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      you don't come here no more : (
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      Hey Arch, I recognize your username. I'm sure your username isn't uncommon, but were you ever active on a FE forum?
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      Never got a PM.
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      Congrats with being a dream guide!
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      Oi Arch, that way I showed you was kind a of a brute force method that'll always work if you can't see what to do. It works but it's a slog.

      A much neater way would be to evaluate sin(3@ - @). See if you can figure it out, it only takes a line or so. The thing is you need to use these things all the time to spot tricks like that.
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      Cheer up bitch
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      I like your post. Good luck with the guide!
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      Seriously WTF happened last night? I just woke up now with a giant jar of puke on my desk....... Nice.
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    I want to learn about the secrets of the universe, dreaming and beyond!
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    1. Ctharlhie
      Ctharlhie liked post by Arch On thread : Collective WILD Experience Project
      WILDs have been bugging me on and off for about a year, to me what makes them so difficult is there is no easy way of putting one technique to one person, which led to me making this thread. I think...
      Liked On: 02-08-2012, 05:41 PM
    2. Ctharlhie
      Ctharlhie liked post by Arch On thread : Collective WILD Experience Project
      OH MY GOD, third time ive lost what I wrote down, okay going to make it short. Woke up, was uncomfortable, mouth was dry, went back to bed. Going to try and wake up naturally from now on.
      Liked On: 02-08-2012, 05:41 PM
    3. Solar
      Solar liked post by Arch On thread : insomnia issues
      I heard that if you set yourself a time to go to bed every night (at the same time) it can really help getting to sleep. :D
      Liked On: 02-08-2012, 06:29 AM
    4. Dark_Merlin
      Dark_Merlin liked post by Arch On thread : Collective WILD Experience Project
      WILDs have been bugging me on and off for about a year, to me what makes them so difficult is there is no easy way of putting one technique to one person, which led to me making this thread. I think...
      Liked On: 02-05-2012, 11:22 PM
    5. Zenithar66
      Zenithar66 liked post by Arch On thread : So I need help with my lucids lasting longer
      Don't try too hard to prolong the dreams, stabilisation requires you to be calm and therefore in control, but don't worry this should come natural through trail and error as you are frequently LDing....
      Liked On: 02-05-2012, 03:47 PM
    6. xkldx
      xkldx liked post by Arch On thread : i dont LD a lot
      Yeah what darkmatters said, dream stabilisation comes with experience, but if you're alooking for some pointers to stabilse, teach yourself to feel the surroundings once you get in a dream.
      Liked On: 02-03-2012, 12:56 PM
    7. Mio
      Mio liked post by Arch On thread : Hi there :)
      Hey and welcome to DV :) It's possible for anyone just needs alittle practice, and the more you practice the faster they will come :)
      Liked On: 02-01-2012, 09:58 PM
    8. Sageous
      Sageous liked post by Arch On thread : Why this might refute Evolution
      I look at fossil.I see fossil. I store fossil in my memory. My brain dreams using memory's. That's all mate.
      Liked On: 02-01-2012, 07:06 PM
    9. pichulick
      pichulick liked post by Arch On thread : Why this might refute Evolution
      I look at fossil.I see fossil. I store fossil in my memory. My brain dreams using memory's. That's all mate.
      Liked On: 01-31-2012, 06:58 PM
    10. yuppie11975
      yuppie11975 liked post by Arch On thread : First lucid! =D, a few questions however
      Yeah it happens alot, expecially with people new to the skill, personally I use vocal commands and shout out how I will stay concious, but it all comes down to awareness, if you lose touch with the...
      Liked On: 01-30-2012, 09:26 AM
    11. Patrick
      Patrick liked post by Arch On thread : Why this might refute Evolution
      I look at fossil.I see fossil. I store fossil in my memory. My brain dreams using memory's. That's all mate.
      Liked On: 01-30-2012, 03:23 AM
    12. OctoberWind
      OctoberWind liked post by Arch On thread : So this helped me A LOT when attaining lucidity! Give it a try
      But....its....fun.... On other matters, I guess it might help but I would say it's only a factor and that you just had a 'good' night, well done there though!
      Liked On: 01-30-2012, 01:36 AM
    13. Namwan
      Namwan liked post by Arch On thread : Spinning makes me wake up
      Depends, to me there are two types of spinning. A first timers approach to spinning will usually be when the dream is unstable or attempting to change the scenery. For example when I started out if...
      Liked On: 01-29-2012, 03:55 PM
    14. Zhaylin
      Zhaylin liked post by Arch On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      Chin up errr ;) At least your dentist does something, here in the UK I get next to nothing because my teeth aren't 'bad' enough.
      Liked On: 01-22-2012, 09:42 PM
    15. Alyzarin
      Alyzarin liked post by Arch On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      Chin up errr ;) At least your dentist does something, here in the UK I get next to nothing because my teeth aren't 'bad' enough.
      Liked On: 01-22-2012, 09:28 PM
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    View Arch's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    WILD attempt in a WILD, Bar Fight, Journey

