Lucid #1
Crappiest LD ever. I realize I am dreaming and see something interesting walk over to it and I don't remember anything else. :/
I wake up and "talk" to my wife for about an hour for a WBTB
Lucid #2
I am walking up a water slide. There are people going down it and moss everywhere making it difficult to get up. Maybe I should just go down? This is a dream after all I then realize what I thought and that it was a dream.I walk up the water, but make the water push upstream instead of down, so when I slip I keep going up. There is a patio at the top and Tam Haverford (Aziz Ansari) is at the top, serving lemonade. I ask him for some and then drink it. Tastes alright for dream food, I have had better. I see a building, but there is no entrance, just a brick wall. I imagine the scene from Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone and the bricks move like I want them to. I go inside the building and see a book lying next to a window, so I grab it and decide to read it. I begin and it goes like this:
After of then when we couldn't of course, being happy later when you snoring beat after the old expensive. And relevant exegetical purpose then never pants until.
And went on like that for the whole page. OK, Just think of it being solid words that make sense I flip the page and the same garbled nonsense is there as well. Maybe I should stabilize better... OH! I should become omnipotent! Everything around me is fake, there are no consequences for my actions, the
I woke up here. When I was reading the book everything had been slowly destabilizing. I check the time (twice ) and then go back to sleep.
Lucid #3
Everything suddenly starts becoming more and more clear and vivid in my imagination. I can feel my arms moving, I am entering a dream. I can see that everything that I imagine happens, so I go back to the previous dream (No idea why) and am standing next to Tom again. This time he is making lemonade instead of serving, he is putting confetti and things like that in it. I just ignored him and went to another room, there was a girl that followed me and I made her stay with my mind. The bricks are back where they were, but I just imagine them being a door and push it open with my mind. They all just crumble to the ground, meh. I step over it and go inside. I am now trapped in a hallway with nowhere to go, easy fix, I can just teleport. I wake up.
Spoiler for Last night:
I am studying magic, HP style, but we are not at hogwarts. I had a battle with malfoy and used the right words and all (Like a boss), but didn't become lucid till the end. After exploring the mountain where I was staying and seeing some really sad back stories, I go over to the remnant that are trying to get to the mountain, most of the places are blocked with spells, so I decide to help them. I start talking to this girl and she is a jerk to me, but her lingering stare tells me that she is just joking. I keep talking to her as we journey up the mountain and each time I do I step closer. I finally am right next to her and when she turns to me she gasps.
"What are you doing?" She asks
"What you want me to do." I say, smiling. She runs away. I think about it for a bit, and think that she must be shy, she gave me about a million "go ahead"s before that.
I walk up right behind her and call out her name, she turns around and I put my arms around her and stare into her eyes. She leans in and almost kisses me and then seems to change her mind. I am about to wake up I think, as I realize that this is a dream. I hold her close and tell her not to worry. I lean in to kiss her and I wake up.
I have weird LDs like this a lot where I realize that I am dreaming because I can feel the dream destabilizing. I can stabilize them if I remember.
Will update score tomorrow morning, don't have time tonight, sorry guys!
And yeah, REM Rebound is when you sleep too little on purpose one day. The next time you sleep your body will make up for the lost REM and your REM will be much longer. Gives you crazy dreams. I'd say sleep less than 4-5 hours and you've set yourself up for REM Rebound.
Previous Lucid Task: Flying [X]
Next Lucid Task: Telekinesis [ ]
2012 - LD's: 17 | Dreams: 24 - Updated every now and then... Need help? Don't feel like asking a question in the forum? Send me a PM!
"Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau Tasks of the Year Completed: China (Asia)
So I had a blasting lucid yesterday, yes!
By the way as I said I'll stick with the 3ST I had the last competition (though I phrased it in a hurry back then), just was to lazy to search it out with my handy (the mobile style of DV is devastatingly annoying). Anyway, here they are: Invulnerability
Elemental Manipulation
Advanced Flying
I already achieved the first of them, so here are my points for today:
1 Dream Remembered: 1 Point
WBTB Success: 3 Points
REM Rebound: 3 Points (Given my current sleep schedule I'm set up for this very often, it's not completely voluntary and makes me tired but at least it's a little good for dreaming)
1# 3ST: 5 Points
Total Night: 31 Points
Total Competition: 33,5 Points
Actually I also had some minor case of Elemental Manipulation but it wasn't really worth mentioning, and as it was before flying it would only be 1 additional point anyway. Now let's hope I can have some more of those kind of lucids
Personal Records so far: Max lucids per day: 2 | Max lucids per week: 4 | Max lucids per month: 8 | Max dreams recalled in one night: 17
Longest lucid dream: ~35min | Highest flight: zoomed out of common existence [WTF?] | Fastest speed: FTL | DILD/EILD/DEILD [X] | WILD/VILD [X] | MILD/FILD/HILD [ ]
Interested to know how I got 17 dreams in one single night? And how I think I still could Improve? Check out my new and improved Dream Recall Compendium: The Dream Recall Compendium
Ah alright, great. But does it really have to be planned or/and be on purpose in order to get points for REM rebound? I know my REM use to occurs in about 4 hours and 10 minutes in sleep in average, so I will count it then if I sleep 4 hours or less, I count it as a rebound. Though not often I sleep that little these days.
