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    Thread: Twoshadows' Dream Journal

    1. #2501
      Member Robot_Butler's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      looking in a fridge and trying to find something I could eat
      This is a great metaphor for my life in general

    2. #2502
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Robot_Butler View Post
      This is a great metaphor for my life in general
      Funny....And for me this seems to be a very literal event.

      Creepy dream:

      I was talking to someone about these houses in California. These really nice big houses were being sold for not a lot of money. It was this certain agency that was in charge of these sales. I decided to look into it because it seemed like a good deal. But after some research I found that the reason these houses were a good deal was that the people buying the houses would tell them what they were looking for in a house, then a house was found for them. The deal would be closed, and then the person would find out where the house was located and what it looked like etc. And if you didn't like it you couldn't back out of the deal. I decided I was no longer interested.

      But later I was in one of the houses. The family of my childhood best friend had bought one. My best friend was there and still a teenager. I started walking around the house. It was very large and very nice. I noticed that there were several kitchens. I felt envous that there was so much room. It was so spacious and furnished so elegantly. My friend showed me her room. We had to walk to the back of the house through several kitchens and family rooms to get to the hallway where the bedrooms were. I suddenly realized that the strange floorplan was probably the reason the house was part of this sale program. But her room was very cool and had several levels with her bed being in a loft area. Again I felt envious.

      Later we walked out the back and onto their huge deck. The deck overlooked some arbors and a porch beneith, and behind that was a large sloping field and then a mountain covered with pine trees. Again I felt jealous that they had such a beautiful view and that their yard backed against the mountains.

      We were getting ready to leave and go somewhere. I was still out in the backyard. I suddenly needed to go to the bathroom. I saw next to their pool a set of porable bathrooms (the blue kind). I went to use one. But the door was half was up and very tiny. I climbed up and squeezed in the best I could. I went to the bathoom.

      I came out and looked up again at the mountains. I could see a grey line coming from the top of the mountain. I wondered what that was. I kept looking and saw it gleam in the sunlight. I realized that it was a stream. Yet again I felt envious that they had a view of a stream. I watched the stream for a moment and noticed that several more grey lones were coming down from the top of the mountain. I suddenly realized that this was not right. The streams widened. I realized that I was seeing a flood of sorts. I notced that behind the field were more houses. I could see kids on their deck also looking up at the water coming down from the mountain. I suddenly had this panicked feeling as I saw that the water was coming right for them. At that moment the whole mountain began to give way and slide toward those houses. The kids saw it and ran into their house. The wall of mud and trees slid into their home. I knew it wouldn't hold. I was about to see that house full of kids be swept away right before my eyes.

      I started screaming to my friend, "The kids...the kids...". I looked and saw my friend was no longer next to me but had ran to the upper end of the field right where the mudslide was heading. I screamed at her to come back. But it was too late. I saw the mud overtake her.

      I also realized at that moment that I had just seconds before the mudslide got to this house. I ran inside screaming, "Flood...Flood". There was already a huge rumbling noise. I wasn't sure the parents even heard me but they came running up from the basement area. I ran out the front door. Wondering if I could somehow get away.

      The mud was already sliding past the left of the house. I saw my friend. She had managed to get on a purple tarp and stay on top of the mud. She was riding it down. I was so thankful to see that. I started to run to my right. I knew that there was more mud behind the house that would start sweeping it away at any moment.

      The last thing I remember is looking back and seeing the mud mixed with trees about to slam into me.

      I started to come to. I knew I had been in an accident, that I had been unconsious for a long time.

      I could hear voices around me. I tried to make sense of it my I couldn't understand anything. Then finally I was able to pick out certain words....."Israel"....."Middle East"....."peace".

      I had no idea where I was or what had been happening. I started to sit up.

      As soon as I did a person that I didn't know came running up to me. He was thrilled to see that I was awake finally. He was bursting with joy, and started to say excitedly, "He's come....He's come! He's brought peace!"

      He took me by the hand and took me to this place where I saw a huge pillar of light. In the pillar I saw a man dressed in glowing white.

      I suddenly felt this great joy come over me. Jesus had come. This was it. The Second Coming of Christ.

