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    i saved the day

    by , 09-16-2012 at 02:46 PM (236 Views)
    the first half of the dream i was in Damien's house with my family and we were all getting ready and showered up to go somewhere. the house was crowded and i slept in like some sort of weird bath that was really warm and comfortable. someone was draining it though cuz they wanted me to wake up

    When my family and i got the fair i split from them and met mat jajeh his brother mark and some other friends all sitting play C0D 3 on a fancy project screen. it was pretty cool but i evnetually lost intrest and left.

    there were a ton of people at the fair and it was a very open venue. i walked through the crowd until i approached large propane tanks with small gates set up around them. people were freaking out saying that it was a bomb. I was terrified but decided to run in the middle of the venue and telll everyone to get on there knees and huddle in cluss on the ground and take cover. there waas no trees to hide behind so we could use eachother as shields from the blast.

    we soon got distracted all huddled in and we started playing games like duck duck goose, and some game involving peaches were everyone falls down in th end. meanwhile some crazy doctor who was held up in a hospital, was known to be the man responsible for this. he sent an assistant out periodicaly to let us know that he hadn't changedd his mind and that the bomb was going to blow up soon. Finally i got sick off his bullshit and i ran into the hospital and easily pushed my way past the fat security guard and back outside. i told the group to follow me! they all came towards my voice and hopped a small fence to safety.

    We then took off into the wilderness trying to avoid being spotted. I saw my dad towing a large boat up a hill and figured we could hide in the boat as he towed it. well we tried to hop in i think, but it just didnt work.

    i kinda get fuzzy memory now . somehow i ended up talking to cody brown debating who was the bet for the election. we decided it did not matter. also i vividly remember going through one of my grandmother's drawers looking for some user name or password log in name.

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