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    Thread: Lucid Living With Sensei

    1. #26
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      Quote Originally Posted by Bharmo View Post
      Sensei, I'm getting a "File doesn't exist" there
      Fixed. thanks for listening to my DJ.

    2. #27
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      Quote Originally Posted by Sensei View Post
      Tomorrow is gonna start a lot of dream control in a row. I think that it is an interesting subject.
      Glad to see Dream control starting up in the series, I swear that I thought it was the main idea of this, (look at my post), then after you didn't mention it, I went back and read stuff again, and I didn't see any mention of it, and I felt a bit like an idiot, since that is what I thought it was all about. I began to think I had dreamed the dream control part, or all that Melatonin made me hallucinate it

      In my first recent lucid dream I had elements of stabilization (If only I bothered with it more often, DOH! I always seem to forget) and elements of control, I never even moved in the dream from the moment I became lucid, I mean not one step, I just went all 'Stand yer ground' and both hands up tried to control the world around me.

      In my next good lucid dream I was a total bad ass, I engaged the G'Dm Dream Police (crimes against dreamanity my ass) and won the fight, I went thru the void, I flew, I cloned people, I healed from bullet wounds, I instinctively shrunk myself upon landing and discovering all those HUNDREDS of people I summed from 150 feet in the air were only 3 feet tall, I changed blurry to clear, I changed dark into light.

      I just need to learn to always stabilize and I should be fine. I don't always remember what to do when the lucid dream begins, but I have awesome dream problem solving skills, and find ways around problems that come up.

      As you mention being relaxed seems to be the main thing for trigger. I have plenty of time to devote to sleep
      (tho I don't always get that much in my many hours in bed), but it is on weekends when I don't go to work the next day that my odds increase at least 12 fold.

      When I am awake I think about what I could have done, and think of new things to try to do so that I have hundreds of ideas, I think of problems even in non-lucids and think of goals, and If I had failures I think of work-a-rounds. In one dream I couldn't seem to fly, so I thought I need a cliff, bingo instant cliff, I dove off without a thought, several seconds latter I hit the bottom, then looked up. Ok so I'm in an empty endless Canyon nearly 100 feet tall and I can't fly, took me all of 2 seconds to figure a way out. When it worked a bit too well and was going to have consequences to the dream scape (that became immediately apparent) took me all of 2 more seconds to alter the method and avoid the scape shattering consequences. By thinking about non-lucid dreams and constantly thinking what would I have done, what should I have done, what could I have done. I don't have to waste lucid time being stuck.

      I think I could go months without a dream and not Give Up, I have tasted the power of a dream god. And even non-lucid dreams teach me what is possible

      If I can just DEILD I will soon be unstoppable (I almost always wake up after every dream, and I know I am waking up (tho sometimes at first I think I'm just falling asleep, I quickly realize I'm falling awake))
      Last edited by cooleymd; 12-05-2014 at 05:06 AM.
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    3. #28
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      It is ok, I was wondering what you were talking about a little. If you have any dream control questions make sure to ask them! I want to be able to work them in while I am going through this series.

      Just because you can go without, doesn't mean that you should! Remember that there will come a day that you don't want to lucid dream. Remember today, and think about where you will be in 5 years. You will be competing with me.

      The biggest difference between people that LD a lot and those that LD a little is that they keep trying. That is the spirit of Team Gurren! Just who the hell do you think I am?!

    4. #29
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      I'm a big fan of these podcasts! More people need to check these out. We can just sit back and listen to the musings of someone that is lucid dreaming at the next (or next next next) level. Thank you for sharing your time with all of us. I think it is great that you are keeping them around 15 minutes but I would suggest that you shouldn't feel obligated to re-record if you go a little over and you are otherwise happy with the result...unless it is no bother at all to re-record or you enjoy going back over your thoughts. Basically I personally don't mind if it goes a little longer and appreciate the time you are taking to share. It flows quite well with very few pauses and it seems like you are a natural speaker, off the cuff.
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    5. #30
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      Day 5! Universe Control!

      Universe Control

      Today is my first day on control. It is what I call "Universe Control" I am going to stray away from expectation and schema and lean more towards super fun things that you can do in a dream.

