Sorry the title is so cheesy but I really liked a title like that and couldn't make it any less cheesy.

Mirrormask is a movie about lucid dreaming. Kind of the same idea as Inception, but they play out in totally different ways. Mirrormask is much more fantasy-like and surreal, and is about a young girl (almost like Pan's Labyrinth but the girl is older).
I watched it a long time ago and loved it but never managed to find a copy of the DVD again. Anyone got any ideas?

I'm sure most of you have actually heard of this movie. But if you haven't, I have to recommend it. I like Inception, too, but Mirrormask is a different flavor. I'm not sure which one I like more. Maybe Inception by just a little (perhaps because I'm older now... and Marion Cotillard) I have to admit Inception has the better story.. but here are some links to info on Mirrormask.

MirrorMask (2005) - IMDb
MirrorMask - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia