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    1. Hey! Nice to see you around!
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      Well when I close my eyes I see the little lights then I see circles with a bit of color, but not much else. I just really don't know what I'm waiting for. Sorry if I didn't explain any better lol
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      Hey gaea, I'm new here and I found you from an old post by lonewolf101 back in 2014. It was a study of his on how to develop techniques I think, but I noticed that you're the only one that's still active and close to my age. Anyway I was wondering if you could tell me what you see before you reach lucidity, so that I could try to focus on whatever it is. Thanks
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      Do you play the game "osu!"? If yes what is your username?
      Here is the link: osu.ppy.sh
    6. Congrats on getting the TOTY done!
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      Thank you for befriending me
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    [Lucid Dream] Another Day Another ToTM and ToTY

    by Gaea on 10-03-2018 at 07:55 PM

    November ToTM (Task of the Month) and Jack the Giant Killer ToTY 2018 (Task of the Year) Combined

    ~ Dream #1 ~
    100% Lucidity

    Approximate Real Life Time: Around 10 minutes
    Approximate Dream Time: About one hour

    Dream: A chilled, steel blade felt cold on my back. I had no scabbard to hold the sword, so it was strapped to a belt on my back. I felt the ice cold around me, cold enough to feel warm. The moonlight was glowing, and the stars shining. A clear night with a few small clouds in between. The place smelled of cold clean ice, and torches illuminated the area of a nearby town. I walked to the town and a group of people were gathered together in the middle of the night. I asked how I can help them, and they spoke of a large giant that comes out every month to take their gold. However they didn't have any gold, so the giant took one of their families every time he came. Stomping, crushing, and destroying entire houses with families inside. So many people scared for their lives, stayed outside when the time is near at the end of each month. The giant with brown cloths was coming towards the village. I slashed my sword upwards, also bringing my body higher. I was heading towards the giant, and I had to be quick so that the villagers would be safe. The giant grabbed my entire body, so I was unable to move. I struggled to move out of his tremendous grip. I pulled myself out, and I launched foward towards the giant's heart and pierced it with my steel blade. I held on tightly. The giant started to slowly fall to the ground, and it was over. I was triumphant in my task. I whipped up a broom and flew back towards the village. The breeze was chilled, and I had my eyes closed most of the time on the flight back. But snow started to fall, and it was beautiful. I eventually reached the village, and everyone was wondering what has happened to the giant. I told them that I have defeated the giant and they do not have to worry about it anymore. One woman came up to me, and offered her gold coin to me as a reward. I said, "No thanks, I do not need your money." I took out a small bag with gold coins that I've taken from the giant earlier, and I gave it to the villagers. I smiled as I went on my way to the mountains.

    Extra: I started off in an area very famailar to me. It was the video game Overwatch, and the area seemed like the map called Nepal Village. I didn't notice this until I woke up after the dream ended.


    [Lucid Dream] Combining ToTM and ToTY together into one dream!

    by Gaea on 10-01-2018 at 12:02 AM

    September ToTM (Task of the Month) and Faust ToTY 2018 (Task of the Year) Combined

    ~ Dream #1 ~
    100% Lucidity

    Approximate Real Life Time: Around 10 minutes
    Approximate Dream Time: About half an hour

    Dream:I was in a futuristic city, a blend of high tech bridges above streets and railings to prevent people from falling to the below. A little girl with a teddy bear in her hand approached me. I knew what she wanted, I was Mephistopheles after all. She looked back at the museum of dinosaurs behind her. I said, "So what do you say, how about you let... me help you ride a dinosaur, while you do me a small favor: give me your soul." She nodded and she was ready. I snapped my fingers and we were back, 65 million years ago, and I needed to save the dinosaurs. Now now, don't panic, it's all part of the plan I just made up. A red streak was in the air, hot and burning. A meteorite. I put my hand towards the meteorite and contracted my palm. It was gone, the meteorite. "Well, well, well, I didn't expect that to be easy." I took the girl's hand and snapped back into the future 65 million years later. Surprisingly, it was even more high tech than the place she came from. I found a dinosaur riding shop and gave the other equilient of 1 million dollars in their currency which I brought from the back of my hand, 50,000 at a time. The girl got to ride the dinosaurs as long as she wanted. And when she was done 2 hours later, I told her that we need to go back. She nodded again as well. I snapped my fingers and we went back to the meteorite. This time I didn't destroy the meteorite. Now I turned back into the future, and the girl was satisfied. I took her soul as she looked away from me and at the museum. After that, I was gone. Am I supposed to feel guilty for taking her soul? No, because I was Mephistopheles.