      But as soon as it came, the feeling left. It was replaced by complete revulsion. Something was wrong. This was not my Savior. It was a fraud. I suddenly realized that I was looking right at the Antichrist.

      At that moment I woke up.

    3. #2503
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      What a loaded dream. At first, I was thinking how the mudslide and flood was symbolic of people getting in over their heads in California real estate. Drowning in their mortgages. The end, however, brought some all new symbolism to the dream. The biblical flood mythology and apocalypse/ possible afterlife storyline. Man, your mind must have been on fire last night Great dream!

    4. #2504
      fantasy addict EmilySian's Avatar
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      wow that is quite a packed dream!

    5. #2505
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Robot_Butler View Post
      What a loaded dream. At first, I was thinking how the mudslide and flood was symbolic of people getting in over their heads in California real estate. Drowning in their mortgages. The end, however, brought some all new symbolism to the dream. The biblical flood mythology and apocalypse/ possible afterlife storyline. Man, your mind must have been on fire last night Great dream!
      Quote Originally Posted by EmilySian View Post
      wow that is quite a packed dream!
      Thanks for reading all that, guys. Dreams like that are kind of stressful at the time, but they are quite fun to ponder over afterwards.


      I had another dream that my sister who has cancer was getting well, and I was so happy. She was going to make a bracelet for me.

    6. #2506
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      All I remember now is being at someone's house. These dinosaurs had been created (like Jurassic Park) and had gotten loose. One had gotten in the house and I remember trying to get away (I remember it reminded me of a wolf). Then we were outside walking through this forest trying to get to somewhere safe, and I knew that dinosaurs could jump out at us at any moment.

      And it's time for some more pictures. I don't spend as much time outdoor s in the winter, so I end up with fewer pictures. But the worst of winter is behind us, so I'll be out more...and threfor more pictures.
      Here are two from an extra beautiful sunrise.

      Facing East:

      Facing west with the moon setting:

      And a few days ago I noticed my first crocuses are blooming. Yay!

    7. #2507
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      Gorgeous TS

    8. #2508
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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      Gorgeous TS
      Thanks, ninja.

      Dream 1:

      I was riding my bike on some busy streets in Southern CA. I couldn't tell what the traffic was doing and I felt stressed. I stopped at the bike shop and saw a guy that was supposed to be my biking partner. We were about to start riding again, but he noticed that he was out of water. I searched through my pack trying to find a bottle of water that I hadn't opened up yet. But all I could find were used bottles which he didn't want.

      Dream 2:

      I was cooking potatoes in this new pot. It had spaces between the layers of metal which helped hold in the heat. Roger was there, and he told me that the pot could keep the potatoes hot for hours after you took them off the stove.

      I know I had more dreams. Maybe they'll come to me.

    9. #2509
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      I can't wait for the weather to be nice enough to ride my bike again.

      That sunrise photo is very inspiring. Almost inspiring enough to make me wake up an hour earlier. Almost.

    10. #2510
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      That is an interesting dream, TS. I have recently had some similar-ish dreams. I will post them on my journal sometime.

    11. #2511
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      Quote Originally Posted by Robot_Butler View Post
      I can't wait for the weather to be nice enough to ride my bike again.

      That sunrise photo is very inspiring. Almost inspiring enough to make me wake up an hour earlier. Almost.
      i know I can't wait for the nice weather either. Today was actually pretty nice.

      Quote Originally Posted by BrentMatthews View Post
      That is an interesting dream, TS. I have recently had some similar-ish dreams. I will post them on my journal sometime.
      Hey, BrentMatthews. Good to see you around.

      Which dream? The flood/antichrist one?


      I just now remembered two dreams I had last night.

      Dream 1:

      It was like I was a character in World of Warcraft. I was climbing a tall wooden tower. As I got to the top I kind of jumped and landed on the far side of the platform. As I landed I knew that I had landed too off center. I felt the tower start to tip and fall.

      I guess I was okay after I landed. And I remember thinking that I had made that mistake several times before. And how I really needed to learn to stay in the center.

