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    Thread: Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain

    1. #11426
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      Quote Originally Posted by Carrot View Post
      Worst of all my mum's trying to get me to find a job through recruit companies/headhunters companies. They are the worst lot especially for teens/young adults who had barely any experiences. At least they are in my country. They're not sincere with either helping you to find a job or helping companies to find people. My mum's information about jobhunting is outdated for over 30 years.
      Those goddamned recruitment agencies have ruined the online job hunting scene completely. It's almost impossible to find a job posted by an actual person or company.
      You're right to avoid them too. I went to one once without really realising what they were and the job they posted was completely made up and they just got all my details and never called me even though I tried to contact them.
      Same thing happened to my sister too.

      I believe it is possible they are selling information. But I'm not sure. It creeps me out that they have information on me.
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    2. #11427
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      Over 70 emails from Dream Views in the last 24 hours!! I just finished clicking on all of them so it didn't say I have 70 unread emails. That annoys me more than it should.
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    3. #11428
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dianeva View Post
      Ah, I know. I get the same responses. Of course it's in the mind but so is everything. People think I'm using it as an excuse to do things, that it's only there because I think it is or something. So while explaining it now I try to compare it to being itchy or something. If normal people never experienced 'itchiness' then the 'need to scratch' would be considered a disorder, and people who didn't have it might think it's 'all in the mind'. People who have never had OCD have on idea what it feels like, and so they try to imagine what it's like and the only thing they can come up with is it being an excuse.
      To be fair, it is all in the mind It's just that it's a meaningless expression.
      edit: Huh.. I can not have read what you said very well... Just ignore that.

      Quote Originally Posted by melanieb View Post
      High-school? I'm going back to kindergarten!

      Finger-painting, here I come!!!
      I'm joining.
      Last edited by khh; 10-19-2012 at 04:39 AM.
      April Ryan is my friend,
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    4. #11429
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      Spoiler for Because spoilers.:
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    5. #11430
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      heh, as for the "itch"... this has nothing to do with OCD or the likes but the other day I was trying to describe to my son how my legs feel achy all the time. I told him the closest thing I could compare it to was a very dull but deep and persistent toothache. He looked confused so I asked him if he's ever had a toothache and he said no My hubby laughs about his confusion as a kid as to what a backache and earache was.
      It seems people really don't understand what they've never experienced first hand. When you get into mental issues the confusion becomes astonishingly worse. Even among "educated" individuals

      My only real rant is my knee. It's hurt for several days now and it gets worse every day it seems. I can barely stand on it now. Stretching it out while sitting is almost worse though. This would likely be a non-friggin issue if I could sit like a normal person. But no. I HAVE to have my legs pulled against my chest or sit with a foot under my butt. The foot I sit on the most is permanently like alligator skin now and the knee of that leg is the one killing me.
      And then I remembered: "Oh, that's what Ibuprofen is for." Shoot me now. I have no trouble taking meds for minor irritations but when I'm in actual pain, they never cross my mind in a timely fashion

      An anti-rant is that, even though I LOATHE and can barely stomach Sucralose and the likes, 5-hour Energy's Pink Lemonade is actually almost tolerable. Out of all the energy shots out there, 5-hour Energy is the only (almost) tolerable one. I can't take their shots all at once though or it will still make me ill. I space 2 or 3 swigs over several hours and the anti-rant (of course) is that it helps keep me going for well over 5 hours.
      I don't know what exactly it is about those shots but they work MUCH better than caffeine pills.
      The rant in all of this is the price. I can get a bottle of 90 200 mg caffeine pills for $4.00 and those normally last just under a month.
      Just 1 5-hour energy shot is nearly $4.00. And unlike caffeine pills, the shots do cause my adrenaline surges ("anxiety") to flare up.

    6. #11431
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      Quote Originally Posted by Zhaylin View Post
      When you get into mental issues the confusion becomes astonishingly worse. Even among "educated" individuals
      I know people that think autistic people are retarded and schizophrenia is the same as multiple personality disorder. They also think bipolar is when you're happy and suddenly switch at any random moment a few times every day. If I try to tell them what they really are they say they're right and I don't know what I'm talking about.

    7. #11432
      Soñadora Suena's Avatar
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      Sometimes I really regret doing online classes, because when something goes wrong, the teachers blame the student's computer/internet or just flat out tell them that they're a liar or that they forgot.