    [Lucid Dream] 3 ToTM Tasks, 1 ToTY Failed? Task, and Dreamwalking Attempts

    by Gaea on 01-30-2016 at 06:32 AM

    T.O.T.M. (Task of the Month), T.O.T.Y. (Task of the Year) Dragon, AND Shared Dreaming Attempts

    ~ Dream #1 ~
    100% Lucidity

    Approximate Real Life Time: Around 10 minutes
    Approximate Dream Time: About half an hour

    Backstory: So, I guess I am back! Woo-hoo! Same Dream Journal Template as usual... let's start!

    Story: I am in the void... I feel the emptiness... I stress my hands, but instead they were mechanical sharp pointy needles... It looked very awesome, and I decided to complete the ToTM and ToTY tasks. I started off with the basic task, and I created a few books. I wasn't able to read out what the first book's title said. The second book scored the goal. The book's title was "Economics", and it had a red cover with oldish, light brown paper inside. I skimmed through the book of random text. There was nothing useful. Afterwords, I created a paradise with floating islands, green vegetation, and waterfalls. The sky was still dark, and I decided to make it better and added an atmosphere to my little paradise. The sky is now light blue. After I decided that it wasn't enough, I added a sunset to my small paradise. Now my little world looks way better. I decided to summon a DC. POOF! They appeared, and I changed their gravity and they started floating upward. I started giggling as they were so confused, and started saying, "WHAT IS GOING ON?". Soon, I guess I have forgotten about the DC, and they were gone. ToTY Time! I told myself. I flew up really high above my floating islands, and I created a huge island with many houses and people. I summoned a dragon (I thought we were supposed to summon the creatures, but I guess I am wrong) and a dark mist formed in the middle of the air. A dragon appeared, and it flew directly for the village, and burnt it into smithereens. The houses were made of wood, so they burnt really fast. I patted my hands, and my job was done. Later, I drop down to the ground and I move to the right side of the islands. I wanted to start my shared dreaming journey.

    I decided to use doors to enter other people's dreams.
    I decided to go to gab's dreams first. I open the door, and a wormhole speed area appeared around me.


    [THIS IS WRITTEN AROUND 1/15 ~ 1/17? I don't want to finish plus I forgot]

    Updated 01-30-2016 at 06:36 AM by Gaea

    lucid , task of the month , task of the year

    [Lucid Dreams] Note the "S" / ToTY / May ToTM / Extra Adventure Dream

    by Gaea on 05-17-2015 at 08:29 PM

    T.O.T.Y. (Task of the Year) Fairest of All, Pandora's Box, Pegasus, & Nemean Lion

    T.O.T.M. (Task of the Mouth) Bonus Task

    Note: This is a collection of dreams of the past one or two weeks, and I didn't know when they happened because I didn't have time to write in my real DJ or this one. However, Dreams #4 and #5 happened today with true clarity.

    ~ Dream #1 ~
    40% Lucidity

    Approximate Real Life Time: About one minute

    Approximate Dream Time: Around thirty minutes

    I played Wizard101 when I was little, and I guess one of my favorite Greek Mythology houses in that game appeared as the setting.

    I used a portal to get into Pandora's room, and she was there. (I was on the ceiling) Well, it's going to be awkward taking it from her. Oh well. I took it from her using the force even though she said, "No!" a few times. I took it from her, and went back through my portal into that beautiful setting I described in the Backstory section. Then I placed down a small Greek Column Pedestal, and carefully placed Pandora's box on it. I got a new net from out of nowhere, and I decided that it would be useful to catch evil spirits that come out of the box. I placed the net on top of the box, and I opened the box using the force. A lot of evil spirits came out, and all of them were caught in the net, I sealed the net, so nothing can ever come out of it. The last item in the box was hope, and I let it go free into the world.

