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    Maynard againn

    by , 08-07-2011 at 06:28 PM (669 Views)
    I was sitting around with some friends, the place was strange, reminded me of a huge boardgame but we were all sitting around and talking. I barely remember the conversation, except that at the time it seemed fairly real. It's not very often I can just carry on a conversation in a dream and some of it make sense. Although, I don't remember what was said, I know I said something about how I feel when I listen to music. Then a couple of dream scenes later, I'm standing next to this radio and a new Puscifer song comes on, I assumed it was new, I had never heard it. It sounded pretty crazy, but I got into it and started to dance. That's when Maynard showed up, he saw me dancing and smiled at me. Then he came up to me and started doing this weird grind move on my leg. I joked about it later with him, something about not expecting him to come up and hump my leg.

    Gahh, I know I have a slight obsession with Maynard, though, I'd prefer to use the word "fascination." I'm not screaming to fuck him or anything, I just would probably have a heart attack if I could just smoke a joint with this man. Anyway, I don't understand why he's been appearing in my dreams lately, not that I'm complaining, it's just I haven't really been listening to much of anything MJK lately. It's strange how our subconscious brings these images up, if only I had done a mantra last night. Oh well. I'm a happy dreamer lately.

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