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    About Marlowe

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    Date of Birth
    November 15, 1994 (29)
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    Soccer,Music,Fishing,Being Social, Porgramming Online Games, Space, Physics, Lucid Dreaming :)
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    1. Marlowe
      Marlowe liked blog post by Hyu On : Past, present and future - Shinave
      Too much conversation. Some things are going to be phrased incorrectly etc, I tried to patch it up as well as I could. Usually I use pink and brown to color code female and male DC voices, but...
      Liked On: 06-07-2012, 11:58 PM
    2. Marlowe
      Marlowe liked post by StaySharp On thread : Dream Recall Compendium
      The Dream Recall Compendium Welcome to the dream recall compendium, where I will collect every and all methods and tricks to improve recall I ever heard of. Since this is a big wall of text...
      Liked On: 06-06-2012, 11:03 PM
    3. Marlowe
      Marlowe liked blog post by Hyu On : Time dilation - Fighting Yuya - Closing my eyes
      This one is kind of old and happened right after my last entry. I haven't really found the time to write it down until now. My dreams are also getting kind of long, which is amazing, but also kind...
      Liked On: 05-07-2012, 04:10 AM
    4. Marlowe
      Marlowe liked post by Sivason On thread : Train Your Brain for Lucid Dreams, Have More Luck With WILDs
      When you first start you need to try to make up mental tricks that help you picture in your minds eye or imagination the color or shape. I used tricks like day dreaming about colorful scenes or...
      Liked On: 03-15-2012, 03:06 AM
    5. Marlowe
      Marlowe liked post by Sivason On thread : Train Your Brain for Lucid Dreams, Have More Luck With WILDs
      I just answered a question that someone PMd to me. As I spent the time writing it up I may as well share it (cut and paste). The topic was about hypnogogic hallucinations. I have developed methods...
      Liked On: 03-09-2012, 03:37 AM
    6. Marlowe
      Marlowe liked post by Sageous On thread : A Unifying Theory of Dream Control
      Mzzkc: Great theory, but can I attempt to add a corollary to it? You left out two key factors to dream control: self-awareness and memory. Personally I believe self-awareness is vastly more...
      Liked On: 02-29-2012, 01:23 AM
    7. Marlowe
      Marlowe liked blog post by Hyu On : Worlds Collide
      It's been quite some time since my last DJ post. I'll try to be more active on DV again, and I'll probably post some of the dreams I had during my absence. Random music for no good reason: ...
      Liked On: 02-15-2012, 05:16 AM
    8. Marlowe
      Marlowe liked post by IAmCoder On thread : Lightened Dream 3.2 - a free journal designed for dreamers seeking to attain lucidity.
      Download (http://www.lucid-code.com/LightenedDream/Lightened Dream.msi). The idea that consciousness has different phases, just like matter, and that there is a point between waking and sleeping -...
      Liked On: 12-21-2011, 06:31 PM
    9. Marlowe
      Marlowe liked post by Loaf On thread : The News of the Dreamworld [NEWSPAPER]
      http://i42.tinypic.com/k32jia.png We deny we have ever phone hacked your dream mobiles using telekinesis. http://i41.tinypic.com/5yt54m.png Read the current issue....
      Liked On: 12-19-2011, 03:45 AM
    10. Marlowe
      Marlowe liked post by Sageous On thread : Lucid Dreaming Fundamentals -- With Q & A
      A: In all honesty, I do still do much of the "typical" stuff, simply because a) often my lucidity is too weak to do the stuff I want to do and b) sometimes the dream scene I'm in just looks like too...
      Liked On: 12-14-2011, 12:04 AM
    11. Marlowe
      Marlowe liked post by Sageous On thread : Lucid Dreaming Fundamentals -- With Q & A
      In a recent PM Darkmatters, in response to some of my fairly incomplete posts that hint at my experience and slightly different path for LD’ing success, asked me to share with the forum “How I did...
      Liked On: 12-12-2011, 11:41 PM
    12. Marlowe
      Marlowe liked post by Siphorix On thread : The Ultimate WILD Guide
      If you are seeking help about WILD, that means you already know what Lucid Dreams are about. WILD (Wake-Initiated Lucid Dream) is one of the hardest inductions to have success with, as well as to...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    13. Marlowe
      Marlowe liked post by atkins513 On thread : My Tutorial for extending Lucid Dream Time. Hours of LD.
      My Tutorial for extending Lucid Dream Time. Hours of LD. This is a common question, but I don't mean, just prolong them from 20 seconds to 20 minutes by rubbing your hands (as you have heard 100...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    14. Marlowe
      Marlowe liked post by muchohumpty On thread : I may have found a better technique for trying to recognise your dreaming
      Its something I just tried today & it worked. You all know that tip for trying to lucid dream is repeating to yourself before you go to sleep that ''I'm going to have a lucid Dream & recognise I'm...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    View Marlowe's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    I Failed the Test