      I am absolutely certain without a fucking doubt positive that I took my quiz for chapter 8. I keep excellent track of that shit. My submission for it was there one day, and gone the next... and now... if I want to earn the points that I already fucking earned, I have to do extra credit. FUCKING bullshit. "Sometimes we think we did things when really we forgot... Life gets crazy..." fucking bitch. That's such bullshit. I specifically remember taking the quiz and the content in it... SPECIFICALLY remember submitting it and getting a grade and moving on to the next assignment.

      That whole week 8 was already screwed up for me and none of my assignments were showing up as graded until I sent her an email where she admitted she didn't know what happened and "fixed" it.

      I'm so pissed... I hate it when I get fucking cheated out of points, whether they're big or small. Seriously.. I want to slap this bitch in the fucking face. I've never missed an assignment or quiz in her class... it's obvious something went wrong and she's too lazy or stupid to figure it out. There's no way for me to PROVE that I took it, but FUCK.

      Whatever.. maybe it's not her fault, but it's still quite aggravating. I suppose I'm going to have to take a picture every time I complete a fucking quiz or anything.
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    8. #11433
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      Quote Originally Posted by Suena View Post
      Whatever.. maybe it's not her fault, but it's still quite aggravating. I suppose I'm going to have to take a picture every time I complete a fucking quiz or anything.
      I was actually thinking about suggesting you doing that. But yeah, it would be a good idea to do that. Hopefully, they won't think you "Photoshopped" it (That seems to be the excuse old timers give to us nowadays).

      I'm sorry you had to go through that, and I know how it feels when you get cheated out points. I did my Organic Chemistry Online Homework, it was due 6AM today. I decided that I would camp out and do all of it at 8PM yesterday. Then I go the End of Chapter Section, and I'm like, "Fuck this." Ended up getting a low grade, but oh well.

      Keep up the good work though Suena, you're consistent and you want to make sure you get every point that you can to the best of your abilities. Keep strong Hope things are going good in other aspects of your life too.
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    9. #11434
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      Yea, I figure that's what they would say too. I was hoping maybe I could remember one of the questions, but considering it was two chapters ago, seems impossible. I'd have to read the entire chapter again in order to remember anything that was on the quiz. Even still, that wouldn't be good enough for her and a waste of my time. It just sucks.

      I really wish I could smoke some pot. lol. A year ago, I would've taken a hit and been over it... unfortunately my situation has changed and that's impossible and no bueno to do anymore.

      Thanks though.

    10. #11435
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      Rant: "I love the smell of vapourizing (carcinogenic) plastic in the morning!"

      Just spent the last 3/4 hour, to an hour trying to scrape plastic which had somehow burnt onto the underside of the car on the exhaust, just below the cat.
      I did notice (the smell at first) about 2-3 wks ago after a short journey down to my Parent's house. It really "pen and inked!"
      I thought I would let it vapourize/melt off as I didn't think the plastic would get hot enough to reach its ignition point. I mean I wouldn't want that to happen as I would be toast. (N.B: I wasn't making long journeys.)
      I don't know how the plastic got there in the first place. I do remember driving over a (white) plastic bag in the road a few weeks back, but this looked brown like parcel tape? (Accident or prank?)
      Anyway I thought it would be ok, however I suddenly realised that my car was due for an inspection early next month. I was worried that they might fail it because if the garage bloke started the car (which they do) in an enclosed space and it warmed up then it would stink the whole garage out, probably resulting in a fail due to being unsafe/refuse to work on (unless you wore a gas mask.)
      I just tried to remove with a hacksaw blade and it is really hard to get off as I cannot put the car on ramps to get underneath fully. I could not get enough purchase on it. However a bit had melted/burnt off.
      I know I thought, 'let's start the car up' and then move it forward in the garage a bit as there is a slight kerb at the end. So I did that and put the handbrake on and left the car running to heat the exhaust up a bit.
      I used a wallpaper scraper on it and it all come off like a dream.
      By that time there was quite a few exhaust fumes lingering (although the front of the garage was open) in the garage at the back at low level. I had this morbid thought that someone might find me still, 6 months later still half under the car, arm half-trapped under a wheel/a moving car due to hanbrake failure and being overcome by CO fumes.
      Once I got all the crap/dirt of my face, my jacket and clothes, then everything was ok, although I did feel light headed due to lying down in a really awkward position for ages on a damp, dirty, and cold concrete floor.
      Then I noticed a couple of the tyres might need a bit of air, but I couldn't be bothered to do it today.