      Dream 2:

      I was at the top of this mountain. I think I had ridden my bike to the top. There was a lodge and another person was with me. I suddenly wanted to run. I asked the other person to run with me. It felt so good to run. I noticed how I could sprint and not feel tired. It was wonderful. I then realized that I could jump really well too. I then kept jumping to the tops of these boulders and balancing on the tops. I was so glad that all my working out was really helping my performance.

    12. #2512
      * Blessed Be * akroma's Avatar
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      my upper left bicuspid was cracked and loose. I pulled a piece of the tooth out of my mouth, thinking, "I can't believe this is happening!" Then I thought, "That's it ! I don't believe this is happening. This must be a dream. This always happens in my dreams."

      This is the main relaity check for me. Its quite disturbing lol

      XxX Keep Dreaming XxX

    13. #2513
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      sorry to startle you TS. I guess a lot of people have had a rough time adjusting to my name change. keep on getting lucid!
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    14. #2514
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      Amazing pics, as usual, TS. I love the second one, and the cloudy haze around the moon.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    15. #2515
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      I was talking about the one with anti-christ. Seemed very spooky. I haven't really kept up with my Journal (classes and work take up most of my time), but it is good to be back.

    16. #2516
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      Quote Originally Posted by akroma View Post
      my upper left bicuspid was cracked and loose. I pulled a piece of the tooth out of my mouth, thinking, "I can't believe this is happening!" Then I thought, "That's it ! I don't believe this is happening. This must be a dream. This always happens in my dreams."

      This is the main relaity check for me. Its quite disturbing lol

      XxX Keep Dreaming XxX
      Hi akroma. Interesting that you have the same dream sign. Yeah, it is always stressful and unpleasant. But actually I haven't had that one for quite a while now. I don't know if that is good or bad.

      Quote Originally Posted by Man of Shred View Post
      sorry to startle you TS. I guess a lot of people have had a rough time adjusting to my name change. keep on getting lucid!
      Hey again . I'm getting used to it now.

      And thanks, you are welcome here any time!

      Quote Originally Posted by Oneironaut View Post
      Amazing pics, as usual, TS. I love the second one, and the cloudy haze around the moon.
      Thanks O, that was one of the prettiest sunrises I have ever seen. I'm just glad I was awake for it and had my camera nearby.

      Quote Originally Posted by BrentMatthews View Post
      I was talking about the one with anti-christ. Seemed very spooky. I haven't really kept up with my Journal (classes and work take up most of my time), but it is good to be back.
      Yeah that one was really creepy.

      Well, I'm glad that you had time to come by again. Good luck with your classes and work and stuff. Maybe you can try doing your journal once a week or something like that.

    17. #2517
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      I have had a ton of dreams in the last two days, including two DV Member dreams.

      Dreams from two nights ago:

      Dream 1:

      There was a threat of nuclear bombs that were going to be dropped in certain areas on a certain date. i don't remember the month the but day was a 22nd. I took the threat seriously and tried to prepare a place in my basement that I could be safe during the ubsafe period of the fallout. I gathered food and other things to the basement area.

      I was really surprised that no one else seemed ot take the threat seriously at all, and they all went about their lives as if nothing cold ever happen to them.

      I finally went down alone to my basement. I knew that I could expect the nuclear bombs at any moment. I suddenly realized that in all my preparation, I had forgotten to store any water. I paniced for a moment, then saw that I did have one case of 24 16 oz bottle of water. i hoped that would alst me for a while.

      Dream 2:

      I was touring someone's house where they had decorated it so beautiful. One room was decorated for Christmas. It was as pretty as any picture I had seen in any magazine. The lady that own the house told me that Raklet had done the mural part of it. And that if I was interested that I could get ahold of him and he would paint one for me too.

      So I did get ahold of him. I was amazed at how little he charged for his work. But then I got a little worried aobut what the shipping costs of the painted drywall would be.

      Dream 3:

      I was in a lake. Other people were on kayaks and were racing. I was sad that I didn't have my kayak. But one of the girls said that I could help her race by swimming along side her kayak and push it along. I found that I was a very strong swimmer and had a lot of stregnth to push it forward.

