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    Thread: Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain

    1. #13176
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      So zoth is a super calm guy....until some days ago.

      I was working from 5.30pm to 7pm, then a small break which I use to go home, then back to work from 10pm to 4am.

      First of all, this super annoying co-worker was talking to me the entire first shift. I mean he wouldn't even pause to breathe. I was starting to get annoyed, but I thought "hey, I'm going home soon!". When I finally leave work for my break, I see him running for me yelling "hey, I think I'm gonna take your bus!"
      Isn't that great....oh but if you think the trip was fast and smooth (like it is all the time) you're very mistaken! We encountered huge traffic all the way to my home and I had to deal with that pain in the ass guy talking the whole trip. I was getting frustrated but thought "think positive, I'll reach home soon!"
      Well, as I reach home and take my keys off my pocket I thought "home sweet home", only to find that for some reason the keys weren't oppening the door! I was like "nooooooo!" but once again my optimism bias kicked in and I thought "hey, it's no problem, my parents are also soon arriving home, I'll just call them and tell them to hurry up!". I try to call to my father through my phone and couldn't get any signal. "No problem, I bet I'll have signal at the building's entrance" and so I headed there only to find the most annoying neighbor in the world. I quickly tried to hide but he recognized me and dragged to his home, begging me to keep him company until my parents arrived. I was getting on my nerves.
      So, as I try to call my father from his home, he picks up to give me the great news that he was stopping by the supermarket to buy some groceries. I had murder thoughts, every thought was dark.
      After half hour of hell in my neighbor's house, my father arrives to let me know he's managed to open my house's door. As I finally get ready to leave that annoying place, my neighbor wakes up his mother, which has short-term memory problems and tends to repeat herself every 30 seconds, and she trapped me into watching the 50 photos of Piggy, her beloved dead dog. Which was another half hour of pain. Ended up spending enough time at home to have dinner and then had to head work again.

      Just die world, just die!
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      Quote Originally Posted by nito89 View Post
      Quote Originally Posted by zoth00 View Post
      You have to face lucid dreams as cooking:
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    2. #13177
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      Some lady threatened my girlfriend with her boyfriend and basically made me give her 10 dollars. Later I found out that she told someone that she got free money off me. That makes me really pissed. I'm going to have better judgement from now on. This happened like a day or two ago and I'm still pissed. If she tries talking to me again I'm going to say don't talk to me and tell it to her face. I was about ready to fight the lady's boyfriend and I'm not a fighter. I feel like I might turn into the hulk and beat someone up if they piss me off too much.
      Last edited by oneiroer; 03-22-2013 at 03:57 AM.
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    3. #13178
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      Quote Originally Posted by oneiroer View Post
      Some lady threatened my girlfriend with her boyfriend and basically made me give her 10 dollars. Later I found out that she told someone that she got free money off me. That makes me really pissed. I'm going to have better judgement from now on. This happened like a day or two ago and I'm still pissed. If she tries talking to me again I'm going to say don't talk to me and tell it to her face. I was about ready to fight the lady's boyfriend and I'm not a fighter. I feel like I might turn into the hulk and beat someone up if they piss me off too much.
      Dam dude, that sucks so much. I just met a client at work with his girlfriend that went like "what if I don't pay in time? what you're gonna do?" and I was like "you won't be able to take your car out until next morning" he just laughed and said "ok kid, it's okay I'll take it now, don't want to put you here waiting". Sweet guy, but I was anticipating problems
      Zhaylin likes this.
      Quote Originally Posted by nito89 View Post
      Quote Originally Posted by zoth00 View Post
      You have to face lucid dreams as cooking:
      Stick it in the microwave and hope for the best?
      MMR (Mental Map Recall)- A whole new way of Recalling and Journaling your dreams
      Trying out MILD? This is how you become skilled at it.

    4. #13179
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      Quote Originally Posted by zoth00 View Post
      Dam dude, that sucks so much. I just met a client at work with his girlfriend that went like "what if I don't pay in time? what you're gonna do?" and I was like "you won't be able to take your car out until next morning" he just laughed and said "ok kid, it's okay I'll take it now, don't want to put you here waiting". Sweet guy, but I was anticipating problems
      Yea it did. Thanks for the feedback.

