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    1. View Conversation
      You're recall is remarkable!
      Apart from the arousal from a five year old boy, you have a cool dj!
    2. View Conversation
      ahh yeah. waking life - where all the nightmares happen. Well I hope things are ok. Look forward to reading more from you.
    3. View Conversation
      Where have you gone? I noticed you've been inactive for over a week. No DJs for me to read
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      The only thing I know about snakes is that if it has a triangular head and it bites you, you're fucked.
    5. View Conversation
      Just reminded me of this clip I was trying to include in a lucid dream video. Represents the first moments where the dream looks blurry and confuse. Oh well, let's hope someone does something more advanced ^^

    6. View Conversation
      You have some pretty strange and interesting dreams. Especially that diaper dream. xD
      Thanks for the likes by the way!
    7. View Conversation
      I feel like I have to add pictures to all my DJ entries to make them trigger the memory of the dream more easily. Otherwise I would probably not see the dream as it happened after some time. That idea of illustrating seems interesting, especially because the results would be at least way off

      Wish I had some skill at drawing though, finding pictures in the net is not the same :x You know what would be great? Some one with good editing skills make a video of a famous ld in the dream gallery per month
    8. View Conversation
      Your comment on my latest dj entry was hilarious. HAHAHA No Carlton!. LOL
    9. View Conversation
      Nothing much new. I did start a new sub-forum where I tic off how many nights I wake up finding I have been dreaming what was playing on the radio. This plays into the CAN WILD method, but instead of creating a short alarm that goes off one time so as not to disturb your sleep very much, I want to have speech that influences the direction of my dreams.

      That's about it.
    10. View Conversation
      I see what you are talking about now. I don't really mind that it doesn't have my new name though.

      How have you been? I need to look into your DJ and subscribe!
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    About maboroshi

    Basic Information

    About maboroshi
    I'm happy I found this place.

    I've been keeping a paper dream journal for about seven years now. But I recently wanted to start sharing my dreams with others.

    I also wanted to see if there were other people out there who pay close attention to their dreams. It's really cool that there are so many people here who do.

    As for my waking life, I'm a pretty average guy. I have a plain old office job. I spend my weekend reading or going to museums or watching YouTube or Netflix, etc.

    It's nice to be here with all of you.
    Country Flag:
    New York
    Reading, writing, movies, anime, karaoke
    Paper shuffler
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    "Writing dreams, take note of the way the dreaming mind creates."
    - Jack Kerouac, Book of Dreams