    Dream End.

    ~ Dream #2 ~
    60% Lucidity

    Approximate Real Life Time: About one minute

    Approximate Dream Time: Around thirty minutes

    No Backstory Needed.

    I decided to go directly finish my task. I found the Nemean Lion and it was very fierce and mean when I met it. I decided to make it into my pet. So I shrank the huge lion into a cute, adorable cat. I also asked Aphrodite to make it as cute as possible, and as lovable as possible. I went to a kitty cat contest, and all the other ugly cats lost against mine. We won first place, but I don't think I fixed the deadly, golden fur problem, yet. Anyways we won, and we both became good friends.

    Dream End.

    ~ Dream #3 ~
    60% Lucidity

    Approximate Real Life Time: About one minute

    Approximate Dream Time: About a few years

    No Backstory Needed.

    I was Paris, but here's a twist: I'm the Paris of the modern world. I didn't live in the old times, and there were still Greek Gods (i.e. like the Percy Jackson Series). I had to choose one of the Greek Gods for being the fairest, and I chose Athena because I wanted to be a smart person. In the dream, I went to Harvard, and many places. I was smart and I became what I wanted to be, and I know more than the people around me. It was a thrilling experience. I didn't get anymore detail other than that.

    Dream End.

    ~ Dream #4 ~
    90% Lucidity

    Approximate Real Life Time: About ten minutes

    Approximate Dream Time: Around a few hours

    Dream Background: I was on a battleship / ship training for element controlling.
    Well, this one happened today, so I know it's a WILD, because I just woke up a few minutes ago naturally.

    I dreamt of 4 sections that each contained the elements in this order from left to right: Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. These four sections are for me to perform the Task of the Month. The Earth section contained stones, leaves, tree parts, and many objects that will help me build a mountain. The Air Section had a huge boulder for me to lift into the air, and fly it to a chalked circle target. The Water Section had a huge lake, which I had to drain. On the Fire Section, there was a huge, large pine forest that I had to burn. All the sections had dark, grey clouds over them, except the Air Section which had white mist like if it were on a tall mountain. I started from the left then to the right.

    I started the Task of the Month. On the Earth Section, I used the power of the Earth to lift all those boulders, leaves, trees, and rocks to make a mountain. After all of the materials came together, there it was, a huge mountain. On the Air Section, I lifted the huge boulder using air, and placed it on the designated spot for where it was supposed to be. For the water section, I saw the lake and I spun it into the sky. The water drained through slinky-like shape into the sky. Moments later, the entire section started to rain. I was onto the Fire Section. I started a fire in the center of the section, and moments later, almost the whole section was on fire. Since I was finished with the Task of the Month, I decided to explore the dream world a little bit.

    I walked through a dark, metallic corridor like those in a ship. Each door had those circle-ly, wheel handles that are required to open doors. At the end of the corridor, I can only go right, and I noticed some light towards the end. I turned right, and a door was open. Inside was a man, and it seemed like he was in an apartment building because in the window, I can see what I see when I look out of my real life apartment window. It was night, and I think everyone was asleep except for the man and me. He talked to me about some stuff (I lost some lucidity during this part). Later, I walked out of his door, and there was another side of the corridor that led to the outside of ship towards the right of the door. I asked him what's outside of the ship. And he said it was a surprise.

    As I reached the end of the corridor, he closed his door, and I noticed the rainy, cloudy weather outside. I also saw a Pegasus outside the door, and I climbed on it, and asked it to take me to Mount Olympus! Except, we were in the middle of the ocean. I opened a portal to Mount Olympus instead. When Pegasus landed through the portal and we reached Zeus's Throne, we see his Master Lightning Bolt just lying there for free. So, I decided I'll get it and tip-toe away. I climbed onto Pegasus again and we flew all the way to a far away Island. I relaxed on this island, and I have finally escaped from Zeus without him knowing, I was in a 5-star hotel's beach asking a servant for a tropical drink for me and Pegasus. We both drank it and felt accomplished. The dream soon faded away.

    Dream End.