    5. #13180
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      Quote Originally Posted by oneiroer View Post
      Some lady threatened my girlfriend with her boyfriend and basically made me give her 10 dollars. Later I found out that she told someone that she got free money off me. That makes me really pissed. I'm going to have better judgement from now on. This happened like a day or two ago and I'm still pissed. If she tries talking to me again I'm going to say don't talk to me and tell it to her face. I was about ready to fight the lady's boyfriend and I'm not a fighter. I feel like I might turn into the hulk and beat someone up if they piss me off too much.
      If i was the girlfriend? I would personally beat that bitch up myself, and tell her "You want to threaten my man from your man? Bitch please lets get it on right now and skip this man talk shit, and i beat you up, once i'm done with you, your man will probably not even bother with me or my man!" Beats her with anything i can find XD
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    6. #13181
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      I don't think any of my friends are particularly good parents. They all love to bitch about each others' poor child bearing skills behind their backs, and all I can think is "your kids are going to be fucked up, too"

      For example one friend of mine raises her daughter with minimal control, and the child basically just whines whenever something gets taken from her and the mother basically just folds to get her to stop crying, and she won't let other people be firm and ignore her whining either. So everyone thinks her daughter's going to grow up a spoiled brat, which is probably true.

      But one couple that likes to bitch about the way she's raising her daughter have a couple kids they're fucking up just as bad, if not worse. They take advantage of the fact that they're the adults and the kids have to do what they say. I understand drawing boundaries and creating clear consequences, but they create consequences just for the ego boost of having power over someone.

      And say what you want about my first friend's loose style of parenting, at least she never enforced a gender role on her daughter. Granted the 3 year old loves girly stuff and always has, it was clear she chose it. Meanwhile I've been over to my friends' house with painted nails once and their 5 year old daughter asks me if I know nail paint is only for girls while the 3 year old son says its pretty and asks if his fingers can be painted too. And they have no respect for a boy who obviously doesn't fit perfectly into the male gender role. The father basically has the attitude that no son of his is going to explore his girly side, I think it's fucked up. These kids are developing deep psychological issues. The 5 year old girl is already starting to do stuff to get negative attention because they don't feed her any. She steals from other kids, cuts off locks of her hair and does whatever she can to passively piss her parents off because it's the only way they'll talk to her. As good a friend to me as their father is, the way he treats his kids makes me want to punch him in the fucking face.

      But to draw some contrast, I do have one friend who's an extremely good parent. Granted I've never seen his child upset so I don't know how he enforces consequences, but he's excellent at reinforcing good behavior. The only story I heard about his child rebelling is when he had his shoes on while he was playing on the bed, pretending to be a bug, and my friend said "you know you can't wear shoes on the bed," and the 3 year old said, "bugs don't have shoes, they just have legs." It's funny because he's only 24, like 2 weeks older than me, but the parents that I think are doing a shitty job are like 31. Granted his kid may have an easier temperament, but my friend is also just generally an exceptional parent.

      I'm not ready to have kids yet, but a lot of people have told me I'd make a good father. One woman even offered to raise a kid with me when I said I did plan to have one in the future. It made me laugh, she took it so casually while I'm still locked into the romanticism and bonding extremely deeply with the mother of my child. Deeper than I care to bond with this woman. I have no intention of rushing into child bearing. Most of my friends with kids are divorced, and the two that aren't probably should be. When I pick a mate, it will be for life, and if it takes time to find someone I can do that with, then so be it. I have time.
      Last edited by Original Poster; 03-22-2013 at 06:27 AM.

      Everything works out in the end, sometimes even badly.

    7. #13182
      ~Fantasizer~ <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Wow, there's a lot here I want to respond that's popped up in the last, like, two days.... I might get to that eventually, but I'm just stopping by really quick right now to rant before falling asleep. For now, I hope everyone's at least feeling a bit better.

      My plan to help resolve my headache issues by cutting out computer time seems to be going well so far. This is really my first time being on mine since yesterday morning or early afternoon, and I haven't noticed nearly as much tension. I also decided to go out and buy a synthetic cannabinoid smoking blend. I'll spare the vivid details but basically I came to the conclusion that a synthetic cannabinoid may actually be a better choice than THC when it comes to smoking without bringing the headaches out. For all I know it could be placebo, but it seems to be actually working pretty well so far.

