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    Thread: FryingMan's DILD course workbook

    1. #351
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      'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
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      Congrats on #37 FM!! Your count is progressing quite nicely! I will send you a PM also.

    2. #352
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      FryingMan - I hope I do not intrude on you overly much, when I ask you, if you tried "helping yourself" in WBTB, maybe even twice?
      You could go about having a non-sexual, wonderful adventure dream and actually get to do something else, and experiment.
      I always feel you regret getting tangled up so soon.
      Once you are ready for eventually waking up - you can still run after women with cuddly, weird dogs in your arms, and try to look adorable!

    3. #353
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      All questions/suggestions are welcome, no need to be too "dainty" . Sure, "releasing tension" is sometimes on the menu in WBTB, for one thing, to quell the stimulating daydreams that can keep one too awake. Twice? . Experimenting with and without is something else to try. Oh yes I do regret it, always, because for me it always leads to waking in seconds, without fail. I need to fix that, but first I just need to maintain LDs for a long time, that's my primary goal right now.
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
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    4. #354
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      'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
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      Too funny! I think everyone reacts differently to sex before a big LD, whether it involves more than one person or not!

      We have probably discussed similar ideas before but it might be helpful to review Steph's breakthrough and my recent breakthrough (though my LD length has been fine, I recently discovered that I can often extend them). Here are a few short posts:

      My post:

      Steph's experience:
      (also more in her workbook!)
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    5. #355
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      Near LD this morning after being awake for 26 hours, in a new top-3 all-time best non-lucid sex dream. Now begins the dreaded jet lag adjustment. I seem to be waking naturally around 5 hours now which I'm happy with because it gives me a shot at WILD and practicing a lot of relaxation and experimenting with SSILD.
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
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    6. #356
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      LD #39


      + LONGEST LD YET: 10-15 minutes lucid within a dreaming session running probably 30 minutes or more, late morning / last REM of the day. FINALLY. Yay, I can have long LDs, even near waking!

      + Nose pinch was ambiguous, so I had to do it a few times. I was half-lying on my stomach (unusual position for me but it's turning in a great LDing position, usually only late morning once both hips are too sore from side-sleeping) with face "down" with right side of face against/off of the left edge of the pillow, and breathing may have been a bit harder in this position, also with remee on and it pinches my nose a bit making easy breathing a small bit harder.

      + lucid lightsaber! Defending myself against an approaching hoard of animated orange glowing jack-o-lanterns. I "wished" for a blue one. Turned it on, unfortunately no realistic sound, and very weak/transparent beam. But I did wave it back and forth across some annoying small being following me, felt a bit bad about that .

      + First time I don't remember every single detail of a LD. It was quite low awareness, almost no memory, the only goal/waking thing I remembered was the light saber and the car hyperdrive button, and only because I was put into a fighting situation. Well I had enough awareness to know that I could walk through a glass door, and I did. "There is no door," and headed right through, worked like a charm! But then the jack-o-lanterns attacked .

      + funny summon fail. Attempting to summon a beautiful blonde HG to a stool at an outdoor bar/restaurant at the counter, and instead saw 2 basketball-sized stuffed toys appear on the counter

      I had some help getting lucid: I was the passenger in a car, and the driver drove right through a solid wall/fence. Seeing the fence approaching, I thought "OMG he's going to drive through!" We do go through I see the section of wall break away and we go through, I woop and cackle a bit crazily, and think this is crazy & dreamlike, and I do nose pinch, and I can breath a bit, pay it more attention, then decide I'm dreaming.

      Then I hit the hyperdrive button in the car, as planned . Waited a bit, then "turned it off" to see where we ended up. Just noticed some bright/glowing blue and red things, nothing space-like.

      Spent the rest of the time hunting for HGs and kissing a bunch of girls/ladies, none very satisfying or erotically exciting, but perhaps that helped keep my level of excitement down and in the dream longer. Some ran away, one was critical of my technique (she had a strangely protruding jaw/lower lip, went in for a 2nd kiss but after that moved on, wasn't to my taste).

      Woohoo I can kiss the ladies and stay in the dream!

