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    rocky struggles

    by , 05-22-2014 at 04:36 PM (301 Views)
    a bunch of people were out from smif when Joel told me he had never submitted my application. i got really upset and told him i was really offended as i had expected he had turned in my resume. i assumed they had viewed it. then i wheeled on him at the dinner table and people got madd at me for disrupting the dinner. afterwords i tried to submit my application at tthe dinner table

    next part i was on like an island or some place with a bunch of guys. we all were apparently enlisting into the military. we were trying to pass the basic training. i cant remember exactly how it went but at one point we were all looking through the scope of a sniper zooming in on people. we all passed the recruitment and got backpacks from the army afterword.

    i remember being out floating on a lank, but the land had really strong currents and sucked me away to the other side of the canyon. i was trying to reach mellisa who was on the other side. she floated over to me real quick and we layed on the sand next to eachother. i loved that. she showed me through her bonaculars this huge cavana type thing that these dudues were sitting under. she fired a warning shot at them so they would leave her property..

    later i got searched by some guy who was related to mellisa. he hand cuffed me and searched my really thourugly some of the spots tickled. they let me out afterword and they were all like oh wow his luagh sounds just like sos an so.

    then after Matt jajeh and i were hanging ou[t and a lmo pulls up for the prom..jaq warner and her sister jen get in. the limo had very little space so i was actually really close to jaq. then i saw jaq had a presnt which she thanked me for, then iwas like wtf i didnt get you a present. but then i riead this card which had like a farewell letter to it...it was talkinga bout how i was going to relapse and was basically a suicide note but instead of suicide it was a relapse note. i wrote this on jaquelines gift bag.

    later we were all at a roaller coaster ride and the guy strapped me in really weirdly so that my head facing the the wrong direction as if i was strapped on a torture board. it was a really funny ride, then after the ride there was a video game portion where u had to skateboard off and up the rapm, i couldnt get enough speeed though and i lost the rrace.

    afterwrod jackie warner took us on this trippy psychedlic ride that went through all this weird aciidy shit like bat caves that glowed and weird rocky strucgures

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