      The main reason I wanted to rant is that I hate the way these smoking blends are set up, where they list a bunch of decoy plants and an obviously false notice about how there aren't any synthetic cannabinoids in them, despite the fact that they produce the exact same kind of high and are sold for that purpose. But it really bugs me because I really to know what I'm ingesting, and there are sooo many different synthetic cannabinoids used these days, especially around here where so many of the old ones have been banned and there's tons of new stuff to test now. I'd love to be able to identify this one I got, it's like no other cannabinoid I've tried. Every one I've ever used, including weed, has a tendency to sneak up... like they all have a slow come-up, they can take like fifteen minutes to reach full effect even with as fast as a route of administration smoking is. They also linger for at least some time. This one is different. It fits you fast and hard, and then it's gone. When I first tried it I took two hits and put down the pipe and my mind was already speeding out of control within seconds, and I ended up talking out loud to myself but being too distracted to listen to what I was saying and coming to all kinds of emotional revelations that were forgotten moments later. Within ten or fifteen minutes more it had already leveled out to around the level of a normal high that's past it's peak. I ended up smoking more with a friend later, just a few hours ago now, and he had a similar experience. He took some big hits and got stuck in a time loop and tripped pretty hard, but it was over just as quick as it started.

      He didn't like it, it made him too anxious, but I think it's great.... It's fairly psychedelic, but it still just feels like a pure cannabinoid high, just a hard-hitting one that doesn't last as long so it's less of a commitment. It really does the job for the tension too, it didn't really have a negative effect as far as the headaches are concerned at all, and it had a good deal of its own pain-killing effects. It's going to suck when this blend disappears one day and we never get to learn what's in it.
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    8. #13183
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      Quote Originally Posted by Alyzarin View Post
      The main reason I wanted to rant is that I hate the way these smoking blends are set up, where they list a bunch of decoy plants and an obviously false notice about how there aren't any synthetic cannabinoids in them, despite the fact that they produce the exact same kind of high and are sold for that purpose.
      Well, technically they aren't cannabinoids, right?
      They just bind to cannabinoid receptors.

      But yeah it sucks. I'm in favour TGA/FDA for that reason, it makes them have to list what's in things, make sure there's no contaminants etc. but they're also shit coz they ban a lot of stuff.

      I got some Linalool and Anise from this perfumer's website, to put in my e-cigarette for flavour.
      I didn't realise HOW FUCKING STRONG these were lol
      The Anise is alright coz it's completely inert. But the Linalool is.... I don't even know.
      I put in way too much of it at first and it basically burnt my sinuses.
      Then for the next hour I felt slightly high, or like I'd had a couple of beers. And was laughing heaps lol

      I diluted the fuck out of it and it's alright, and I added some Anise which masks a bit of the chemical taste of the Linalool.

      But the Anise is reminding me of Absinthe, and I really want some now but it's $70 a bottle and I'm poor as fuck.
      And thinking of Absinthe is reminding me of my ex.

      Well, apparently smells are the strongest memory triggers and I definitely believe that.

      Oh yeah but there is an upside to all this too, which I'm trying to focus on lately.
      These ingredients should last me well over 2 years, if not longer.
      It cost me $24 all up (I also got a Mary Jane flavour which I haven't tried yet ) plus shipping.
      Before that, I was buying flavours for $12 per bottle which would last about 2 weeks or less depending how much I vaped.

      Damn this is good and those e-cig flavour places are a rip-off.
      Last edited by tommo; 03-22-2013 at 08:00 AM.

    9. #13184
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      AM-2201 is apparently now popular, and is apparently a very strong high. I've herd that has been used lately, but can cause extreme panic and even excessive heartbeat if you smoke too much at once. Some people have even mixed it with tobacco to mute it's strength. apparently this am-2201 is a lot closer in feel to thc then the older jwh compounds. On a side note one blend "Lucid Dream" even contained modified Hawaiian baby wood rose extract. Lsa and trying to sleep?! Not happening. My guess is the immediate onset is due to the fact am-2201 affects cb1 and 2 a lot quicker and is at least 3-5x more potent than jwh, and the quick comedown could be they just didn't spray that much on your herbs, the cheap bastards.
      Last edited by pointofbeing; 03-22-2013 at 10:05 AM.
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    10. #13185
      ~Fantasizer~ <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by tommo View Post
      Well, technically they aren't cannabinoids, right?
      They just bind to cannabinoid receptors.