      BTW I was very polite. After each kiss, while taking my leave and moving on, even when I found them unattractive or their looks morphed afterwards, I said "thank you."
      Last edited by FryingMan; 05-23-2014 at 08:21 AM.
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    7. #357
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      Love it! Congrats FryingMan!! And so soon after a long jet lag inducing flight!!
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    8. #358
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      Long night again, lots of wakings, dreams, not continuous but each scene remembered fairly well, really tired at bed time, need to WBTB properly. Kept dozing well into morning and would wake with "oh, another dream...." and would recall it. I didn't record until morning but every waking I quickly ran through the growing list of dreams to keep it fresh, it seems to have mostly worked.
      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    9. #359
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      Huge Congratulation!
      I can't find a mention of the script in here - but since you posted this over at my workbook:

      Quote Originally Posted by FryingMan View Post
      I've read through this (hypnosis script) a few times at bedtime myself, and I like it, but I find that my reading distracts from the visualization and the relaxing a little bit, especially doing down the elevator. So I'll try voice recording it and see how it goes.
      Could you please tell me roughly when, and how many times you did that, and was it aloud and from a printout?
      I nurse my confirmation bias here of course - but could it be, you are blessed with a gorgeous lucidity rate and quality again since only lately?
      Would be really interesting for me - even if you don't see a connection - even if there is none!
      Thank you!

      And I agree - the visualization could be better, when only listening, but the text is designed to be read aloud ("I allow the sound of my own voice ..").

    10. #360
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      Thanks, StephL! Hmm well I think it was 2-3 times, definitely at least twice, about 2 weeks ago. I was reading from a tablet device. I intend to keep doing it, I may record and listen at bedtime just so that I can listen without disturbing everybody.

      As for why the uptick again in LDs, well, I've been really good with the day work, but the night work had slacked off a bit. I was on a long business trip, which meant my sleep was disrupted a lot due to long (12 hours difference) jet lag. I've done some more WILD attempts, never made it in though, but had DILDs afterwards sometimes. I'm starting to notice a certain "feeling" that is hard to describe, a sort of different state where I just *know* that if I can fall asleep, I will have a lucid dream. And more often than not this proves to be true.

      So I've had a feeling for the last month or so that if my night work/sleeping would only catch up with my sense of increased awareness I'd start having LDs left and right. I hope so!

      And perhaps the self-hypnosis helped as well. I'll keep it in the mix!

      Oh and I'm sleeping with remee most nights now. Nothing definitive but at the very least it provides a gentle waking at 4.5-5 hours leaving me in a great state for DEILD or a WILD attempt.
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
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    11. #361
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      Not sure whether to celebrate or smack my head against the wall.

      I had a number of fairly aware dreams last night, but didn't get lucid.

      In one, I'm pretty sure I did a nose pinch, said "I'm dreaming", maybe even looked at my hands, but didn't get lucid. Or, I got lucid but lost it immediately (didn't feel lucid though). Two DC guys heard me say "I'm dreaming" and asked me if I could fly in my dreams, I said "yes!, watch this!" and jumped up about 20 feet in the air and hovered there for a while.

      It's a great reminder to do RCs *mindfully*, always. I may have been slipping in that regard a bit.

      Fell asleep fast last night, probably still working on a deficit of sleep.
      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    12. #362
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      Dangit, bad night, I knew I dreamt, but only came out with one short fragment. I hate nights like that. Still a bit sick.

      Bought some mugwort tincture, will see what affect it has tonight.

      I'm doing that Zipplord47 (74?) self-hypnosis experiment thing, he calls for 21 days in a row of this "prep" track that sets the stage to "change your life with the power of self-hypnosis," I'm really starting to like that track, will see how it goes.

      Day work generally still quite strong, but night work lacking. Maybe still too tired / sick.

      I'm wearing remee still almost every night most of the way through to morning. It's hotter and less comfortable than my regular sleep mask but I generally can sleep through to 5/6 hours with it on OK. I've turned brightness up to 70% brightness and set it to go off every 15 minutes after 5 hours and I'm still not seeing lights in my dreams. Guess it's time to try 100% brightness, and perhaps every 10 minutes after 4.5 hours. I do see the lights when I'm already awake, but I never seem to see them immediately at the end of a dream (indicating that they woke me up), or in a dream.

      I had one dream with a monochrome orange-ish colored video game, and one dream where I saw candles, so those perhaps were remee-induced lighting effects.

