I started wondering if it was a dream.
    I think, I lost lucidity without waking up and continued this dream - not 100% sure, though.

    So - the full-on WILD activities do incubate me with a great level of lucidity from the onset of DILD - while this one instance was a real DILD - and not a glorious one at that.

    I wonder one thing - maybe the auto-hover mechanism is easier to throw up for my inner simulation-centre than feeling the soles of my feet with every step..?

    I will edit in a bit more ND later - but nothing really note-worthy concerning there.

    Except a non-lucid present - and many recurring themes - having to clear out of a flat with renovating packing up and sorting stuff.
    Looking for a new place - and in this case I was with a friend out and about Berlin - looking for a place to squat.
    It was summer, and there was a place, which supposedly I knew about in that dream - a ruin, with some structures still quite intact.
    So we came there - somebody had put up a big rake in the smallish access to that spot - we circumvented it - and there was this place - and further on a little bridge, with a guy behaving like some sort of guard - but my friend went to him, and convinced him, that it was okay, I take over the place.

    But to make it more complicated concerning sorting out and removals - once I had some of my things over - the ex-squatter of the place re-appeard.
    A guy I know in real live, and who did really squat in several ruins in Berlin some years ago.
    And then it was him demanding his stuff back - which then was suddenly there - and all mixed up - his, mine, rubbish - almost no light and space and some hick-hack as well.

    But I asked him for a present - having incubated this activity with mantras and visualization for the TOTM.
    And he gave me a beautiful soap-stone sculpture.

    It was shaped like a slice of a melon with almost all fruit-flesh eaten away as a base.
    Like if you had a ball, and would draw two circles on it with the maximum radius the ball allows for - they intersect and result in 4 such slices then.
    Inlaid into the base was a little depression for a small soap-stone-ball to hover and rotate freely in.
    And in this ball, a light was set in - and you could set the direction of lightning with slightly turning it.

    Whatever - I liked it a lot and thanked him.

    Another dream had me win a contest to get invited to take part in a huge stage production.
    But somehow, I was too late and witnessed, how another girl (I was around 20 maybe..) got dressed and made up for the show.
    I hurried up and arrived there with a friend - and we talked the guy, with whom the plans had been made in the first place, into taking in both of us. Which was nice.
    But there was some animated argumentation involved - and this other girl was almost in tears upon seeing me arrive.
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    lucid , non-lucid


    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on the ld Steph! Fantastic dream incubation and really interesting gift! Can't wait to read what you'll get next time!
      StephL likes this.