      But yeah it sucks. I'm in favour TGA/FDA for that reason, it makes them have to list what's in things, make sure there's no contaminants etc. but they're also shit coz they ban a lot of stuff.
      I'm... not sure what you're trying to say with that first part lol. They're not phytocannabinoids, but they are cannabinoids. That term has pretty much changed to just mean CB1/CB2 receptor ligands. With the whole headache thing part of what I was actually hoping it would be something dissimilar to THC's structure since that activates TRPV1, the capsaicin receptor, and I recently read a theory suggesting that tension headaches are caused by overactivation of pain receptors. So preferably I'd like a cannabinoid that doesn't hit that receptor.

      Yeah, it would be nice if they FDA was alright with these chemicals and required them to label them, that would be great. But they won't let a single one through. The second any of them are positively identified they'll just put them on their watch list until they're ready to attack them again. For a while here there actually were a lot of blends that listed which cannabinoid they were right on the package, it was a golden age of legal drug use... but obviously it can't last because those are all banned now.

      Quote Originally Posted by tommo View Post
      I got some Linalool and Anise from this perfumer's website, to put in my e-cigarette for flavour.
      I didn't realise HOW FUCKING STRONG these were lol
      The Anise is alright coz it's completely inert. But the Linalool is.... I don't even know.
      I put in way too much of it at first and it basically burnt my sinuses.
      Then for the next hour I felt slightly high, or like I'd had a couple of beers. And was laughing heaps lol

      I diluted the fuck out of it and it's alright, and I added some Anise which masks a bit of the chemical taste of the Linalool.

      But the Anise is reminding me of Absinthe, and I really want some now but it's $70 a bottle and I'm poor as fuck.
      And thinking of Absinthe is reminding me of my ex.

      Well, apparently smells are the strongest memory triggers and I definitely believe that.

      Oh yeah but there is an upside to all this too, which I'm trying to focus on lately.
      These ingredients should last me well over 2 years, if not longer.
      It cost me $24 all up (I also got a Mary Jane flavour which I haven't tried yet ) plus shipping.
      Before that, I was buying flavours for $12 per bottle which would last about 2 weeks or less depending how much I vaped.

      Damn this is good and those e-cig flavour places are a rip-off.
      Very nice! You can buy linalool like that? I need to get an e-cig lol. I'll bet it does pack quite a punch, I usually figure that linalool is the reason that strawberry- and grape-flavored weeds can have stronger anti-anxiety effects, and there's supposed to be a lot of it in wine too.

      Quote Originally Posted by pointofbeing View Post
      AM-2201 is apparently now popular, and is apparently a very strong high. I've herd that has been used lately, but can cause extreme panic and even excessive heartbeat if you smoke too much at once. Some people have even mixed it with tobacco to mute it's strength. apparently this am-2201 is a lot closer in feel to thc then the older jwh compounds. On a side note one blend "Lucid Dream" even contained modified Hawaiian baby wood rose extract. Lsa and trying to sleep?! Not happening. My guess is the immediate onset is due to the fact am-2201 affects cb1 and 2 a lot quicker and is at least 3-5x more potent than jwh, and the quick comedown could be they just didn't spray that much on your herbs, the cheap bastards.
      I don't think it's AM-2201, first and foremost because AM-2201 is already illegal here. Obviously that doesn't have to mean anything, but in my experience these blends have always been pretty solid about updating with the ban laws, and it seems to be a blend made specifically for here. Maybe something similar.... It has that wham bam thank you ma'am feeling, and it does have a nice psychedelic racing mindset that would probably be horrifying in overdose, but I have my doubts. Though I would never settle for sure anyway because there's really no point in guessing without just doing a lab test, but I'd wait a bit longer before passing judgment here. One thing it feels like it lacks for me so far is the steep dose-response curve of AM-2201. Last night I was taking hits every ten minutes without getting much more than just really stoned. Actually, I smoked some like ten minutes ago too and it already doesn't really feel stronger than any other synthetic I've used. It just has a nice signature. I also purposefully bought the low potency one. The head shop I went to is pretty open about which blend does what.