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    02-10-2012 10:46 AM
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    1. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog post by JesterKK On : Social Blunders, Communes and Inappropriate Thoughts
      NOTES DREAM LUCID SIGN ~01:30 sleep 06:00 alarm ~7:30 awake I've had racing thoughts when trying to sleep for the last couple of nights. These keep me awake for hours. Lying on my back and...
      Liked On: 01-11-2012, 02:42 PM
    2. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog post by The Sandman On : A Girl and a Video Game
      A Girl and a Video Game I was with a S_t. I was behind her on a sofa, but we both fit. I was holding her around her waist, but we were both playing a game on the TV. On the game, we each had a...
      Liked On: 01-11-2012, 02:39 PM
    3. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog post by Synsine On : Church fragment
      I dream a lot but I'm too lazy to write it down and think I'll remember it anyway ---Wrong! >_< I'm in church (mormon) and I want to take a seat but there's a poster on it. It says a woman is...
      Liked On: 01-11-2012, 02:34 PM
    4. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog post by lucyoncolorado On : Fifty-Four
      In which I look for a telephone... I'm walking around downtown Austin looking for a cafe where I'm supposed to meet some friends. I can't find the place, so I step into a music shop and ask the...
      Liked On: 01-11-2012, 02:31 PM
    5. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog comment by Mayatara On : 6 Jan: Power to "greenefy"
      Hi Maboroshi, thanks for the comment and I will read your dream. From your description, it sounds like me, alright! Definitely the kind of thing I do in the dream world :) I hope to remember some...
      Liked On: 01-11-2012, 02:28 PM
    6. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog post by AURON On : Skittles
      Goals: Went to sleep wanting to have some continuity with the demon slaying dream I had, or see Kaomea. I spent most of yesterday thinking about my dreaming life more than my waking. I remember...
      Liked On: 01-10-2012, 03:01 PM
    7. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog post by anderj101 On : Looking for a Friend in the Parking Garage
      DJ Log: January 10, 2012 – 4:30AM (USA Eastern) • NON-DREAM • NOTES • DREAM • LUCID • I am walking into a large parking garage, trying to find my friend. I walk in from the street level, and...
      Liked On: 01-10-2012, 02:58 PM
    8. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog post by anderj101 On : Industrial Work Station / Stretching a Bolt
      DJ Log: January 10, 2012 – 7:30AM (USA Eastern) • NON-DREAM • NOTES • DREAM • LUCID • I am working at an industrial workstation in a large warehouse. There are pallet racks along the walls and...
      Liked On: 01-10-2012, 02:57 PM
    9. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog comment by TheForgotten On : up from the depths
      That's it?!?!??!?!?! OMG! :panic: Did you party last night? Party has many definitions too, I mean in the most liberal form of the word. I don't think I recall ever seeing you post an entry...
      Liked On: 01-10-2012, 02:51 PM
    10. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog comment by TheForgotten On :
      Goals: Find Auron. Did it! Lol. Gonna keep trying though! Kidnapped I'm someplace and wind up being kidnapped by some guy. I can't recall a lot of details but I do remember there was...
      Liked On: 01-10-2012, 02:07 PM
    11. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog post by ArtemC On : Cowboy Longboard
      mon January 9th 2012 23:00-08:00 Relaxation, breathing, mantras. The following are probably the most out of the ordinary dreams I've had since I started this journal. :) 1. Can't remember this...
      Liked On: 01-10-2012, 02:05 PM
    12. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog post by Synsine On : Dream about group
      There were about 5-6 people around me. All of them were young and we were all good friends. I seemed to have a strong connection with a blonde guy. They were all talking about random unimportant...
      Liked On: 01-10-2012, 02:02 PM
    13. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog post by JesterKK On : The Freezing Room and Confused Identity
      NOTES DREAM LUCID SIGN ~03:30 sleep ~11:00 awake Feeling ill last night so routine was a bit messed up. But using the 15 min timers repeatedly on waking allowed me to have an FA. I forgot to...
      Liked On: 01-10-2012, 02:00 PM
    14. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog post by Zoth On : A river 9/1/12
      Lost majority of the dream due trying to WILD >.> N-Dream, Dream, FA, Suspicious, Lucid I'm entering my university with an old friend and some random colleagues/people. I'm very nervous because...
      Liked On: 01-10-2012, 01:59 PM
    15. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog post by sharkanana On : Sex Dream turns into lucid zombie fight
      Was night time, outside a german feeling restaurant / bar. I go inside and look around, I kind of direct myself towards some females and ask if one is a prostitute. She says no, so I ask her if she...
      Liked On: 01-10-2012, 01:54 PM
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    View maboroshi's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    great grandmother's house

    by maboroshi on 02-20-2012 at 02:19 PM
    Good morning, everybody.

    Dream #1

    I was out in front of my great grandmother's house in the daytime. I stood looking in through her front window, which IWL was too high for me to look right into.

    My great grandma appeared in the window. I probably knew that she was dead. I think I had the feeling that this was either a dream or some kind of paranormal experience allowing me to see my grandma. So I just told myself to keep calm and let things happen.

    My grandma slid up the window, as if this were a double-paned window, which it was not IWL. I believe I asked my grandma how she was doing. I didn't believe she would give me an answer, as my "imagination" wouldn't be good enough to "create" a spontaneous answer from her.

    But my grandma did answer. She very gently said she was doing fine, but that she was here more to get an idea of how I personally was doing. She told me I should be more concerned about that as well.

    My grandma said she had to go take care of something in the house. She may have directed me to come into the house.

    I was now in the house, alone my grandma's "guest room," which I spent a lot of time in as a kid. The lights may have been off, but there was natural light coming into the room.

    Suddenly I was aware that my mom and my oldest nephew were under the bed. I could hear them talking. I must have felt that they weren't actually quite my mom and my oldest nephew. I felt like they were supposed to scare me somehow.

    The lights now went out in the room. I could hear a switch click -- like the daylight coming in through the windows was controlled by a light switch. The room was now dark as night, with just a bit of light coming from the hallway.

    My nephew's voice began laughing insidiously, like he was really trying to scare me. I got the feeling that he wasn't really my nephew, but a demon.

    I yelled at the voice, "I'm not afraid of you! You can't scare me!"

    I got the feeling that the body for the voice had actually transformed into a monster like a Chinese dragon, with something of a human body, and that the monster would soon jump out from under the bed to attack me.

    neon starlet marriage; friend and porn

    by maboroshi on 02-19-2012 at 04:20 PM
    Good morning, everybody.

    Dream #1

    Two female movie stars were getting married to each other. They were walking down some kind of red carpet, like they were going to or coming from an awards ceremony. The carpet ran down some kind of narrow hallway the right side of which had no wall, but was open to the golden sunlight of late afternoon.

    The two stars were both known for being gorgeous. One of them was a beautiful blonde with her hair up in a narrow wave. She wore a tiny, white dress with something shimmery on it, like sequins or mother of pearl. She smiled and giggled kind of like Scarlet Johanssen.

    But the other star was completely wrapped in a black cloth. The cloth was then bound with something like ropes or bungee cords, so that it was tight on the woman. The cloth looked like felt, and in a lot of places it was cut into wide fringes.

    The cords were all neon colors -- like neon orange, blue, and pink. In addition, the woman wore canvas-topped shoes of different neon colors: mostly neon blue, with bits of neon orange and neon pink.

    I wondered whether the woman's outfit had something to do with her religion. Maybe she was required, as a woman, to cover her whole body once she was married. I may have questioned this, since I figured any religion that had such a policy would probably not be okay with lesbian marriage.

    Dream #2

    I was outside in some city area, on cobbled streets and near a fountain. It was daytime. I was before some yellow-walled apartment building.

    I saw my old friend R. I may have been surprised to see him. But I may somehow have gotten the idea that he'd planned to meet up with me in this place. He knew I didn't want to see him anymore. And he'd somehow manipulated this situation, I felt, so that I'd have to see him.

    It turned out -- maybe I'd known this in advance -- that R lived in the apartment I'd stood in front of. R had me go upstairs with him. It was somehow like I was going to live with R for a little while, like I was trying to get back on my feet and he was letting me stay with him.

    We were now upstairs and in R's bedroom. R had pulled out a stack of pornographic magazines. I had the feeling that they were mine, as if I had lived here before, or as if I had lived here for a while now and had hidden these magazines somewhere here, like under the mattresses.

    R was starting to make me feel bad about having magazines like this in his house. I was feeling embarrassed and ashamed. But then R actually had me start looking at the magazines with him, as if he were already interested in them and was now trying to get me interested in them, too.

    hungry animals; sports tickets

    by maboroshi on 02-17-2012 at 03:23 PM
    Good morning, everybody.

    Dream #1

    It was a hot day. I was walking up a slope in a desert forest. The soil was grey and dry. There were pine trees, well-spaced, and shrubs and boulders.

    I somehow sensed an animal stirring behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see an animal I first thought of as a deer starting up from behind a boulder.

    The deer seemed to be afraid of me, so that it wouldn't move. So I turned around and walked away, hoping to calm the animal.

    The deer now rushed out from behind the boulder and past me, coming a little close. It was probably still afraid of me. It scared me a little, too. It was very big. I now thought of it as an elk, even though it was colored like a deer.

    I now turned to my left and was walking toward a path or road. There were no trees in this area, and the sun was bright. From behind a smaller boulder sprung another deer-like animal. This one was dark mahogany, almost like an elk. But it only came up to my waist.

    The little animal was really friendly. So I decided to pet it. It began licking me. But then it got too clingy with me. It began kissing and sucking my hand. I couldn't escape from the animal. It almost seemed to be coiling around me. And it was slobbering all over me.

    I knew people said that wild animals with rabies first act really friendly with people. I wondered if this animal had rabies. If it did, and it was slobbering all over me, if was probably exposing me to rabies.

    I managed to free myself from the animal. I was now on the path. There were a black man and woman on the path with me. Off to my left was a small, nice, wooden bridge that overlooked a wide, shimmering valley or gleaming lake.

    The woman was telling me how she was poor and hungry. She was trying to get me to give her money so she could get some food. But I had a feeling that she only wanted to feel me out to see if she could use me to get a lot of money.

    But the man told the woman to stop complaining and to get onto assistance. The man said that where we were, in South Africa (?), people could get really good food assistance.

    Dream #2

    I was watching a true-crime TV show, kind of like "Unsolved Mysteries," probably with my family. The segment was about some woman who had been murdered by her boyfriend.

    The murder was pretty gruesome. But, for some reason, what struck me more was how irresponsible and neglectful the woman had been in her life. I took as a sign of this the woman's obsession with collecting little "cute" toys.

    One of these toys stood up on a bookshelf. It was a little, black rabbit. I somehow knew that the rabbit was controlled by a stylus, as if it were something like a touch-screen Game Boy.