      Geez, I hope lighting signals work at all for me -- still looking forwards to the novadreamer2. I still have a number of different remee signal patterns to try, I'm still with the original default ones.
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    13. #363
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      This may be a long shot but since false awakenings can be so convincing at times, have you thought about making sure that you do a motionless RC each time you think you are seeing the lights awake?

    14. #364
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      It's a good point and I'll work on increased vigilance for any remee-notifications. Just today I felt "awake" when I saw the lights and noted the color seemed clear/white rather than red, which I rationalized via thinking the mask had slipped a bit out of position, a missed opportunity perhaps. I also at another time did an RC in response to the lights and it indicated awake.
      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    15. #365
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      Trying to get back to early morning wakings to recall and get in a WBTB. Got some early morning recall today @ 4.5 hours, and I summoned the will to record. Some fairly nice dreams including a room painted entirely bright electric blue, it was purty. And I kissed a dog (the 4-legged variety as opposed to the 2-legged). Haha!

      Unfortunately it took a long time getting back to sleep, and later morning dreams were poorly recalled. Snipers, basketball, some conflict.

      To-bed times are all over the map, I really want to get them regular but family life situation prevents it. I have a flexible work schedule so I'm thinking of living half the week during the summer out at "my lucid hideout" outside the city, I may do that because I hate nights like last night.

      I want to be able to combine WBTB with good sleep!
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
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    16. #366
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      Getting kind of pissed off (again). Going on 3 weeks (AGAIN) since last lucid. These near-month breaks in between a handful of lucid dreams are such bummers. Progress feel like it's at a snail's pace, if that. I guess my last LD being my longest yet (despite low lucidity) is something to be happy about. I don't feel any sort of frequency boost despite all my day work.

      Dream recall is holding at OK levels but not great, for me at least. Crap night last night, found the will to recall and record some 4.5 hr dreams, but then loooooong back to sleep, mostly bad fitful sleep afterwards, noisy snoring wife (despite earplugs), got too cold, etc. That has sort of colored my mood for the day, I guess.

      Wah wah wah, poor me. There, that should get the whining off of my chest for a while.
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
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    17. #367
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      You got this FM! Maybe it is one of those times where it helps to let up on the throttle a little. Either way, I bet you'll have another LD soon.

    18. #368
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      Well at least my dreaming is holding steady, this was a pretty good sequence with a near-epic finale:

      00:00 Friday 2014-06-13 saved a no-recall night with a nap, near-epic alien invasion adventure - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    19. #369
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      'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
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      Quote Originally Posted by FryingMan View Post
      Well at least my dreaming is holding steady, this was a pretty good sequence with a near-epic finale:

      00:00 Friday 2014-06-13 saved a no-recall night with a nap, near-epic alien invasion adventure - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views
      Just read the DJ and I recommend it to anyone seeing this post...especially the alien invasion dream at the end. FryingMan's link above.
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    20. #370
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      Another nice dreaming night, long dreams, memory a bit fragmented though. Watched "Insidious" last night. I'm not a fan of horror movies or being scared, but I need to do *something* to break out of this dry spell, and nightmares seem to very reliably make me lucid, and I almost never have them now (a good think I suppose for LD training in general).

      I'm heading out of the city today to my lucid hideout for 3 nights, hopefully the location change will bring on some lucidity!
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    21. #371
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      Last 3 nights:

      3 nights and 2 nights ago: some dreams, recall not like I wanted. Drank some during the evening (2-3 shots vodka, 0.5l beer). Alcohol probably affected the dreaming.

      last night: didn't drink, set strong intention to wake and recall, and I spent a very wakeful night (in and out of sleep), but tons of recall. Nothing very long, but it included a false lucid (possibly real but don't think so) that included some flying and turning into (finishing with) a false OBE return to body (first ever, probably residue from Insidious). Used MILD, SSILD, maybe a bit of trying WILD, but I always got back to sleep (yay). Didn't record at every waking, many times felt no initial recall but it came when I asked "what was I just dreaming about?" Didn't feel rested until my final waking at about 10 hours. Recorded at only 2 middle of the night moments, felt like I did more, but probably because I woke 5-6 times at least it seemed.

      Several twilight zone moments (HUGE hair woman [6 feet diameter mushroom shaped hairdo], moving faster than possible in life) that I missed, in the dream I thought these were strange but didn't RC, darn.

      About 16 scenes recalled, some just a moment, some longer than just a moment (30 seconds to a minute in some cases). Will write up later today + previous 2 nights also.