However, I think of trying it next week and then I may count it as it will be on purpose. But can it be counted if I do it on purpose for a WILD attempt too? As I plan to then sleep about 4 hours (putting alarm 4 hours later when going bed) and then wake up, being awake in a couple of hours and then take a nap/WILD attempt.
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."
2 dreams and 2 fragments for me during these last two days.
Total: 3 points for me and Team Darkness!
Scores Updated!
Raven Knight: WILD doesn't count in the Three Step Tasks, only Dream Control tasks are allowed. I'll let it slide though.
LonelyCloud: That's one long WBTB... I don't know really, sounds like bending the rules. If you're awake for a while then it's a WBTB. If you're awake for hours... I don't know. It's the effort that counts, staying up all day with sleep deprivation basicly just to be able to enjoy the next day more.
Previous Lucid Task: Flying [X]
Next Lucid Task: Telekinesis [ ]
2012 - LD's: 17 | Dreams: 24 - Updated every now and then... Need help? Don't feel like asking a question in the forum? Send me a PM!
WILD. The dream began - i was walking and trying to count fingers. I was in my town and saw DC about 40 years old, he lied on the grass. He spoke with me, and i thought that he spoke intresting things. We had a conversation. But i remembered about TOTM, there was a secretary and i took a sheet of paper and soft pens. I explained the DC that want to draw red car, and i will see it behind the coner and i will run into something. " then draw a recicle bin near it" - he said. I draw a car, going to recicle bin. In fact it was difficult and the picture wasn't stable and soft pens draw very bad. I ask DC what's his name. he said one name. I asked - tell it again, and he said another. I said bye-bye and went to the coner thinking about the red car. Behind the corner i found some constructions like 4-wheel bikes, but making from lego. I sat and drive, but this mashine drove so slow - about 20 km/h. I tried to crash to the building, but nothing happened, i slowly came to building and touched it with my bike. Then i don't remember the fragment of the dream, and my recall came back then i was in my parent's flat with my 4-wheel bike, thinking that i need outdoors to ride. I went through the wall and window and jumped from 8 floor. I flew very fast, and when i landed i awoke.
DEILD i lied a bit without mooving and soon found myself in my district, but without my bike. I up my palm and made on it keys for car, which should be behind me. I turned around and found some construction like portable comp, but biger. I imagined that it will transform. I took it and went to the road. There i put it and its transformed into a cart. It manipulated by the joystick. I put key to the usb - port and drove about 40 km/h. But street transformed into a hall and i stoped near the wall, lost awareness and awoke.
2 dreams, 1 fragment - 2,5 points
WBTB - 3 poins
WILD - 3
Successfully stabilise: 2 points
Successfully RC: 1 points
Interact with a DC: 2 points
Basic Summon: 4 points
Fly: 4 points
10 points cap on chained DEILD's. - right?????
total - 31.5
LonelyCloud: That's one long WBTB... I don't know really, sounds like bending the rules. If you're awake for a while then it's a WBTB. If you're awake for hours... I don't know. It's the effort that counts, staying up all day with sleep deprivation basicly just to be able to enjoy the next day more.
WBTB? I never mentioned it. It was WILD I wrote.
If I sleep for 4 hours and then wake up. That makes it a REM rebound?
Then doesn't matter how long I stay awake, but maybe a couple of hours and then I go bed. This is called WILD right? Because it's AWAKE induced lucid dream. And I read it's better perform WILD right before REM period? or atleast not when going sleep.
But yeah, how long do I have to be awake to make REM rebound count? Is it during the whole day I only can sleep max 4 hours? Or will it count if I go bed like 00:00, wake up 04:00, be awake to 21:00 and then perform WILD when going to sleep? Will it then be a point for REM rebound? Or would I need wait to 00:00 the next day to make it a max 4 hour sleep in a 24 hour period?
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."