      Dream 4:

      It was Halloween and I was at my house in LA where I grew up. I had put out a lot of cool decorations. My good freinds, the Johnsons came by. They told me that they would vote for my house. Apparently the Newspaper was having a contest and giving out an award for the best decorated house. I thanked them. Then I realized that I had forgotten to put on the spooky music. I ran to go find it.

      Dream 5:

      I was with my friend Christine. She was painting her house. One her walls she was painting native american figures like kokopeli. The wall was an orange color and she was using red paint to paint the figures on.

      Dream 6:

      I had been talking with some Navajo ladies in an apartment. I then went outside to dump some water out of a big pot that I had. As I started to pour it out I realized that there was more water in the pot than I had thought. It poured out all over my shoes and ran on the sidewalk. I then noticed that all the grass was soaking anyway. I saw a hill behind the apartments that had become very muddy. I saw a group of kids sliding down the mud. I knew that there had once been grass on the hill. I was pretty sure that after the kids were done sliding that only dirt and mud would be left.

      Dream 7:

      I was with a group of ladies around a campfire. Lena was there. The Leah came to me and asked if she could borrow my camera to take some pictures. I gave it to her, then realized that the battery was almost dead. I apologised that she might only be able to take a few pictures before it died completely.

      Dream 8:

      I was at some kind of meeting. A panel had been put together to answer question. I looked at he panel. It was made up of all young men. They were holding books that I had read. I was interested to see what the discussion would be about. Two of the ment stood out to me. One was a nice looking blond guy with very pretty blue eyes. The other was a black guy with light brown skin and nice lips.

      Dream 9:

      I was in a classroom setting. The teacher was a black man who looked a little like Obama. There was some kind of contest to see who could keep moving and active the longest (like jogging in place etc). The winner would get $20. I todl the teacher that I hoped he was prepared to stay for a long time.

      Dream 10:

      I was taking pictures of these cats that supposedly belonged to me. They were on the front porch sitting on the lawn chairs. I noticed that one of the cats gleamed red in the sunlight. I was surprised thet I had never noticed that his fur had red in it before.

      Last Night's Dreams:

      Dream 1:

      I was in this old shopping mall place that was on teh reservation. I went onto a few shops and saw some Navajo ladies selling jewelry and western gear.

      Then later the shopping mall transformed into a school. I was back in high school. It was my first day at the new school. I tried to find my way though the difference halls to my classes. My first period class was Math. My second class, to my horror, was chess. I saw that it was taught by the principal. I wondered how I ever got myself signed up for a class like this. I was terrible at strategy games. I didn't even remember how to play chess. I was sure that the class would be full of brainy kids who had played chess every day since they were 5 year old. That class would be a nightmare for me. I wondered if I would be able to get it changed.

      But first I would have to find my math class. I knew it was in Valliance Hall. But I couldn't find it. I saw another girl walking down the hallway. I asked if she would help me find my class. We looked at my schedule. I found it hard to read. Nothing would come into focus. Finally we found the room number and she pointed the way out to me.

      I sat down in my math class. The teacher had been passing out easter cookies to the students. I didn't take any becasue I haven't been eating sugar. The teacher was a blond lady and looked very nice. She then passed out a page of math for us to do. The first problem looked something like this:

      - 1,44Y Solve for Y

      And I remember thinking, "Oh, Crap, it's been too long since I have done math like this. Why do teachers do this? Why can't she just teach us how to do it first, and then we can do a worksheet?"

      I finally woke up and felt the hugest relief I have felt in a long time that this was just a dream.

      Dream 2:

      I was with a really big group of people made up of friends and extended family. We were in a hotel (that later morphed into a large house). Someone had a dog with them. It had pooped oin the carpet. Cousin Justin cleaned it up, then said hi to me.

      Later I was trying to find a bathroom because I had to go to the bathroom. I found one. It was they type that had two doors. I locked the one on the hallway, but the door that went to a bedroom was difficult to lock. I tried several times then gave up. I walked out into the hallway again. I saw Angela and hugged her. Then I saw Maddy and told her that I needed to shower and I couldn't lock the door. She didn't seem to be able to help me. I finally decided that I was just going to change into my bathing suit without the door locked. My bathing suit was a one piece and I slipped it partway up over my hips. Then as I looked at my body and saw how fit I was I decided it didn't matter if the door was locked. In fact I looked so good that I was just going to forget pulling it up the rest of the way.

