Say you were walking along one day minding your own business when the current sole god appears before you, and offers to grant you its current position and power, namely omnipotence (save for causing anything paradoxical) and becoming the only being with such power. Assume for the sake of argument that you're able to be convinced of the legitimacy of the offer, and that you're not hallucinating or being fooled by an illusion or whatever.

When it comes to power and abilities that come along with the position, accepting grants you complete omnipotence save for where this would cause paradoxical or contradictory actions. For instance, you could make an unstoppable force or an immovable object but not both at once. You're also not bound by the laws of physics and can alter them on a whim or take actions that are forbidden by them.

Omniscience does not automatically come with the position though you do have the power of making yourself omniscient if you so wish.

Accepting the offer also grants you the power to modify your own abilities, knowledge, and existence on a temporary or permanent basis. For example, you could permanently destroy yourself, decide to forget knowledge you've already obtained, or place yourself in a 'lesser' form with the option to regain your full knowledge and abilities should the need arise.

So, all these things considered:

Would you accept the offer in the first place?
Would you limit your abilities and knowledge on a temporary and reversible basis?
Would you reveal yourself as a god to humanity and/or other sapient species (if they exist)?
Would you grant others the same level of power?

What would you do if you had such power?