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    1. View Conversation
      That last message wasn't colorful enough?
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      Yeah, you were all like, "I'm going to write up this journal entry about a creepy as fuck bathroom." Then I was all like, "Imma read this imagery driven entry Samael here wrote."

      After that the dream happened, and I found myself in a creepy as fuck bathroom, which made me think of you, which made me realize I was dreaming, which let me fight and kill a crazy ninja dude in order locate my dream guide, whom really wasn't my dream guide, but was instead just a DC of my old roommate who convinced me he was my dream guide via dream logic; he was working for his aunt or something, and that made me believe him. It was the weirdest thing.
    3. View Conversation
      Sure is.

      So, as I was saying, the lucid I had last night was super cool, and it was all thanks to your efforts. You practically handed it to me.
    4. View Conversation
      Piqued is a funny word.
    5. View Conversation
      Thanks for the lucid last night!
    6. View Conversation
      'Memba me?
    7. View Conversation

      DV is getting boring without your insightful quips.

      Stop having a life, plox?
    8. View Conversation
      your dreams have a ton of dialogue, and it all makes sense.. dialogue in my dreams never makes any sense when i think about it, but in the dream it does
    9. View Conversation
      I was just browsing and I found your DJ through Hazel. You seemed cool so I friend requested.
    10. View Conversation
      Da first one.

      Soft i's. Pronounced "Mizz-ick."
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    I pick up a half-eaten copy of a book by Neil Gaiman, and decide this is all his fault.


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    #226. Revolutionaries

    by Samael on 06-06-2016 at 09:38 PM
    I'd led my friends into an abandoned house to hide from the group of rebels. They've found us now, five rebels armed to the teeth against six or seven unarmed civilians.


    And me.

    "What's this?" The leader sneers. "Snivelling collaborators, hiding with the trash?" He smiles, and it's an awful little thing. "Get up and fight us!"

    "You still outnumber us, after all," says one of the rebel women, a smile in her voice.

    That won't do.

    The group of civilians are removed with a mental gesture, hustled through the aether. It takes me a moment to think of a place to set them down, where there won't already be a crowd. I settle on the dirt pile next to the Ixburg house.

    I blink, coming back to the now-emptier abandoned house. The silence has been drawn like a bow string, the rebels staring at me.

    "Seems fairer now," I explain.

    The leader swears.

    "You don't understand," he says, anger colouring his voice. "When our enemies came in and overthrew the last regime, they turned my country into HELL. They needed diamonds to fulfil the promises they made to their allies; they worked the citizenry like dogs. This is our chance to set things right."

    "Of course," I say mildly. "By marching into people's homes and murdering families in cold blood. Setting things right. Definitely not starting on the same track your enemies did."

    Face red, the man shouts a war cry and charges at me.

    Updated 06-06-2016 at 11:11 PM by Samael


    #225. Dark Side Leia

    by Samael on 02-14-2016 at 07:49 PM
    Hidden in a tiny nook inside the metal walls of the space station, I feel Darth Vader sweep by my hiding place. His footsteps rattle the walls, and I can vaguely hear him giving orders to subordinates.

    I am the space station, I chant, blending further into the background. The stark walls are etched by suffering. The station belongs to the Empire—although it masquerades as a lawless refuelling station—and if the Empire's agents make demands, the station management will fall all over itself to capitulate.

    "Find her."

    I smile.

    Then I'm walking through corridors until I reach the outside of the station. The rooms that I walk through are open to vacuum, but I don't bother with a spacesuit. Opening an airlock would be logged on the station's computer, as would removing a spacesuit from storage, and that would tip my hand. Unnecessary, when I can just walk through space under my own power.

    It's fucking cold, though. My skin is literally freezing in chunks, but that will go away once I re-enter the living areas of the station.

    I can see the stars stretched out in front of me through the transparisteel window, and I step through the glass—

    And fall.

    I catch myself with a thought. I glide towards the station, where I can see in through the windows and spy upon my quarry. (I wrap myself up in thick blankets as I do so.)


    The Exile—and administrator of the station—looks enraged.

    "These are our people!" he shouts at the officer. "I will NOT allow them to be put in harms way because of political machinations."


    We're on the surface of a rocky planet, under an orange sky. The other darksider has his lightsaber out, taunting me.