      And actually, have you ever tried LSA before? It often starts with a period of sedation that would probably help you sleep, at least for me. But I can't imagine it would help with getting lucid at all lol.
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    11. #13186
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      I'm no expert on any of the drug stuff, nor do I know exactly what these people were doing, but my brother ran tons of calls on people who had smoked synthetic marijuana that had seizures and heart attacks.

      Do what you want, I just don't want any of you guys keeling over.
      “Never forget that once upon a time, in an unguarded moment, you recognized yourself as a friend.”

    12. #13187
      ~Fantasizer~ <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by NewArtemis View Post
      I'm no expert on any of the drug stuff, nor do I know exactly what these people were doing, but my brother ran tons of calls on people who had smoked synthetic marijuana that had seizures and heart attacks.

      Do what you want, I just don't want any of you guys keeling over.
      Don't worry, I do my research. The problem with people smoking them and having that stuff happen is that they're either just the type that wants to overdo everything, or they treat them like they're weed. Which they're not, at all. They're the exact same type of high but a lot stronger due to higher activation of cannabinoid receptors, they're really on the level of hard drugs because they're addictive (with withdrawals and everything) and you can overdose on them. They're much more disabling than a regular weed high, they're pretty powerful psychedelics in large doses, and they're even being investigated to replace opiates/oids for spinal analgesia because they're that effective at it. So for the latter type of person that treats them like weed, they can become dangerous. You can smoke weed forever and be fine, but not these things. They have to be treated with respect like a stimulant or a pain killer.

      Though for the record, I used be to the former. I would overdo everything, and we had one of the chemicals (JWH-250) in pure powder form for a while. I would just dump lots of it on all the weed I smoked and go out of my mind, called it psychedelic weed crack. I'm pretty sure I approached the seizure point a few times. I'm definitely not getting back into that again, I take it very cautiously now.
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    13. #13188
      floating through fiftybirds's Avatar
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      if you're using synthetic cannabinoids i'd advise you to be really careful... a lot of people think "oh its just like weed" -- not true -- these compounds are much more potent than regular thc and have different neuropharmacological profiles. you can overdose on jwh and land yourself in the hospital... can't do that with weed. and of course their long-term effects are not well known. & i wouldn't smoke any of the "herbal blends" you find at the gas station or in sketchy headshops, thats like popping some random pills you found on the floor of a nightclub.

      i'm not too familiar with the AM series but adverse affects of jwh at a high dose include severe panic attacks, arrythmia, hypertension, seizures -- in high doses it acts as a strong autonomic stimulant. i'd assume most synthetics act similarly. always hearing about kids who smoke too much of whatever "herbal blend", freak out and get themselves hospitalized...

      tl;dr synthetics aren't a good idea except in very specific situations, real weed's a lot more innocuous. and if you want synthetics, get them from reliable suppliers, not from the convenience store in the bad part of town.

      to alyzarin-- if it helps with your headaches that's fantastic & it seems like you've done your research and know what you're talking about... just don't want a random kid reading your posts and thinking "wow sounds cool, im gonna go buy some fake weed right now!"

      edit: whoops, you replied while i was typing -- and you said what i wanted to say much better than i did. : ^p
      Last edited by fiftybirds; 03-22-2013 at 04:30 PM.

    14. #13189
      ~Fantasizer~ <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by fiftybirds View Post
      if you're using synthetic cannabinoids i'd advise you to be really careful... a lot of people think "oh its just like weed" -- not true -- these compounds are much more potent than regular thc and have different neuropharmacological profiles. you can overdose on jwh and land yourself in the hospital... can't do that with weed. and of course their long-term effects are not well known. & i wouldn't smoke any of the "herbal blends" you find at the gas station or in sketchy headshops, thats like popping some random pills you found on the floor of a nightclub.
      I actually used to actively search for pills on the ground at clubs. My friends found a baggy of powder once and just railed it too, luckily for them it turned out to be ketamine. We weren't very bright back then.