    by Marlowe on 01-12-2012 at 12:21 PM
    Lucid ||Commentary || Non-Lucid

    Broke my dry-spell

    I was doing a project in my Pre-Calculus class, in which we were to make a website about something. When it was my turn to present, Mrs. Ward (the teacher) said something about not being fully prepared. She loaded up my website onto the Smart Board in front on the room, and was browsing it. She then clicked on a link that was supposed to link to the first page of my friend's website, but instead, it linked to the entire website instead. Mrs. Ward pointed this out, and I felt bad.

    Afterwards, my mom called me on my cell phone. She told me she had to do something in McAdenville, and wouldn't be able to pick me up. I asked if I had to ride with my cousin (he lives in McAdenville, and goes to a different school), and she said yes. I tried to find an excuse to not go to McAdenville, such as I had soccer practice.

    I was now at home, unleashing my dog. As I was walking back to the house, I wondered why I wasn't at soccer practice. It then occurred to me that I had a car, and there was no reason for me to ride with Jalen in the first place. It also occurred to me I'm training for tennis, and soccer season had already passed.
    With this, the dream ended.

    I lied very still as I woke up, with the intent to jump back into the dream consciously. I felt the familiar tinglings of SP. I tried to visualize the dream where it ended. Very vivid images of the past dream flashed in my vision, then the tingling became more intense. I decided I would just ride the vibrations into lucidity. The vibrations became more intense, and for once, I saw HI. It wasn't very colorful; in fact, it looked more like "shadows" jumping around my room. Surprisingly, I wasn't scared and just remained calm. Once the vibrations subsided, I did a RC. I was dreaming!

    I was standing up in my room. "Well, since I'm in a dream, I can do anything, like passing the walls." (I mainly said this to affirm myself I wouldn't slam into the walls like last time ) I passed through the walls with ease. It was very beautiful outside; it was dawn and the sky was a mix of blue and orange hues. The environment was very vivid. I decided to seize the opportunity to further ground myself into the dream. I got down on my stomach and smelled and felt the green grass. It smelt very refreshing, and the environment around me in response to this got a little brighter. I got up with the intent of accomplishing the goal of contacted my 'subconscious,' or, the 'intelligence' behind the dream to find my dream guide.

    From back around my house, I see a figure. As it approaches me, I notice it's a Hispanic girl who was completely nude. She gave me a smile, and walked passed me. "CRAP," I thought to myself. This was definitely doing to interfere with my goal. I turned around and followed the girl, wanting a hug (wow, I'm surprised I just wanted a hug). She turned around.

    "Why don't you come with me for a bit?" I thought about this briefly. "Sorry," I said, "I'm on a mission here."

    She smiles again. "You're trying to find it, aren't you? Don't worry, it should still be here soon."

    At this point, I don't know what overcame me, and I gave into temptation. I went to the girl, and did some tasteless stuff. The girl allowed it, but her expression implied she was obviously disappointed in me.

    "Yea well....you better get going."

    I took a deep breath, about to ask my subconscious to manifest before me with firm intent. At the point however, I suddenly woke up.

    After waking up, I realize that that girl was testing me to see whether or not I had the conviction to accomplish my goals without getting distracted; obviously, I didn't . However, I'm happy that I broke my dry spell, and this definitely won't happen again. I swear I've seen this girl in a previous dream before....


    Regular Class?

    by Marlowe on 01-04-2012 at 01:00 AM
    Lucid || Commentary || Non-Lucid

    I have had a multitude of dreams over the past few days, I just got lazy and didn't post them here . Oh well, I need to do better in the future

    I was in my e-Commerce class on the first day back to school after the Winter Break, and everyone was trying to get their final project done, as it is due tomorrow. Talking to my friend John, this is how our conversation went:

    Me: "So John, going to get some Capstone work done today?"
    John: "Oh yea, I plan on talking to some people, eating, goofing off..."
    Me: "Don't forget playing Tetris!"
    John: "Yeah. THEN I'll get some work done."

    At this point I got incredibly hungry, and opened up my lunchbox to see if I had any food. Unfortunately, I had packed sausage and vegetables to eat for lunch, and didn't pack any snacks. At this, I requested John to go find me some snacks, and handed him my lunchbox. In the end, he just took the contents out, appearing to want it for himself. "The nerve...," I muttered to myself. At this point, I got up and circled the room. As I was coming back to my seat, I tapped this girl on the shoulder then walked away quickly. She fell for it and looked in the direction I tapped her in. "I can't believe she fell for that," I said to myself. My teacher then asked me if I had finished my 3 'Burst Responses', which John said were 3 assignments on the rubric to be completed over the break. I replied yes.