      Anti rant - sorted like a boss!
      Last edited by UToo; 10-19-2012 at 05:19 PM. Reason: typo
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    11. #11436
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      My counseling section for this Academic crap is over, I can just print out the verification sheet, and show it to the adviser later on. I'm happy, but the annoying part of this ending is that I managed to manipulate the counselor, and literally, at the end, I'm counseling her.

      Like what the hell, what the heck did I say for her to be counseled instead of counseling me? I mean, she was probably just portraying empathy, and she's a nice and awesome lady to go to for potential support, which I doubt I would need from a stranger.

      But for her to give me a story, and then me purposefully striking the therapist pose with the imaginary clipboard and pen and doing the "Mmmhmm Mhmm yes..." responses, I could tell this lady just wanted this meeting done and over with, because I don't have any more problems with anxiety anymore.

      So she takes the liberty of how she gets a lot of anxiety as well. I mean, it's just.....when you go for someone for help on these things, especially if it's covered in your tuition, you'd expect them to at least not so opening to you. I think that if I wasn't in such a rush to end the meeting, I could've formulated a scheme to make her sit on the couch and rest, while I pretend to record her problems.

      Sure, some people can feel reassured if someone tells them their experiences, but some people, like me, don't feel that way, because it seems unprofessional for you to do that, especially when all you do is have cabinets with neat and organized packets to hand out to students. How are you anxious when you have your whole room tidy, with little maintenance needed in the first place? I'm probably just undermining their so called "heavy workload."


      Anti-Rant: No online homework for math, at least for the time being, and no Organic Chemistry homework due this week except next week Friday. So after this Biochemistry meeting, I'm going to chill, relax, and start appreciating the little things in life. Like reading a Manga! And Drawing! Yes! Drawwwing, I only did 3 hours of it this week, now I can spend the whole freaking day doing it. Yesssssssssssssssss just a few more hours before I can go /chillmode.

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    12. #11437
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      Suena and Link, Great minds think alike. Before I got to the bottom of your post, Suena, I was thinking: "I wonder if she should start taking pictures of her work so this doesn't happen again?"

      UToo, is it my imagination or have you changed your name 2 times in the last few days? You're confusing me! Stop it!
      When you said "under the cat", my stomach dropped because I thought "kitty cat" I guess you're referring to the cataletic converter (however it's spelled lol)?
      My car was a mystery to me over the weekend. I started out Saturday to visit my daughters and a light was on on my dash which meant I needed to check the air in my tires. I was running late and didn't have time to do it then and there.
      That light stayed on during the entire 40 minute or so drive UNTIL the last 10 minutes of it.

      I was stuck behind a slow person in the fast lane. He was getting on my nerves because I was boxed in behind him by cars in the slow lane. FINALLY, I had an opening to pass and I floored it. I was going up hill and within a couple seconds I realized "Crap. I'm going 100 mph. Slow it down Speedy." And I did. I got into the slow lane to show the jerk how you're suppose to drive and then I noticed it. The light had gone off.

      I asked hubby about it once I got home. He said the heat from speeding made the air in the tires expand. He told me to not reply on that light and to check my tires ASAP. But it's Friday now and that light still hasn't come back on. So, now I don't want to check them because I'm curious how about how long it will take for that "expanded" air to go away

      Then there's MY theory that it was COLD over the weekend and the reading was wrong because of it.

      My rant is that I woke up at noon with severe cramps and then I lived on the pot (toilet lol) for way too long. I don't know what I ate yesterday that was so bad, but it came back to haunt me today!! Perhaps it was that 5-hour energy drink lol
      Otherwise, I'm okay. My knee doesn't hurt nearly as much and the swelling has even gone down. It seems that knee bothers me at random times for "no" reason too frequently.
      Is this happening just because I sit on it or is something else going on? HUbby laughed at me yesterday and said "It's called 'you're getting old '
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    13. #11438
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      My rant is that sometimes I'm not sure wether something happened in real or in my dreams. Like I have a memory about a certain situation, and I really don't know wether it happened in real life or in my dreams. This is starting to happen more often and idk why. Does anyone have an idea why this is happening to me? :L
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      I can see you sleep through your bedroom window. You're killing yourself with lucid dreaming.