    I was standing -- somewhere -- with my sister. I was showing her that I knew how to play with these "cute" animals as well. The "cute" animal was basically a screen like an iPad screen, surrounded with white fur.

    I was now walking around outside with a tall, fattish white man. The man had stubbly cheeks and wore a baseball cap and a too-tight, pale yellow t-shirt. We were walking through some small mountain town that looked partly lke an old western town and partly like a modern town.

    The man and I were crossing some bridge from one section of town to another. After that we walked up a hill of buildings that kind of looked like Old West buildings.

    I was telling the man about my job. The man said that my job sounded pretty good. I started to worry that the man would think I was bragging and either try to cut me down or take my job away. So I thought I should tone down my enthusiasm.

    I told the man that the job was good for somebody like me because it was a project that was just starting out. It was good for people like me who had volatile emotions. I found it physically hard to say "volatile emotions."

    The man asked me what I meant. I explained -- while shrouding my head with a towel (???) -- that I could suddenly get angry really easily.

    I was still talking to the man when he veered us into some building that looked partly like an Old West saloon and partly like a modern cafe. I hadn't even quite realized we'd gone inside.

    The man veered off to the left and left me behind. He told me he wasn't trying to avoid me. But he just had something important to take care of. He went to the counter.

    I stood around for a bit, then decided that maybe I should get something while I was here. But I needed to get money first. So I went to an ATM just to the right of the counter.

    Just to the right of the ATM was a table at which sat three ladies. The ladies were all dressed like from the Old West. I felt like I owed the ladies something. So it didn't seem right that I should be getting money out of the ATM right in front of them.

    The man walked over to the table and I followed. Apparently the man and I had done something for the ladies. Now the man was looking for our repayment.

    The head lady addressed the man. The lady was tall and stately, with a firm, shapely figure. She wore a dress with red and maroon stripes, a corset-like waist, and puffed-out sleeves. She had her greying hair up in a very fancy coiffure.

    The lady handed us two tickets as repayment. I looked at my ticket. It was white with peach-pink writing. It said that it was good for any one sporting event, anywhere in the world, at any time.

    The woman said she had discussed our repayment with her lawyer, and that this type of repayment balanced being the best for us and the most convenient for her. And since she'd discussed it with her lawyer, it was legally protected. So we shouldn't try to fight her for any other type of repayment -- such as, I guess, the money we'd probably expected.

    The man and I walked away. We were probably back outside. The man was disappointed at first. But then he said that this gift was actually good, and quite a feminine gift, because it balanced the boyish and adult sides of a man.

    I thought the gift was cheap, and I couldn't figure out why the man seemed satisfied with it. But, either as or after I woke, I began to realize that I could go to any sporting event in the world, at any time. I began trying to decide what sporting event I would go to.


    by maboroshi on 02-16-2012 at 01:09 PM
    Good morning, everybody.

    Dream #1

    It was night. My mom, one of my nephews, and I stood outside under some kind of shelter, like the shelter over a gas pump island at a gas station. But this shelter was lower, and it seemed a lot brighter underneath, like it was lit with incandescent lights.

    There was a lot of stuff under the shelter, like stuff out of a house. The shelter also seemed to be connected either to a house or to a grocery store.

    My mom and I had probably come from whatever place the shelter was connected to. I was probably getting ready to leave the shelter altogether, maybe because I felt I needed to.

    But now a car like my little brother's car came driving toward me from the building, as if it had been inside the building. The car stopped. It may actually have been driverless. The doors opened. Something like a gust of cold wind may have come out of the car.

    I suddenly got the feeling that my actions were hurting somebody's feelings. It may have been my brother. But it may have been a woman, possibly a relative of mine.

    I started shivering. Then I started getting a really weird feeling, like I was melting inside. My emotions and my sensations all began quivering and getting really weird. I was shuddering and rubbing my arms. Then I collapsed.

    People, probably including my mom, may have helped me up. They may have walked me into the building, which was now a grocery store, although it was supposed to be a hospital.

    I was laid down on a hospital bed that was partly walled-off from the grocery store by a hospital room privacy curtain. The space I was in was cluttered.

    I had been told that I had gone through the weird physical moment because I had been dehydrated. I knew that my being dehydrated had something to do with the car.

    I don't think I felt terribly tired or bad. I may even have been standing up and walking around. But I had been told I had to stay at the place because the doctors were still observing me, making sure I wasn't suffering anymore of the effects of being dehydrated.

    At some point a doctor may have come in to see me. The doctor may have been a woman. Or, possibly, after a male doctor had seen me, a female nurse may have come in to see me.