      Later (and I think I was back to being fully dressed by now) I was walking through all these rooms that were filled with people. I was ready to find a place to be alone. I couldn't find anywhere to go. I then saw Ninja at a computer. I went to see what he was doing. He was listening to The Moody Blues. I sat down a listen to a few songs with him.

    18. #2518
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      I finally had a "vampire sucking my blood" dream last night!

      I actually had two vampire dreams last night.

      Dream 1:

      I was with the Cullens (vampire family from Twilight) and I was helping them move. I was in Esme's room trying to pack the things from her dresser. Later I was just talking to the others. This was kind of an uneventful dream, But hey, it had vampires in it!

      Dream 2:

      I only remember the end of this dream. It seems I was with a group of people that had been hunting down and killing vampires (though I don't remember any of that).

      I ended up on some old stone balcony. I suddenly realized that I was not alone. I saw a vampire that I knew was very old, yet he looked very young and handsome. He reminded me a little of Carlisle Cullen, but he had dark hair. He approached me slowly and started talking calmly about the recent deaths of his family members. I knew I was in trouble, but for some reason I didn't care. He was so attractive, I just stood there mesmerized.

      He walked until he stood right before me. Then slowly and deliberately he took my hands in his, and one at a time took my pinky fingers to his mouth where his slit them with his sharp canine teeth. I felt the pain, yet I felt distant to it.

      Then he put both of my pinkies in his mouth and started to suck my blood. At one point I remember starting to feel dizzy and faint and thinking, "Wow, I'm really going to die. This is what it feels like to lose too much blood....."

    19. #2519
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      Oh, shoot. I just remembered, I had a great dream about you over the weekend. I was out of town, so I forgot to write it up. I will look it up in my bedside journal tonight, and post it.

    20. #2520
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      Quote Originally Posted by Robot_Butler View Post
      Oh, shoot. I just remembered, I had a great dream about you over the weekend. I was out of town, so I forgot to write it up. I will look it up in my bedside journal tonight, and post it.
      Very cool. I would love to read about it. And I hope to have another dream with you in it soon, especially if it would be as cool as the one I had where we were flying in the wind. Loved that dream.

      On a side note, as of this very moment this DJ had 66,666 views...it's feeling a little evil right now I guess.

    21. #2521
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      TS, where was that picture in your sig taken? Arizona? What a nice area to kayak in.

    22. #2522
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      Quote Originally Posted by BrentMatthews View Post
      TS, where was that picture in your sig taken? Arizona? What a nice area to kayak in.
      Yeah, it's Arizona. Lake Powell. One of the most beautiful places in the world. And, yes, it's an incredible place to explore in a kayak.

      If you haven't seen the other pictures I took, just flip through my DJ between May and October of 2008. I posted probably way too many pictures of my trips on the Lake.

      And I found a little clip showing more of the Lake for anyone who is not familiar with it. It's one of those places that if you haven't ever been there, you need to go.


      Haha...I'm like a commercial for the place...

    23. #2523
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      And about the dream last night....

      I wanted to add that I think I know where the cutting my pinky part came from.

      Last evening I cut the pad of my thumb, so the image of a bleeding cut and the accompanying pain were fresh in my mind.

      It just wasn't quite as sensual in real life as it was in my dream.

      Yay dreams......

    24. #2524
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      I always wondered, are any of the people in your signature you? Or were you the one who took the picture? The girl in the red kayak looks like you.

    25. #2525
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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      I always wondered, are any of the people in your signature you? Or were you the one who took the picture? The girl in the red kayak looks like you.
      No, I'm not in any of the pictures because I am the one who is taking them. I really need to get in some pictures. I am hoping that the weather is nice enough that I can start kayaking again in March. Of course the water won't be warm enough to swim until about June. But you can kayak without getting wet. In fact, the weather has been great this week. If my kayaking buddies were around I'd be out this week. But they'll be around in March. So we'll be out soon enough.

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