Weeds and 911
, 09-06-2011 at 01:05 PM (558 Views)
non-lucid - Notes - lucid
06-09-11 Weeds/911 mix up. There has been a plane crash out in a field, though the Boing that has crashed seems fit for take off and I think there may still be people in it.
There is a smaller jet headed for the Boing, which will destroy it. I see this twice.
The Second time around Andy tells Doug to get in the plane and take off in order to save lives. I take on the perspective of Doug and walk into the cockpit. I start taking off, which is slightly difficult as the road is blocked a bit down the road, but luckily the plane doesn't need much run way to take off and I, Doug, am capable of pulling it up at a fairly steep angle.
A bit up in the air I have a near collision with another Boing, but manage to avoid it barely. I even wonder how I missed with the wings and all.
Doug is flying around some strange buildings trying to avoid the mid air passageways between towers. Quite the achievement.
I am in a team race of sorts in a pyramid.
I am teamed up with my dad and the way the race works is that you have to undergo a series of challenges depending on what colour trail you draw. Each trail consists of 5 sub challenges.
I draw red (Fire), which is a difficult one. We have to go through a small rectangular hole that seems filled with urine in order to get to our drawn trail.
The first step of my challenge involve guiding a metal golem down a ramp through some boulders that keeps running across this in order to trip it. It reminds me of the classical game where you have to adjust the floor in order to guide a metal ball through a maze of traps, except that it is with a golem and there is a sea of lava at the bottom.
I manage to get the golem through but I am having second thoughts about jumping into the lava, so I ask the surroundings if it is safe to do so, to which I get the response that it is perfectly safe.
I jump into the lava and there is a similar configuration of boulders cutting across our path towards the goal.
I realise that I am dreaming and I pick up the golem, now transformed into a small marble sized metallic ball, still with the same dark metal grey and ruby colourings, telekinetic, as it will be easier to transport.
I dodge the balls and “fly” through the lava on the right hand side of the ditch thereby avoiding the angry red heads of Søren Pilmark (Danish actor) coming out of the left hand side on sticks.
I reach a rope that I pull that immediately starts taking my dad (who has now reappeared) up of the lava trench.
We exit through a well where I rise singing “lucid dreaming”, to a tune I have now forgotten, over and over again.
Steffen from my primary school class is there and he explains that he only managed 4 challenges and concedes that lucid dreaming have probably given my team the edge. (At this point my lucidity is rapidly declining, and I have no access to memory of tasks I wanted to carry out).
Fragments: At a garden party with the entire Weeds crew and a few more.
Silas is in a plane that has crashed and is getting filled with water he is trying to get people out of the plane through a tunnel into the house.
There is a “future” vision of him being pulled up the tunnel screaming because his girlfriend is still in the plane.
skip back
We are going through the procedure of evacuating people, there now seems to be more than initially expected. Besides there being more people they seem utterly oblivious to the danger they are in.
I take on Silas' perspective and start running to get people to the tunnel one by one. Some of them just don't get it, but seem more interested in the fruit buffet that is in a room in the back. So I grab some people and start crushing fruit against their heads and making them look out the window so they can see the plane is sinking.
I am in the garden jumping from tree to tree rather agile, like a monkey.
Andy has bought a new boat that gets placed on the law. There is a woman in it, but Doug arrives and figures out that Andy is going to Thailand and after a moments consideration Andy kicks out the woman who seems a bit disappointed, but tries to tackle the situation by putting on a smile and explaining that she isn't mad. Sounds almost like she is trying to convince herself that she thinks it OK.