    by Arch on 02-08-2012 at 03:15 PM
    Well currently I'm trying to WILD alot and regain my recall, tonight was an improvement.

    Well I typed this up this morning, and pressed a button and it all got deleted, so I can't be bothered to type it all up again.

    I attempt a WILD within a WILD, alarm wakes me up > I have a barfight with someone, he goes off crying > I go in a teachers car and drive to another city.

    Drama Production

    by Arch on 02-08-2012 at 07:34 AM
    I'm part of a drama production, we are carying out various tasks, we are using the iPad to create water on the floor.
    I go outside and look at all the different productions in progress.

    WILD attempt

    by Arch on 02-06-2012 at 09:00 AM
    College night so I set my alarm for 4.5 hours after bed.
    Got up at 6.00am but I think I fell asleep until 7.00 (I did attempt).
    Attempted again at 7, felt vibrations after about 5 minutes but not intense at all and was only for a short period.
    Waited for about 30 mins for them to come back but no luck so I tried rolling my eyes back into my head, vibrations instantly comeback but my eyes begin to flicker very fast. Waiting for the vibrations to get stronger I then open my eyes but I'm not dreaming :/
    I think it's because I fell asleep on my original attempt

    There's no way to escape, if you try you will die

    by Arch on 02-03-2012 at 07:54 AM
    Well... let my mind run me on this LD, attempted a WILD before the LD, pretty sure it was a DILD.

    I'm in a sunny medow, there is moped next to me, small, red and really slow.
    I jump on the moped and begin to ride up the hill, there is a series of train tracks ahead of me, although I do not realise I'm dreaming yet my usual narative is going on.
    "Train coming down the ..... track"
    I quickly go past that one, approaching the next one I begin to realise the narative,
    "Something's not right here, I'm dreaming aren't I..."
    I attempt the finger through palm RC but it wont work, I really tried hard on that one.
    I see a mushroom on the floor, I want to give myself superpowers so I begin to eat it. It's disgusting.
    Everything goes purple, my vision fades in very slowly, but it's still very blury.
    I'm in my bedroom, I know somethings wrong, I hear a voice in my head when I look towards the door.
    "There's no way to escape, if you try you will die"
    Me logically thinking, I go to the door and attempt to escape...
    Turning right to go into my parents bedroom a force pulls me back, I struggle at first but I give up after a short time.
    I allow myself to float down the stairs into an area in my house that I don't realise, there are strange objects there but I wake up before being able to observe further.

    Strange Island, Job, Tragety

    by Arch on 01-29-2012 at 03:50 PM
    Non-Lucid Lucid Comment

    Again a lie in today, which wrecked my recall. I'm sure I have more dreams that these but I just forget them after I wake up and fall back to sleep.
    Some weird dreams last night...

    Me and my family are going on holiday, for some reason I feel like we are going to magaluf.
    I remember being on a boat in a cabin made out of tree trunks, with my family.
    When we get to the island I go out to look for a job, I ask around a bar but there is no jobs there and they instruct me to look further down in the town.
    We head up to a pizza shop for some food, the pizza is strange and the toppings are inside the pizza. Nevertheless it's very tasty.
    The women working at the pizza shop asks me if I'm looking for a job, excitedly I sign up, I will be working Fridays.
    I go to talk to my brother who also was looking for a job, he says he has found a job as a standard bearer for a tribe. I don't like the sound of it and attempt to persuade him form doing so.
    I have to go pick up my brother from his job, something doesn't seem right and he is dead on the floor, I begin to cry and scream in pain. There is a man behind me laughing and I throw myself at him in rage.