      I haven't done my DJ yet for the day. I got super sick and slept off and on all night. It was not a great time, I will still put my dreams on here, just when I get home from work tonight, which might be close to midnight.

      If you have any specific questions on control, please ask them so that I can answer them as I get to the appropriate dream control.

      Dream Journal 5!
      Last edited by Sensei; 12-06-2014 at 08:48 PM.
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    6. #31
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      Still could not totally catch up but I've listened to most of them and I'm loving this!!
      On the dream count subject, well, we always say everyone is different etc etc but I liked listing to the different "stages" based on dream count, I think it might provide a good general guideline.
      I was happy to see how clear you were on something that is not usually discussed: how we are told about the many things that can be done in LDs (travel to distant worlds, practice waking life skills, solve problems, etc etc) but not how difficult is (and how long is going to take) to get to the point where you can actually do what you really wanted.
      What about yourself? Have you been able to do the long-term goals you thought about when you first heard about LDing? How have your long-term goals changed as you got more experience and realized what can be done in LDs? Any other thoughts on that matter? Thanks!

    7. #32
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      Dream Journal 5 is up!

      Sorry about the day delay on it.

      Here is today's stuff!
      Dream Journal 6! Interrupted sleep, but still lucidish.
      Good times. Hope you enjoy!

      Bypassing Failures/mainly walk control

      Not much to do with the DJ or anything, but one of the most dream sounding songs I know:

      , don't know how I missed your comment before.
      thanks, I shall make sure not to worry about it too much and just give myself about 15 minutes. I don't want to lose my audience. Glad you seem to be enjoying these.

      Hex yeah, I shall talk about that tomorrow and answer your questions! Been waiting for a question. Thanks for the feedback.
      Last edited by Sensei; 12-09-2014 at 04:40 AM.
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    8. #33
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      Control vs Chaos

      Having technical difficulties. I don't have time to do a DJ today, but I will recap tomorrow. Here is the day 6, answer to Bharmo:
      Day 7! Control!!!
      Dream journal 7 - Zombie Holocaust (warning, a little disturbing and violent)
      Last edited by Sensei; 12-10-2014 at 08:57 PM.
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    9. #34
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      Thanks, Sensei!
      Downloading day 7...
      Last edited by Bharmo; 12-08-2014 at 01:54 PM.
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    10. #35
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      More great stuff! I have to go back and see if I missed any of these podcasts so far.
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    11. #36
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      Nice one, it's good to hear of your ambitions.
      It's interesting that you find it strange why so many of us choose to let our persistent realm continue when we're not there. Ideally we wouldn't but in the mindset of reaching a fulfilling level of persistence we must also have a sufficient level of coherence. The world will change, regardless of how good you are. Believing that the world will remain identical is possibly more detrimental than believing some time is passing, because at least then there is some reason behind change if it occurs.

      Not to mention that the same change can also be the stimulant behind many adventures. It's like the essence of why you would choose to use passive dream control but applied to persistent realms.
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    12. #37
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      Very nice series so far Sensei! Really enjoying it.

      I was wondering what your thoughts are on Meditation. I have done some in the past and I am now picking it up again. How do you feel meditation affects your LDing? Not in general, but more in like a personal way. Since I heard you talking about it a little, I was wondering about your experiences in this.

      I'm not sure if you wanted to answer questions in these series as well, so by any means, just ignore the question if you want to.
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      Lucid Dream Goal:
      A perfect week!

      One week with at least 1 Lucid Dream in every night.

    13. #38
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      Bharmo! Tell me what you think when you listen.

      Fogelbise! Thanks.

      Dutch. That is interesting. I guess that my desire for it to be like the best video game of all time is what gets me. I'll have to think on this. I have heard something similar before, but this had much better wording. Seems more thought provoking!

      Mrpriority! Yay! I shall do the next one on that. I can blend it into control. :3 thanks for the question.

      Everyone! Thanks for listening. I will be putting up yesterday's dj today and I don't have anything for today yet. :/ I had worked ahead, but accidentally deleted file. So today is just gonna be blank since I have no time to record. I had 3 lucid dreams this morning as well as a TOTM. I shall not post there until the audio is up so you don't read it and then listen. Don't want you to get too much Sensei.