      Definitely backing up this warning, though. Especially the fact that their long-term effects are not known. That's why these drugs should never have left the research chemical scene.... When you're that far in you already know what you're getting into. Random kids at the gas station don't.

      But for the record, the head shop here isn't sketchy lol. They get potent stuff and are very open about it, recommending them by relative strength and effects, and warning against using too much. If I had any other way to get them I would still go for that instead, but this is just so easy. I still know some sites that front as herbal shops that are actually selling cannabinoid blends, but I prefer not to go that route. That's riskier than just buying blends at my preferred head shop to me.

      Quote Originally Posted by fiftybirds View Post
      i'm not too familiar with the AM series but adverse affects of jwh at a high dose include severe panic attacks, arrythmia, hypertension, seizures -- in high doses it acts as a strong autonomic stimulant. i'd assume most synthetics act similarly. always hearing about kids who smoke too much of whatever "herbal blend", freak out and get themselves hospitalized...
      It's been a while since I read much about other AMs so my memory is flaky now, but AM-2201 is one of those drugs that's supposed to give even the hardest of heads a run for their money. I remember reading a report a long time ago where someone said an overdose on it was more terrifying and physically uncomfortable than datura, and others where the high dose hallucinations were compared to DMT. It started out as just another synthetic cannabinoid on the scene but quickly became known as the most psychedelic of them by far, a lot of people were even grouping it in more with classical psychedelics than with other cannabinoids. But for the record, its chemical structure is almost identical to JWH-018. Anything that applies to one probably applies to the other, but I have seen some anecdotal reports that suggest that AM-2201 is a bit harder to reach a dangerous overdose on than JWH-018, but it's still certainly nowhere near as safe as something like weed.

      Quote Originally Posted by fiftybirds View Post
      to alyzarin-- if it helps with your headaches that's fantastic & it seems like you've done your research and know what you're talking about... just don't want a random kid reading your posts and thinking "wow sounds cool, im gonna go buy some fake weed right now!"

      edit: whoops, you replied while i was typing -- and you said what i wanted to say much better than i did. : ^p
      Haha, well it's always good to reinforce it. That's the last thing I want. I'm usually the one trying to dissuade people from trying any drugs except weed.
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      I went downtown with two of my friends in this store for my friends birthday. Earlier that day, my eyes were bothering me so I took my contacts out. My eyesight is really bad without them. So we were in the store when I see someone that seems familiar. I can't quite make out the face.

      So I just stare at them for about a minute trying to figure out who it is. Then I realize they are staring back and THEN I realize it's the guy I like. He knows I like him and it's just an awkward situation all around. So anyway I must have been staring at him for two minutes before I realized who it was and he was giving me the weirdest look. xD I think he was creeped out. Anyway, I tried to smile and walked away. @_@

      Oh well, what are you going to do?

    16. #13191
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      Quote Originally Posted by Alyzarin View Post
      I'm... not sure what you're trying to say with that first part lol. They're not phytocannabinoids, but they are cannabinoids. That term has pretty much changed to just mean CB1/CB2 receptor ligands. With the whole headache thing part of what I was actually hoping it would be something dissimilar to THC's structure since that activates TRPV1, the capsaicin receptor, and I recently read a theory suggesting that tension headaches are caused by overactivation of pain receptors. So preferably I'd like a cannabinoid that doesn't hit that receptor.
      Ok, I would classify a cannabinoid as anything in Cannabis that bind to cannabinoid receptors, and analogues of those chemicals.
      But I spose it makes more sense to just classify them as anything that binds to cannabinoid receptors.
      Wasn't really thinking about it properly there.

      Quote Originally Posted by Alyzarin View Post
      Yeah, it would be nice if they FDA was alright with these chemicals and required them to label them, that would be great. But they won't let a single one through. The second any of them are positively identified they'll just put them on their watch list until they're ready to attack them again. For a while here there actually were a lot of blends that listed which cannabinoid they were right on the package, it was a golden age of legal drug use... but obviously it can't last because those are all banned now.
      My brother was saying someone should market e-cigs as like a cool thing like the cigarette companies did.
      I was like.... yeah no that would literally be instant ban, done, illegal.
      It's like anything younger people are doing which is fun is instantly terrible and must be banned.
      No need for studies on how safe it is, nothing.
      Molecularly similar to an already banned substance?
      But.... similar structure really means fuck all in terms of safety or effect....
      I SAID BANNED! Bitch!


