Quote Originally Posted by Dannon Oneironaut View Post
Yes, aliens are here.
Soon, everyone will know this.
There are many different types of aliens.
One type is very prominent in the history of human beings.
They left 5,000 years ago, although they have lived amongst us for 300,000 years.
Many different kinds of aliens are observing us right now.
Many are interested in us only for their own agendas,
but most are interested in our welfare and being accepted into the galactic community.
But first we need to stop fighting amongst ourselves in territorial battles.
We need to learn to work together as a united planet.
That is why now is such a crucial time and many aliens are interested in us.
We are merging into a globalized culture, with a global identity, thanks to the internet and
running out of fossil fuels, over-population and a re-awakening to environmental consciousness.
Some aliens wish to manipulate our awakening to a global identity for their own profit,
but so do some humans.
Some cultures resist the destruction of their obsolete culture and resist identifying with what they consider a "soul-less" global culture that values science over traditional organized religions and tribal allegiances.
Humans are in the birth pains right now, as we are birthing from the womb of nature and being born into a galactic reality.
Soon, aliens among us will be obvious to everyone, right in the midst of the worst crisis in our history.
So, a global crisis is coming very very soon, and has already started, but it isn't so apparent yet.
During the crisis, keep heart and just try to survive it. Right when it seems like the end a new day will dawn.

There are rumours of a staged alien invasion. If this is true, don't buy it. The real aliens won't invade. The real aliens wouldn't need to invade if their intentions are hostile. But the real aliens that will reveal themselves don't have hostile intentions.

Many people don't or won't believe this. That is to be expected, of course. Just enjoy the ride.

What do we have to look forward to? Accessing free unlimited energy from the ionosphere. No more war. No more pollution. No more economic slavery. A global identity. A place in the Galactic community. An awareness that we are not alone in this Universe. A knowledge of our true history and the origin of our species and many species on this Earth, including corn, marijuana, many fungi, and rice. Easy travel to the farthest reaches of space. A more advanced technology and science that fully understands and applies the knowledge of electro-magnetism and other dimensions.