    You can't kill me, he says, not bothered by the lightsaber wound jutting through his abdomen. I've upgraded my body: these machines make me invincible.

    I charge at him and plunge my red lightsaber into his stomach, psychically forcing lines of corrupted code into his body through the blade. He falls.

    #226. Andraste

    by Samael on 01-09-2016 at 08:02 PM
    "So then Andraste was standing there looking like a normal human being, and Divine Victoria had to figure out how to explain to everyone who she was. And that was important, because Andraste was assembling a team to save the world."

    "Of course, why else would God come back as a snarky, gorgeous redhead?"

    (Explaining my dreams to someone IWL.)

    Divine Victoria
    lucid , non-lucid

    #225. Calling Batman When You Lose Your Keys

    by Samael on 12-14-2015 at 06:11 PM
    I swerve up to the side of the client's apartment building. There's an eavestrough there that's just too high off the ground to reach without a boost.

    There's a garbage truck behind me. I ignore it and back up, hitting the truck with a screech of metal. The car's just under the eavestrough now, and I open the driver's side door, turn to the client, and tell her: "Go."

    She slides out of the car and scrambles onto the hood while I smile pleasantly at the driver of the truck. He's still looking somewhat shocked by the fact that I just backed into him. As my client grabs onto the eavestrough and starts climbing into the apartment, I shut the door of the car.

    I pick up the car, crunch it into a ball, and throw it into the back of the garbage truck.

    "Don't worry," I assure the driver, "It's registered under a false name."

    He... smiles back, and I know that he isn't going to cause me any trouble.

    Updated 12-16-2015 at 04:38 PM by Samael


    #224. Broken Gameplay

    by Samael on 09-22-2015 at 05:30 AM
    There's one area in the video games vs. lucid dreaming argument where video games come out ahead: dreams are terrible at providing a consistent gameplay experience.

    I'm firing some kind of energy weapon down a rocky ravine at some well-armed and armoured aliens trying to board my ship. I'm getting frustrated because the leader's damned health bar isn't going down as fast as I think it should. I pull out a heavier energy weapon, dodge a blaster shot and look down the scope of my gun—FWOOM—and feel a moment's satisfaction when I see that the leader is down below half health.

    It doesn't last long.

    "Boarders!" one of the two crew members at my side shouts at me, "Revan, they're coming in the back!"

    Three of the armoured aliens pour in through another door and I duck so that the enemies below can't get a shot at me.

    "Where's the rest of the crew?" I shout back.

    My brother's running the game. He doesn't say anything, but I realize that the gameplay mechanics only allow for two of my crew members to join the fight: the ones that I had in my KOTOR-sized party.

    Sithspit. Three people won't be enough to hold off the invaders.

    I dive into third-person mode which automatically pauses the fight, and float quickly through the ship. I'm looking for the rest of my crew, and I come across Mystique in her natural formsprawled out on the floor of a storage room. Keeping an eye out for the other boarders, I move towards her and think about what the gameplay mechanic for reviving a crewmate should be. I'm not actually here, so...

    "Found you," says my brother from behind me.

    I spin around. "Revan's on the other side of the ship," I argue.

    "You're here."

    I scoff at his character, a tall man in black, and then run out of the storage room before he has time to reply. A fireball hits the wall as I run past, and I run through a set of double doors, another door, and into a hallway that leads to a series of bathrooms.

    Second door on the left. I throw myself into the room and click the door shut softly behind me, before plugging the sink and move my hand in front of the sensor so the water runs until it's full.

    Silence. My body is tense as I hold myself in position, ready to fling the water at the door.


    The door opens, and I relax when I realize it's Mystique.

    "Any backup?" I ask her.


    "Everyone else is down where the boarders entered the Ebon Hawk. We'll have to retreat for now."

    We move towards the back of the ship, but we're inside a facility now, all industrial chrome and steel. Bastila Shan holds her yellow lightsaber at the ready, and Mystique and I hold complementary hues of blue and orange. I wave my hand and call up my Darth Revan outfit, looking up the steel grating as I do.

    I jump up to the next level. Just as I expected, an enemy stands at the ready with another an lightsaber. They smile, and I give them a bloodthirsty grin in return. It's three against one, after all.


    Other dreams: a hiking trip with a couple of guides and a group of people, trying to find a bathroom before we leave on the trip. Looking for a judge in Ixburg who can sign a cheque that I need to write to pay a fine.