I just reread the announcement, so we can keep using the workbooks?

I had a lucid dream this morning! I seem to be having a lot more luck with DEILD, so I'll be incorporating that regularly from now on.

Long rambling DJ entry. It was a lot different than I expected it to be. My first LD only lasted a moment, but it felt like a huge epiphany. This one I was doing random shit. It was cool, but I had expected to be able to feel more. A lot of what I saw was really vague and fuzzy too. I really had to focus in order to see any detail. Once I was doing what the dream wanted me to do, everything became a lot more vivid. It was difficult to see what I had created because I had to focus on it a lot, but if I followed the dream, I didn't have to focus to create anything.

I'm excited that I had the LD, but I wasn't excited during the LD. It was just very weird. I spent a lot of time doing RCs and stabilizing. Staring at my hands was fascinating. They looked and acted so different from my real hands. My palms merged when I pressed them together. I thought it was pretty cool when I decided to wake up too. I've never done that before.

I was frustrated during the dream that feeling anything was very difficult. I had expected the dream to feel more like reality. I'm extremely pleased though! I'm going to keep in mind a few specific things to do in the dream (set RCs, one or two stabilization techniques, two or three ideas for what to do during the LD). If I plan it out a little more, I should have a better experience.

I have no idea when the bus thing happened. o_o I know it happened during the beginning or middle of the dream, but I can't be sure. My theory is that the bus scene was when I realized I was lucid. Maybe I changed from being in my parents' car to the bus? Shame I can't remember.