      Quote Originally Posted by Alyzarin View Post
      Very nice! You can buy linalool like that? I need to get an e-cig lol. I'll bet it does pack quite a punch, I usually figure that linalool is the reason that strawberry- and grape-flavored weeds can have stronger anti-anxiety effects, and there's supposed to be a lot of it in wine too.
      Yeah I think I should have gotten ethyl-Linalool though. It's supposed to be sweeter and less chemical tasting.
      Need to wait till I get more money though lol
      I might try adding some to a bit of weed and see how it affects the high. Apparently myrcene is a big one for anti-anxiety effects in weed too. White Widow has heaps.
      But I don't know if you can buy that anywhere. The people who tested this suggested eating a mango before smoking coz it has myrcene lol

      Quote Originally Posted by NewArtemis View Post
      I'm no expert on any of the drug stuff, nor do I know exactly what these people were doing, but my brother ran tons of calls on people who had smoked synthetic marijuana that had seizures and heart attacks.

      Do what you want, I just don't want any of you guys keeling over.
      Heart attacks? Probably more likely just panic attacks. It's very common that people confuse them.
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    17. #13192
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      i saw this thing on facebook about making houses out of hemp and WHY IS NOBODY USING IT!!! it is useful for so many things its unreal less damaging to our planet and its cheaper... whats the deal that really annoyed me that did
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    18. #13193
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      I'm only realizing it now, I should really stop even reading any news, threads, blog posts... Anything that has to do with pedophilia. It always puts me in a bad mood so I don't understand how for years, I've been getting involved in fucking millions of discussions about it on the internet.

      It was about half a year ago when my life got a lot better, and since then I've been able to have a "hah, fuck their stupidity" attitude towards it instead of "hnng gotta get my argue face on" so I very rarely get into arguments anymore. But I still read shit, I still see threads and posts and there's a curiosity in me, a need to see what people have to say about me - but it's always bad, it's always uninformed, it's always hurtful, even many of those who call themselves accepting often inadvertently come off as hurtful - and no discussion ever leads anywhere... I've learned, at least to some degree, to stay out of the arguments, but I haven't yet found it in me to ignore the curiosity. Bluh!

      That being said, I've now been to the cinema two days in a row... My wallet is hurt. But shit was cash and I've been feeling fantastic!
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    19. #13194
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      Quote Originally Posted by mitchj111 View Post
      i saw this thing on facebook about making houses out of hemp and WHY IS NOBODY USING IT!!! it is useful for so many things its unreal less damaging to our planet and its cheaper... whats the deal that really annoyed me that did
      They are, it just hasn't gained popularity yet. You can build your house entirely from Hemp if you want, just gotta find the companies that make the materials.
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    20. #13195
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      Quote Originally Posted by Maeni View Post
      I'm only realizing it now, I should really stop even reading any news, threads, blog posts... Anything that has to do with pedophilia. It always puts me in a bad mood so I don't understand how for years, I've been getting involved in fucking millions of discussions about it on the internet.

      It was about half a year ago when my life got a lot better, and since then I've been able to have a "hah, fuck their stupidity" attitude towards it instead of "hnng gotta get my argue face on" so I very rarely get into arguments anymore. But I still read shit, I still see threads and posts and there's a curiosity in me, a need to see what people have to say about me - but it's always bad, it's always uninformed, it's always hurtful, even many of those who call themselves accepting often inadvertently come off as hurtful - and no discussion ever leads anywhere... I've learned, at least to some degree, to stay out of the arguments, but I haven't yet found it in me to ignore the curiosity. Bluh!
      I totally get your point. Regarding pedophilia, I also get mad how some people talk about it. I met people online who participated in "raids" to drive pedophiles away from their local area. They said that they were not people, and all deserved to be in jail. I asked them what about pedophiles that haven't harmed anyone or were never associated with sexual predation, should they pay like the others? At this point, people call me stupid, pedophile, and ignorant. But I don't need to go to the internet to see this kind of behavior. In my family, most of my uncles (father's side) are a bit homophobic. Hey, my father would absolutely hate if I was gay. He tries to pretend he wouldn't (I confronted him many times), but the way he talks says a lot about his views about homosexual orientation. Let alone pedophilia.

