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    When the state of dreaming has dawned,
    Do not lie in ignorance like a corpse.
    Enter the natural sphere of unwavering attentiveness.
    Recognise your dreams and transform illusion into luminosity.
    Do not sleep like an an animal.
    Do the practice which mixes sleep and reality.


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    09-29-2017 04:15 PM
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    Page 6 of 7 FirstFirst ... 4 5 6 7 LastLast
    1. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by Ixchel On thread : Breathing Technique for Dreamwork/Third Eye Opening
      This third-eye breathing technique was taught to me by one of my shamanic guides who works on dreaming topics with me. To use this technique, one first needs to understand that the third eye is not...
      Liked On: 07-23-2015, 02:45 PM
    2. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked blog post by alpatich On : My Attempt to Fly to the Moon and the Meaning of Life?
      I got semi-lucid, and flew out of a building after I heard an explosion from it. I was flying around and decided to go back to it. On my way back the buildings reminded me of a something that would...
      Liked On: 07-23-2015, 02:18 PM
    3. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by Conscience On thread : Is there any reason that i only watch dreams?
      I definitely think it makes becoming lucid a bit harder. Or at least you have to approach it differently. After all you can't do things like RCs if you're just an observer. I had my first lucid...
      Liked On: 07-23-2015, 02:01 PM
    4. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by Conscience On thread : Is there any reason that i only watch dreams?
      I also have dreams like that. Dreams in which I'm only an observer without even having a body, just watching what happens. A LOT of my dreams are like that. Sometimes I'm more than just an observer,...
      Liked On: 07-23-2015, 12:54 PM
    5. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by MasterMind On thread : Emotion Control and Yoga Nidra
      Meditation in general is the art of observation rather than reaction. And I am using meditation to "wake up" from my over-active stressed out mind every day. I have a journal where I write down my...
      Liked On: 07-23-2015, 05:32 AM
    6. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by gab On thread : How to sleep on your back?
      I don't like sleeping on my back so I never do. But I WILD from reclined position on my sofa. I found that WILDing in different place than my usual sleep place helps me WILD. Plus I'm used to this...
      Liked On: 07-23-2015, 05:31 AM
    7. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by Raipat On thread : Damiana
      Damiana gives me more vivid and intense dreams but does not significantly increase chances for getting lucid for me. I usually combine it with cistrus for the taste and drink it as tea. This...
      Liked On: 07-23-2015, 01:43 AM
    8. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by Nailler On thread : Prospective Memory and Lucid Dreaming 2
      In the first post on this subject (http://www.dreamviews.com/attaining-lucidity/151261-prospective-memory-lucid-dreaming.html) I made what I suspect some might consider a rather outrageous claim: ...
      Liked On: 07-22-2015, 01:03 AM
    9. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by Nailler On thread : Prospective Memory and Lucid Dreaming
      I'm a bit compulsive on wanting to know how things work, and so when I became interested in lucid dreaming, I spent a month or two studying the hard science on perception, memory, and dreaming, as...
      Liked On: 07-22-2015, 12:16 AM
    10. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by DreamBrandt On thread : Starting the fire in your heart
      Passion is probably the single most essential thing in the life of a person looking to achieve great wonders. You want to lucid dream? FIND YOUR PASSION. Passion lights the flame in your chest...
      Liked On: 07-21-2015, 02:41 PM
    11. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by Cegtzh On thread : New to DV, and hopefully to LD!
      Hello midnightfire, thank you for responding :). I understand your feeling, somehow feel similar about AP, but what happens to me is a mix between fear an excitement, and I think that keeps me...
      Liked On: 07-21-2015, 04:52 AM
    12. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by cooleymd On thread : How vivid are lucid dreams supposed to be?
      If you know you are dreaming you are lucid. If you do something like raise your hand and look at it your are exercising control (do you think your dream was going to have you raise you hand and...
      Liked On: 07-21-2015, 04:41 AM
    13. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by gab On thread : Lucid Dreaming book reviews and recommendations
      Link to OBE book reviews http://www.dreamviews.com/beyond-dreaming/141939-obe-books-reviews-recommendations.html I have two other books I can recommend - although these are about OBEs. But if...
      Liked On: 07-20-2015, 02:29 PM
    14. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by Gr8God On thread : How vivid are lucid dreams supposed to be?
      It's really surreal how vivid they are for example I still remember my first lucid dream like it was yesterday... and that was 6 years ago. But it all depends, sometimes you could have an amazing...
      Liked On: 07-20-2015, 08:02 AM
    15. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by dolphin On thread : Heavy Body feeling in semi-lucid dream
      This is a common sensation. It could because you think you are trying to move your real sleeping paralyzed body rather than your dream body. Or, it could be symbolic of feeling helpless or pinned...
      Liked On: 07-20-2015, 06:16 AM
    Page 6 of 7 FirstFirst ... 4 5 6 7 LastLast
    View midnightfire's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Almost Lucid? Repeated RC fail

    by midnightfire on 01-05-2016 at 02:49 PM
    I woke up to my first alarm at 5am and was really tired after sleeping late so fell back asleep between my alarms, knowing that I had to get up soon. I think because I knew this I fell in a really light sleep which on the one hand, perhaps, made it far more likely for me to be able to do a RC, but on the other hand resulted in me not taking my RC seriously (as my brain thought I was actually awake since such a short time before I had awoken and part of me was listening out for the next alarm). Anyway this is what happened:

    I wake up in the dream and it is early morning, light but still a bit dark (corresponding with real time). I go to the bathroom to get ready - I flick the light switch and enter the room...the room is still dark. I go back and flick the light switch again and re-enter...still dark. I do it again. Still dark. I do this like 5-6x. Then D comes into the room and I say "i'm having trouble getting the light on" we look at each other and then have the same thought I should be checking my hands I bring my hands up to my face and the same time he grabs them and brings them up to my face for me. I examine my fingers but they look normal (usually I see more fingers straight away) I count them anyway but I come up with a funny number 6 or something. I concentrate and count again and keep coming up with numbers like 7 or 9 on one hand. I am really confused trying to figure how how my hand looks normal but when I count them I keep coming up with more. It's like my eyes are playing tricks on me. I either give up and keep getting ready or I actually wake up then realising it's now 5:20 am (and I know/can sense what the time is before even looking at the clock)
    non-lucid , memorable

    Firework viewing from a Castle

    by midnightfire on 11-26-2015 at 01:59 PM

    I am making my way towards a 'light show' where there will be fireworks. To get there I go to a local shopping centre. I can't find where the show is and I'm getting panicked because it is starting soon and I'm also supposed to be meeting D.
    Then I notice a tiny little sticker saying "light show this way" with a picture of fireworks. I enter a door and inside is a hidden windy staircase that spirals up the inside of the tower. From the outside it looks just like part of the shopping centre, but from the inside it looks so completely different that I get the feeling most people don't know about this place.

    Inside is cold, damp stone, as I climb with anticipation, higher and higher until I come to the top of this medieval style tower. It is a warm summer night, but a little bit cool because of the wind so high up. There is a huge full moon, and as the firework starts, D is there and a bunch of other happy people and it is perfect and beautiful, as if the height has managed to create a bubble away from the real world where you can just be part of the colours and sounds and sensations.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Bear Chase and Attack

    by midnightfire on 10-26-2015 at 04:59 AM

    This is the end of part of a longer dream. I am being chased by a large bear. I am trying to run as fast as I can but my limbs feel heavy and un-coordinated. I think perhaps it is the shoes I am wearing but I have no time to take them off. The bear is getting closer and closer...

    Before he gets to me I have the perception of what it is going to be like when he reaches me. But part of me still doesn't think that will happen.
    And then it does happen - the bear is upon me and I feel his claws sink through my back into my torso, I feel the pain. I don't lose consciousness straight away however as I thought I would, instead, I realise that I am going to remain conscious for a little while longer, and that in the most disturbing reality ever, experience myself being torn apart.

    I wake up then and realise that the experience is something that many consciousnesses experience throughout time and that as horrifying as it seems, it is also just an experience
    non-lucid , memorable

    Lucid while Flying

    by midnightfire on 09-25-2015 at 04:24 AM
    I only remember fragments of this dream, but with a clear lucid moment.

    I am preparing to fly and have one arm reaching up overhead and one by my side like superman. I am thinking something along the lines of maybe this will work better since I usually I can't fly in dreams (this must have planted a awareness seed).

    missing fragment?

    I am floating high up in the sky, flying towards a castle/building on-top of a mountain in the distance. I think to myself "This is a lucid dream" but only half believe it, but that thought itself works - my perception then changes, with the shift to lucidity - the lucid moment happens so fast I can barely take anything in, but I feel the wind and cold air around me, and the floating sense of being suspended high in the sky. Then I think with absolute certainty, "Ok Yes, I am 100% sure I am having a lucid dream now!"

    I take a turn, (not sure why) thinking I will practice flying, but then I lose my balance, and start to fall.

    And just like that, no more lucidity
    lucid , dream fragment

    Second time lucid - just a moment in a department store before running through a door

    by midnightfire on 08-31-2015 at 12:33 PM
    I woke up at 4:30am after sleeping approximately 7 hours. It took me about 30 min to fall back asleep and I did a very brief MILD practice and said to myself a few times "in my next dream I will be aware that I am dreaming" I had about four more dreams and I cannot remember clearing where a outs in those dreams my lucid one fell but will just record that one here

    I find myself at a department store and I am looking for something in the electronic section. It is nighttime so it is weird to be shopping then but there are quite a few people around. One girl is walking so close behind me she is almost tripping on me, I bump into her as I turn around.

    Some kind of awareness dawns looking back I think that I was having a very light sleep and beginning to awaken as I could probably hear noises outside my room. Because I could hear those noises, I am guessing, part of me started becoming aware that I was dreaming I began to think that I would be able to become lucid if only I went somewhere like deeper into the dream. There was this doubt filling my head that I was dreaming or could become lucid because I felt I would wake up any second or that perhaps I was already awake.

    I start walking towards the exit of the department store, looking for something this place I could get to to become more stable?
    Then suddenly I think what the hell I KNOW I AM DREAMING. With the force of that thought I feel a heavy body feeling/change in gravity. I feel as if my body and time is suspended. I look at the glass exit doors and think okay, I'm lucid, so let'ts just go straight through those doors.
    I run towards the door, no fear, and the glass turns to a thin, flimsy plastic, which crumples away and I get through.

    I begin to float up in the night sky and lucidity fades away....