    At this point, a student named Maury came out of my Teacher's supply closet (this closet, in reality, is way too small to house a person in). My teacher asked him what he was doing in there, and he said students locked him in there, and sealed off the closet with huge strips of duck tape.


    Residue Fragments

    by Marlowe on 12-29-2011 at 03:00 PM
    Commentary || Lucid || Non-Lucid

    Tonight, I tried MasterMind's technique of reviewing your day right before you go to bed in order to assist your subconscious in assortment of your memories (found here). These dreams were mostly day residue from today or yesterday. At least I'm on the right track of breaking my dry spell.

    Dream 1
    My friend Mitchel and I would recall past events. It was somehow influenced by the game tetris. If my friend Rachel Terrio 'missed' an event (corresponding to the first row not being completed), it would mean something special. I cannot recall exactly what though.)

    Dream 2
    Jon Allis, Kelsey, and I were at the Wherehouse, where Kelsey mentioned the topic of 'What if only players who jumped over each other would stay alive?' (I believe before this, we were watching football where we witnessed a player perform a front flip over another player.) Jon Allis made a joke out of it, stating it would be more like a game of human leap frog. We all laughed, and my 'vision' saw only 6 or so football players on the field (represented by digital markers at first) jumping over each other on purpose trying to stay alive. At this moment, I sort of realized I was dreaming, and my vision went black. I 'woke up' in bed laying on my right side, and underwent sleep paralysis (which is unusual for my right side). After it stopped, I did a RC and I wasn't dreaming (I believe it was a FA to begin with).

    dream fragment

    The Machine

    by Marlowe on 08-17-2010 at 02:42 AM
    Commentary || Lucid || Non-Lucid

    I woke up naturally around 3:15. I attempted a MILD.

    I woke up in bed. I instinctively did an RC by pinching my nose, and I could breathe through it. I remained calm, and got up slowly. Is started to blow on, and feel my hands. They felt clamy. Clarity increased. I began feeling the texture of the wooden drawer beside my bed. I lost my vision here, but I regained it by giving a "Clarity Now!" shout.

    I left my room and walked down the hallway. I reminded myself it was day outside, and sure enough, I saw light creeping through the seems of my front door. I went outside and it was dawn. I looked up at the sky, and saw the second moon I had created during my first lucid (It's my Dreamsign). I went to where the concrete driveway and grass met, and bent on my knees. I knelt about 5 inches from the ground and started to examine the concrete and grass.

    My lucidity and clarity skyrocketed and this point. I though about summoning someone and haveing sex; however, I looked back at the house and my parents were awake doing dishes (My mom had a huge afro ). I then decided I wanted to change the scene to a beach like setting.

    I asked my dream to provide me a way of doing that, and I turned the corner. Sure enough, there was a machine sitting on my porch. Quite honestly, the machine looked like a large HP printer with a digital camera on top and a door that opened in the middle of it. Oddly, it seems like I didn't get inside the door, but jumped on top of it and tried to fly with it!

    As I was in the air, my logic kicked in a little too much, and I had a fear that I was going to fall. I then pulled a:

    "By the way, did I mention this machine has wings that will let me fly?"

    The machine (or my dream) retorted:

    "You must be at least 100 ft. in the air to fly"

    So I found a ramp (I believe I flew off the ramp in the first place) and placed it against a fence. I was going to get momentum and take off.

    I woke up here. It was bout 4:50.

    Updated 08-17-2010 at 02:44 AM by Marlowe (Font Editing)


    Mysterious Attack, Camp Trip, and Blind Fight

    by Marlowe on 08-17-2010 at 02:23 AM
    Commentary || Lucid || Non-Lucid
    I went to bed at about 11:30. Set me alarm to wake up at 5. Go figure, I woke up at 4:50. I went to sleep and recalled two dreams.
    Dream 1

    I was teaching this girl how to fight. She had an attack which required to be charged up. When she finally released it, the Earl (from the anime D.Gray Man) was gone. There something about here attack that resembled an octopus that I didn't recall.

    Dream 2

    I was staying at some hotel at some camp. I was staying with my brother, and we hung out at the pool several times. I recalled some events about a car (My Aunt's? Maybe some Dream Residue here because she visited my that day). It was red with a red/black custom interior. We were then in a library. This black guy sprayed some spray (pepper spray?) at my face. I got mad. My face felt warm and I couldn't see. I started swinging at the guy. After I was finished, I saw I had beat the crap out of him. I avoided him for the rest of the trip.