      Oh, and importantly: last 2 nights I did not wear remee. I think my "nuclear" option (going off every 5 minutes) just gives me bad sleep, will have to adjust that down, but makes "hitting" much harder. Probably only nap settings makes sense (in agreement with ~Dreamer~ there).

      Here's the DJ entry for last night's epic long (# of scenes) dreaming:


      One of the most interesting moments:

      I find myself back on the deck where I flew from, my dad and a big group of people are all standing around my body, I realize I must have OBE'd when I flew off the deck, so I "fly" around the people and swoop/plunge back into my body and then once back in my body I sit up and say "here I am!"
      Last edited by FryingMan; 06-17-2014 at 05:56 PM.
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    22. #372
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      'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.'
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      so I "fly" around the people and swoop/plunge back into my body and then once back in my body I sit up and say "here I am!"
      Love it! hahaha! Congrats on a great recall night!! That bodes well for some lucids to come!!

    23. #373
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      Woke this morning from some very aware vivid dreams. Unfortunately couldn't get back to sleep after recording (got soooooo close, including some dreamlets) due to bed partner snoring. Man I'm missing some really great late morning dreams cuz of that I think.

      Love it! hahaha! Congrats on a great recall night!! That bodes well for some lucids to come!!
      Hope so. My final dream sequence of the day was close, lots of WL memories and people. I have to convince myself that I like waking up that much, even if I don't like it, because the recall from all those wakings is amazing.

      edit: here's the DJ

      I'd forgotten already the first earlier morning dream, my voice notes were almost inaudible but enough to bring back a few fragments of memory of driving through tree-lined streets and entering a restaurant. The big dream was all one sequence with different scenes, quite mundane and life-like situations but those generally signal lucidity is close. The dream was very satisfying because I felt like me in it, I was thinking about things. Finished up with a sort of strange DO of two gay men on a date.
      Last edited by FryingMan; 06-18-2014 at 11:34 AM.
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      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    24. #374
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      I've decided to stop counting my LDs (but I just woke from #41 and #42, on the fumes of galantamine, heh, but who's counting ).

      I'm focusing now on vigilance / mindfulness & self-awareness, Ctharlie's mindfulness thread has some really good stuff on it that clicks with me and what I'm doing (Memm has some great posts there, too).

      Took 8mg galantamine and 300mg alpha-gpc at 4hrs last night, and (surprise, boo!) couldn't sleep. Even took 1mg melatonin with the G, then 2mg more melatonin an hour later. No sleep, not even close. Got up and chatted on skype with Sensei, read some DV, then 1.5 hours later was feeling sleepy so I went back to bed, took some time to sleep because I was getting LOTS of dreamlets/HI. Made it to sleep and YEE HAW I had a LD (sequence?) that must have been on the fumes of the G.

      • I teleported (failed, went to the void, but still was awesome 1/2 of a teleport)
      • I *really* flew for quite a while over a city scape (for some reason I got stuck turning left, and even thought while flying how I should consult with people on DV about how to fix that) (that's how I got out of the void, by the way, by just taking a running superman-style leap, putting my "arms" out in front of me, and then the scenery appeared below me!)
      • I "woke" from an FA in a fake house that I thought was mine (fake memory) so much that I just couldn't believe I was dreaming, even though nose pinch showed I was every time.
      • got close to lucid sex, well actually I did start but lost the dream right at the good part
      • transformed a DC right in front of me (cleared up the bad facial acne of my DC girl in the line above....I willed it away and POOF it just faded leaving clear skin! Wow!)

      Before the awesome dream I had a short LD where I don't remember much except that I was slowly spinning in a circle to stabilize, and started rubbing my hands, and "woke up in bed" rubbing my hands, convinced I was awake. It may have been a FA, I thought I did a motionless RC but maybe I didn't. Given the absolutely convincing fake memory and vividness of the long LD, it very well could have been a FA. The "fakeout" dreams that galantamine gives can be really strong.

      I have finally experienced what the lucids under galantamine can be like....and WOW! Now all I need to do is get back to sleep within about 2 hours of taking it and IT'S PARTY TIME!
      lucidmats likes this.
      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    25. #375
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      This is great! I am so happy for you FryingMan!! That was some significant progress! I will check out that thread.
      FryingMan likes this.

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