      In general, I also have that same problem of not being able to let go about hate posts/threads. Until some months ago, I couldn't control myself to shut up when someone said something so stupid in youtube like "I hope you all burn in hell atheists piece of crap, you either acept jesus or you burn along your stupid science". People say really dumb things in youtube, and thanks to a famous video-maker, I learned to let go. Otherwise you'll go mad. Even in DV I have to step away from most discussions otherwise I'll obsess over them and refresh the page every 10 seconds waiting for a reply xD

      But yeah, it's a harsh lesson for some people to learn to stay off useless arguments, especially in the internet. All said in this picture:

      Maeni, Zhaylin, Dianeva and 2 others like this.
      Quote Originally Posted by nito89 View Post
      Quote Originally Posted by zoth00 View Post
      You have to face lucid dreams as cooking:
      Stick it in the microwave and hope for the best?
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    21. #13196
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      DayZ, survival server, no PVP. One of the guys asks if someone can help him on a mountain coz he broke his leg.
      So this admin just heals him.... wtf!!??!?? This is survival you fucking retard, what is the point if you're just going to heal people with admin powers?
      There's no point playing!

      Even the guy he healed was like "wtf?"

      Anyway I just say "hacker" as a shitty joke.
      About 10 seconds later a message pops up "Banned - Reason: I'm a fucking mod you stupid cunt, fuck off!".

      Oh lord. Go fuck yourself faggot.

      So now I wasted at least a good few hours trying to find wheels and get to the north-west air field to fix a car, because the items don't go between servers.
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    22. #13197
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      still trying
      far away
      fvck reddit it's full with trolls
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    23. #13198
      ~Fantasizer~ <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      These last couple of days have gone by in a blur.... I've made some less than good decisions, and I'm not looking forward to the rebound headaches I'm bound to get soon. (Hopefully my L-theanine will help me a bit there, though.) Probably the first bad decision worth mentioning is that I've been smoking this synthetic cannabinoid blend still, and often. I've had a few more fairly trippy experiences with it and they usually have a decent anxious quality to them, so having that happen a lot at once gets tiresome. Another thing is that I went to a friend's birthday party, which itself was awesome. One of my high school best friends and favorite DJ was there doing a set for six and a half hours straight, and I got to see lots of people I don't see anymore, lots of friends I don't get to hang out with often, and some new people who were pretty cool. Where things get iffy is when I drank for it. When I decided to quit drinking back at the beginning of January the discussion of whether not it would count for this party was already on the table... so I don't quite feel as bad as I could about breaking that from that aspect, but I do still wish I had just decided not to drink. I would have been better off without it, and I was doing tequila shots all night. Someone also brought a nice hookah so I ended up smoking tobacco again for the first time in probably like a year and a half or more, but at least it wasn't cigarettes. And on a somewhat lighter note but still something I need to avoid, I ended up snorting some molly (MDMA) near the end of the party for the first time in probably around a year or so, and I barely had any water the whole time. That kind of came back to bite me the next morning. Bleh... I'm still pretty worn out from all of that, too. But at least it's a new day now, right?

      Another thing is that this game I ordered online came when no one was here yesterday and I have to wait until like Monday night to be able to pick it up now since they wouldn't leave it here. >:T I already had to wait like three whole weeks for the frickin' thing to even ship in the first place, it just had to get one last sick laugh in before I finally get to enjoy it....

      Anyway, I have a few PMs I haven't responded to and stuff since I've been gone, so I apologize for that. I've just been mostly away and really out of it, I'm still recovering a bit. I'll get to them, though.
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    24. #13199
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      Oh wow Aly. That sounds like quite a party. I don't envy you that hangover.

      My complain is that I got drunk again a few days and did something stupid. Not haunt me for life stupid, but still will bother me a at least a month stupid.
      On the bright side, I'm visiting my parents and so is my sisters dog. Which is very kind, very cute, and quite cuddly.
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      April Ryan is my friend,
      Every sorrow she can mend.
      When i visit her dark realm,
      Does it simply overwhelm.

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      My stepdad talks so. loud. I'm trying to WILD, stop screaming everything you say.
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