    14. #11439
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      Quote Originally Posted by Crashyy View Post
      My rant is that sometimes I'm not sure wether something happened in real or in my dreams. Like I have a memory about a certain situation, and I really don't know wether it happened in real life or in my dreams. This is starting to happen more often and idk why. Does anyone have an idea why this is happening to me? :L
      I thought I was crazy, but I have this A LOT. Especially when recalling my dream, I occasionally have a moment where I'm like, "Am I sure I'm not just thinking this, or actually had this in a dream?"

      I don't know why either, maybe it's just being so used to waking life, and developing a gradual awareness of what your dreams are like, I guess we get accustomed to how the brain can really make a convincing simulation in our dreams. In my rare lucids, I'm like, "Holy shit....you kidding me?" It's crazy!

      It gets annoying though, especially if I have a dream where I have a lot of anxiety and worrying what's going to happen, and waking up and being so grateful it wasn't a reality.
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    15. #11440
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      Quote Originally Posted by Linkzelda View Post
      I thought I was crazy, but I have this A LOT. Especially when recalling my dream, I occasionally have a moment where I'm like, "Am I sure I'm not just thinking this, or actually had this in a dream?"

      I don't know why either, maybe it's just being so used to waking life, and developing a gradual awareness of what your dreams are like, I guess we get accustomed to how the brain can really make a convincing simulation in our dreams. In my rare lucids, I'm like, "Holy shit....you kidding me?" It's crazy!

      It gets annoying though, especially if I have a dream where I have a lot of anxiety and worrying what's going to happen, and waking up and being so grateful it wasn't a reality.
      Exactly! I thought I was the only one, I'm glad I'm not though. Was it a dream, did it really happen or I'm I just imagining this. That's what I question myself all the time xD.
      Linkzelda, UToo, Zhaylin and 3 others like this.
      DILD: 9 | MILD: - | DEILD: - | WILD: 2
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      I can see you sleep through your bedroom window. You're killing yourself with lucid dreaming.

    16. #11441
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      Quote Originally Posted by Linkzelda View Post
      Anti-Rant: No online homework for math, at least for the time being, and no Organic Chemistry homework due this week except next week Friday. So after this Biochemistry meeting, I'm going to chill, relax, and start appreciating the little things in life. Like reading a Manga! And Drawing! Yes! Drawwwing, I only did 3 hours of it this week, now I can spend the whole freaking day doing it. Yesssssssssssssssss just a few more hours before I can go /chillmode.

      Yep, drawing is good.

      Quote Originally Posted by Zhaylin View Post
      UToo, is it my imagination or have you changed your name 2 times in the last few days? You're confusing me! Stop it!
      When you said "under the cat", my stomach dropped because I thought "kitty cat" I guess you're referring to the cataletic converter (however it's spelled lol)?
      My car was a mystery to me over the weekend. I started out Saturday to visit my daughters and a light was on on my dash which meant I needed to check the air in my tires. I was running late and didn't have time to do it then and there.
      That light stayed on during the entire 40 minute or so drive UNTIL the last 10 minutes of it.
      No it's not your imagination.

      I thought I would have a change so I opted to purchase a new name as I had enough hall points to do it, however I added two whitespace characters to the name otherwise it would have got rejected for being too short. Anyway the system let me buy it, and it displayed in my posts and profile properly. Excellent, or so I thought; except when I come to log back on the next day then the system didn't except it whatsoever, whether using whitespace characters, or not.
      So after a long struggle, and to cut a long story short, I had to get the admin people to sort it out (directly) and the resultant name (although a bit odd?) is the one Alex set, otherwise I would have been logged out for eternity - That's what "The computer say's no!" post I did on this thread a few days back is all about.
      (Note: Put it this way, I got that fed up at one stage that I did request to be 'banned'; although thankfully that email must have gone in the 'spam' as well?)
      To be fair, probably what didn't help is that things were not going to plan IRL, so I did think of knocking (the dreaming, etc.) on the head, as it was becoming a bit of a dogma.

