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    Guns, Cigarettes, Pools and a Concert

    by , 01-18-2011 at 06:50 PM (397 Views)
    I was with some girl who made special kinds of cigarettes and I was getting them for me and the boyfriend. I eventually bought some from her that were some kind of vanilla or something. Then I got my aunt to try some. We went to some kind of water park. It was like a safari themed, only it wasn't safari looking, it was gloomy and there were a bunch of hills. There was one big pool that everyone was in, but this girl told me there were others that you had to solve puzzles to get to. So we head out towards another one in my car and we're driving down this road. As I'm driving I notice I'm driving over a bunch of crazy looking machine guns and they're going off as I run over them. I decide to slow down and stop, I wanted to pick one up, but then I notice some headlights behind me before I get out. They saw me stop and I saw some light come on in their vehicle, kind of like a cop's search light, so I decide to keep going. We get to some little room with a little pool inside and we're supposed to get three kinds of candy matched in order to swim. But all we kept getting was candy canes. It was like a video game, cause there were little hovering question marks that we had to run into to get candy. We gave up and decided to go back to the main pool.

    Another point, I was hanging out with my ex boyfriends friends, they were girls. One of them seemed a little depressed and I guess she liked to practice magic, but my ex was being sort of mean to her, so I told her she could come hang out with me.

    Then I was with my aunt and uncle again, my uncle said he was going to some concert later and I really really wanted to go cause they were playing Tool and System of a Down. I couldn't go though.

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    Tags: nonlucid