    ~ Dream #5 ~
    100% Lucidity

    Approximate Real Life Time: Around ten minutes

    Approximate Dream Time: Around a few hours

    Dream Background: I started this adventure thing on doodles last year, and I thought it would make a good lucid dream adventure. I also made a ranking system for it. I would start at Level 1, and every level would have 15 more experience points than the last level up requirement. A Level 1 Player would need 5 EXP (Experience Points) to become Level 2. A Level 2 Player would need 15 EXP (5 + 10) to be Level 3. There is a certain map for the world, and I was in the Midnight City. It was at night, and the city is mainly filled with blue, glowing skyscrapers.

    I was on a bridge from the Fields (an urban town with large fields next to Midnight City) to Midnight City, and after I crossed it, I met a man whom ran really quickly. I seemed like he was going to rob me. I decided to battle him. He attacked me, and I attacked him. We both had swords, but he had a gun, too. He used his sword when he was near me and used his gun when he was further away. Eventually, we battled at the Bridge. I jumped into the water under the bridge, and he came after me. I used my water bending powers, and drained the whole lake to push him into the sky while he was falling.. Now, he was is the dark grey, and nearly black clouds. He probably is going to die from fall damage rather than my water pressure. I decided to go under the bridge, so he will have no chance of landing on me. He fell on the bridge, and nearly cracked it. Later, it started to rain. I think it was because of the whole lake of water still in the sky. This dream also slowly faded away.

    Dream End.

    Remember to comment your thoughts (if you want to)!

    [Vivid Non-Lucid] The Everlasting Endless Loop

    by Gaea on 05-17-2015 at 05:55 PM
    Vivd, Non-Lucid Dream ::: The Everlasting Endless Loop

    90% Vividness

    Approximate Real Life Time: Around ten to twenty minutes

    Approximate Dream Time: A few decades to few millennia

    This was the last dream I had for the day. I swear it was the best non-lucid dream I ever had. This is also the first time I also saw IRL (in real life) people in my dreams. This the first looping dream that I also had. Okay, time for the story...wait. I am also a woman in this dream, but IRL I'm a guy. Okay, now continue

    I lived in an endless simulation, and at the end of the simulation, there would be a laptop computer that appears that allows you to log off from the endless looping simulation to an afterlife and leave the simulation loop. However, if an AI gets there before you, the simulation resets and the whole story loops around again. You cannot leave the simulation: if you are already dead in the simulation, if you are about to die in the simulation, or severely wounded. I would always make the same choice, and without knowing it, I would never be able to log off.

    My original choices started with me lying with a boy whom is the only human other than me. He then became my boyfriend later on the simulation. I lived on happily without knowing about the computer, and anything else. One day, there was something different about him. He told me about logging off, which he never did in the other simulations on this day. He became sentient. During the simulation loops, we are the most sentient during the end of the loop, and least sentient during the beginning,

    We treated every loop like it was life, and never thought about logging off. As we became more sentient on this one loop, we agreed to change our decisions to change the outcome of the story. Towards the end of loop, we stood above a green, windy hill while the sun was setting. There it was the log off computer. We knew what it was because of many years of a gut feeling. We agreed to both leave this world. As I was going to log off, we were both killed by an AI NPC (Non-Playable Character) which then went to the computer, and reset the storyline.

    As many more loops passed, I tried many new, and different ways to get out of the loop with him, but I couldn't. This time I decided to not lay with him, and not to be his boyfriend in this loop. That was the most horrible loop I have ever experienced without him.

    Then it finally happened, it was going to be our last loop. After many decades to millennia of pain and suffering in this world, we can finally go, and the computer already loaded 90%. Then one AI NPC came out of no where, and shot at us. My boyfriend was severely wounded, and then the screen for logging off appeared. "Are you sure you want to log off? I didn't click anything, but my finger was on the touchpad for the laptop. I was going to click "Submit / Yes" but I can't because I would leave him behind. His finger reached out and clicked "Submit / Yes" for me. The screen said, "Loading for transport...", and I looked at him for one last time. He was going to stay here forever, and I won't be able to help him realize anything about this endless loop. I zipped out of the simulation, and server. I zoomed through the whole server room, and boom!

    I'm awake.

    Remember to comment your thoughts (if you want to)!
    non-lucid , memorable