      Sorry about the cat - It was me being lazy, by shortening words. (I blame the text message/Facebook culture.)
      Also, I will have to sort my tyres out, although I haven't go the luxury of a warning light. (Probably because were about 15 years behind the U.S still, although we have got 'The Prom' and Halloween in abundance.
      Last edited by UToo; 10-19-2012 at 07:50 PM.
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    17. #11442
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      Quote Originally Posted by Crashyy View Post
      My rant is that sometimes I'm not sure wether something happened in real or in my dreams.
      My rant is that I was going to post this first.

    18. #11443
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      Do you ever find that breathing is a tiresome business? Right now, I feel too tired to breathe.

      I'm not exactly depressed and in no way suicidal... I'm just too tired to breathe properly.
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    19. #11444
      ~Fantasizer~ <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ThePreserver View Post
      Do you ever find that breathing is a tiresome business? Right now, I feel too tired to breathe.

      I'm not exactly depressed and in no way suicidal... I'm just too tired to breathe properly.
      That doesn't sound good. o.O I don't know about being too tired to breath, but I do find that breathing in general is a chore lol. I think we'd all be much happier if we didn't have to worry about it.
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    20. #11445
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      Anti rant first- I'm gonna take the bus to the OCMS concert that I am attending so I don't have to deal with parking my dads bigass truck downtown in the dark, and not having to worry about that for some reason makes me feel more free.

      Rant:. I need a dang car of my own.
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      "You Can't, You Won't And You Don't Stop"
      Lucid Goals: [Ask a DC: "Am I dreaming?"] [Ask a DC: "What are you?"]

    21. #11446
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      Quote Originally Posted by Alyzarin View Post
      That doesn't sound good. o.O I don't know about being too tired to breath, but I do find that breathing in general is a chore lol. I think we'd all be much happier if we didn't have to worry about it.
      I think most people don't have to worry about it, as hopefully 50% or more people don't think about breathing enough to tire of it.

      I'm glad my heartbeat is (usually) on autopilot. However occasionally I have multiple palpitations in a row which freak me out...
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    22. #11447
      ~Fantasizer~ <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ThePreserver View Post
      I think most people don't have to worry about it, as hopefully 50% or more people don't think about breathing enough to tire of it.

      I'm glad my heartbeat is (usually) on autopilot. However occasionally I have multiple palpitations in a row which freak me out...
      Everyone knows that they are things that may require attention though. There's a difference between not being too worried about your breathing and knowing that you'll never have to worry about it at all.

      Yeah, I think most people take that for granted.... I'm finally starting to reach the point where my breathing and heartbeat are fading into the background again. For nearly two years I was hyper-aware of both for most of every day. Frickin' anxiety....
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    23. #11448
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      Quote Originally Posted by Alyzarin View Post
      Yeah, I think most people take that for granted.... I'm finally starting to reach the point where my breathing and heartbeat are fading into the background again. For nearly two years I was hyper-aware of both for most of every day. Frickin' anxiety....
      I've been hyper self-aware of things since college started. All of the sudden I'm caring more about what people think and whether or not my body is secretly broken in some way and doing things that a typical body wouldn't (even though it's normal, I'm convinced I'm broken.)

      Anxiety can go to hell. BAH.
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    24. #11449
      ~Fantasizer~ <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ThePreserver View Post
      I've been hyper self-aware of things since college started. All of the sudden I'm caring more about what people think and whether or not my body is secretly broken in some way and doing things that a typical body wouldn't (even though it's normal, I'm convinced I'm broken.)

      Anxiety can go to hell. BAH.
      Yep yep, I'm right there with you. ;-; Sometimes I feel like it looks like I have some weird locomotor disease, but of course it's just drastically overthinking things, which makes it worse. Lately I've also been dealing with this issue of being consciously aware of every single time I blink too, but it's starting to go away as well, thankfully. I thought some other tics were annoying until this one, I'll gladly trade back.
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    25. #11450
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      I can get extremely angry / frustrated when I participate in any sort of competitive events. Possibly a subconscious lack of confidence?
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      Quote Originally Posted by Photolysis View Post
      Passing off nonsense as profound wisdom is not an uncommon happening around these parts unfortunately.

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      By Neruo in forum Senseless Banter
      Replies: 2
      Last Post: 05-07-2007, 05:05 PM
    4. You know how people complain of english in movies?
      By Crucible in forum The Lounge
      Replies: 12
      Last Post: 02-10-2004, 04:35 AM

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