    Whoever the woman was, at some point she was so close to me that it was like she was embracing me. She began telling me something about how some other woman, another doctor or another nurse, was either jealous of the woman or jealous of me.

    airplanes and swamp; in trouble at work

    by maboroshi on 02-15-2012 at 02:58 PM
    Good morning, everybody.

    Dream #1

    I was probably with my mom and oldest nephew out on a road during the daytime. We were probably driving, but we weren't quite in a car. It was almost like we were walking down the road or on a moving platform. The road ran through a valley bordered on either side by a dense pine forest.

    The road was packed with cars. We were all headed, rather slowly, as if in procession, down the road. I probably knew that an airshow was going to start.

    Then planes began flying overhead, as if they were just heading over to the airshow, or warming up (?) for the airshow. Some of the planes were flying up from the road.

    The car behind us actually lifted up off the ground and flew into the air. The car was painted gold. At first it looked like a 1980s Camaro. But then it ended up looking like the flying car Luke Skywalker drives.

    But for some reason I was really excited to see the Camaro-like car flying. I called out to my mom at first. But then I saw one of the senior people at one of my old jobs, JS, walking down the road in the direction opposite the procession. So I called out to JS, partly to show her the flying car, and partly because I was so happy to see her again.

    JS may have been walking with a female friend of hers. The two women looked at me kind of sympathetically, like they thought I was crazy but they wanted to act like what I was saying was cool. We both kept walking our different ways.

    The road probably ended at some kind of swampy area. A lot of people stood out in the waters, looking out into a watery space columned by trees. Airplanes may have been flying through this space.

    I must have tried to go farther out into the water to get a closer view. But I only got a few steps out before the water got a lot deeper, probably up to my chest. This would be too deep for me to be comfortable watching the show. So I decided to walk back.

    But it was a little hard to get back. The soil I was walking on was really muddy and sticky, like in a swamp. But the water was crystal clear and never seemed to get dirtied by the water. I was having a hard time moving my legs through the mud.

    At some point I saw my second oldest nephew. He may have been standing up on dry ground, near some fence. He may have been kicking something around on the ground.

    I may eventually have gotten up on dry ground, or at least to a level of water where I could walk comfortably. But I was probably disappointed that I couldn't get out farther in the water. I may have thought that there was some open space out there where you could stand on dry ground and get a really good view of the planes.

    Dream #2

    I was at work. Everybody had an office. But the offices were more like dorm rooms. I was probably new to the job. I kept mistaking other people's offices for my own.

    At some point I went into an office the doorway of which was blocked by something like a couch. I fell over the couch and into the room. There were a bookshelf, a couch, and probably a desk, all arranged so that the room felt like a maze. On the ceiling was a piece of thin fabric with an orange background and a black, psychedelic mandala design.

    Everybody was looking into the room, kind of laughing at me because I had come into the wrong office. I was embarrassed and annoyed, and I tried to cover for myself by pretending that I'd meant to be here.

    I may then have ended up back in the hallway, which was small and dark, like some makeshift hallway in the basement of a house. I then ended up in the reception area, which was like an entire living room in a double-wide trailer home. The receptionist's desk was kind of out in the middle of the room.

    The receptionist was KB, the receptionist at my work. I sat near her desk, kind of behind her, in a small desk, like a little writing desk made for children. I felt like I was hiding behind KB.

    My boss JH came into the room and probably pointed out that I was hiding behind KB. He chuckled at me and said, "Don't you have your own office? Or, what happened to it?" I got the feeling he thought someone else had moved into my office.

    I tried to explain that I was only sitting here so I could learn something from KB. But then I was getting up and heading out of the office.

    But my boss called me back. He had a bunch of stuff in his hands. He said, "This kind of stuff is no good for the workplace. This is why I'm seriously thinking you might not be good for this job. I even think I found some porn in your office.

    "Look at this!" he said, showing me a painting on a canvas that must have been about 30cm long and 20cm wide. It was half-finished, with some edges of it in black and white, not colored in yet. The painting was apparently something I'd made.

    The painting was of the forearm of a person, maybe a young boy. The arm held some device that looked like a gold-colored, metallic spray-gun nozzle on a garden hose. But attached to its ends were a red, pump-like ball and a clear, little breathing apparatus.

    My boss JH said, "This was for your third oldest nephew, wasn't it? He uses it for his asthma. But kids nowadays -----." Something about what my boss said made me think he thought I was trying to glorify drug use by depicting this device.