    14. #39
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      Hey Sensei! I loved it, really. Can't wait to get to the point where I can have those kind of goals
      Also enjoyed the series on dream control and the different "types" of control you use, very instructive!!
      Keep up the good work!
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    15. #40
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      Yesterday and Today DJ. No full Audio today.

      Sweet. Glad you are happy Bharmo.

      I got a little ride in last night and tonight. Got yesterday and today's dj done. Still wav files. As I say in one of them, I thought that I would have 4 more hours on the comp, but my wife got home. For you hard core followers, you can have it now, mp3 only peeps are gonna have to wait. Maybe tomorrow, but maybe the day after. Dunno when I will be on comp.
      Seeing if this works for Wav files. Try this first, if it fails, then go down to the other ones.

      Dream Journal 8 - Dodge, dip, duck, dive, dodge

      Last edited by Sensei; 12-10-2014 at 08:57 PM.
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    16. #41
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      I've really enjoyed listening to all of these as well as your other recordings, Sensei. As a noob who hasn't had much actual experience lucid dreaming, they're very inspiring and I am always excited to have a new one to listen to.

      Also, here is a link to a free, online audio converter that I've used a several times before and works pretty well. Hopefully you can get some use out of it.
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    17. #42
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      Thank you kookie! Remember that I am only a couple years ahead of you and in ten years... when we are all masters, we will each be enjoying anything that we want in dreams every night. all of the other online only ones were not working, but they all seemed a little outdated. Dunno why.

      All links are fixed!!!
      Last edited by Sensei; 12-09-2014 at 05:22 AM.
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    18. #43
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      Really good. Enjoyed the dream count episode, helpful for motivation!
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      My aspirations for dreaming:

      May I always use the dream state to develop positive, virtuous qualities that will bring benefit to all beings!

      May I always recognize the dream state and use it to develop wisdom, love, and compassion!

    19. #44
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      Day 9


      Website isn't working. I swear computers hate me. >_> WAV Files for now

      Day 9, Meditiation and Meditation Control

      Dream Journal 9 - Knope

      Not much here due to the lack of sleep and dreams. haha. Going to bed a a reasonable time tonight to get the lucid juices flowing.

      If anyone has questions, I shall answer. If not, I am probably gonna do a quickie on stabilization tomorrow and some of the lies that we are told about it. As well as some intriguing stablization techniques and ideas that you might not have heard before.
      Last edited by Sensei; 12-10-2014 at 08:58 PM.
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    20. #45
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      Looking forward to it! I can always use some stabilization inspiration! I will try to think of some good questions after the stabilization day. I enjoy listening before bed.

    21. #46
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      OK, ok, I'll give 'em a shot. Maybe the "listen before bed" thing will work for me (I'm not a fan of audio or video for learning, I prefer reading text where you can quickly scan to the most interesting/relevant parts).
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    22. #47
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      I'm getting a link error on the Day 9 file.
      Dream Journal 9 downloaded all right.
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    23. #48
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      Ok listened to the first 3 when having dinner. Nice stuff.

      LOL @ "chasing booty" syndrome for early LDs. For some of us it never wears off.

      Waking up while chasing booty: yup, persistent for more than 50 LDs, so I guess "I have a problem." Thinking about imaginative solutions like "stay in the dream pixie dust" or some other thing. Or, just forcing myself to get fully dream-engaged at high awareness before booty-bopping.

      Haha, listening to LD count, just when does it get better? 50? nope. 100? nope. 500? nope….AAAAAAAUUUGH!
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      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    24. #49
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      Quote Originally Posted by Bharmo View Post
      I'm getting a link error on the Day 9 file.
      @Bharmo, I got it on the third try. I had to actually visit the page and click on the download button whereas I normally just (right click, actually touch and hold on touchscreen) on the link from this thread and click save from my phone and it would start downloading.

    25. #50
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      Oh it also took a few tries for me before I could listen to it.

      Nice work so far Sensei! I'm really enjoying your take on things. Even if I don't always agree You are very inspiring
      Lucid Dream Goal:
      A perfect week!

      One week with at least 1 Lucid Dream in every night.

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