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      Of course <3
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      Love you Tara!!!!!!!!! <3
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      [cont...] I have hidden a great treasure somewhere not easily found, which I do not remember the location of. Luckily, I wrote the location down on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope, which I have also hidden somewhere not easily found. Unfortunately, I have also forgotten where I hid the envelope. You should try to find it. Also, please take care of my Neopets.

      But most importantly,

      I'm sorry.

      I'm sorry for all the things I said but didn't mean. I'm sorry for all the things I meant to say but didn't. I'm sorry to you and to myself. My deepest regret is not for the life I've lost, but for the life we never had.

      ~I am the Darkness,
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      Dear Tara,

      I have waited for ten thousand years. I would wait another ten thousand if I had to, but I have faded greatly. I fear my patience has outlived my time on this world and the final whisper of my ashen soul will be taken away on an icy wind soon. And so with my dying breath I write you this; As per our previous agreement, you can have all of my stuff. You can keep it or sell it or give it away or whatever you will. Be sure to remind Alex of the game often. Tell Betsy I will see her in the afterlife. (I assume she will be visible as a ghost.) Tell Doug I had nothing to tell him. Please do not spend much, if anything, on my burial/funeral. If you just want to bury me in a sand box or feed me to some animals that's fine. Actually, you should donate my corpse for scientific use. That'd probably make more sense.
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      HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Whyareyouneveronaround8-10PMEST?
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      Happy Birthday Moose!!! ^.^
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    View Tara's Dream Journal

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    The Hunt for The O

    by Tara on 11-04-2011 at 08:28 PM
    So here's a snippet from a dream I thought was interesting that has left me feeling all happy-happy for the day.

    I was in and out of lucidity, running down a street at night. Sometimes I'd vaguely realize I was dreaming and try to shout some command but a few moments later, I'd forget and just keep doing what I was doing. I also knew I was worrying about waking up so I think that was preventing me from becoming fully lucid and just doing whatever I wanted, because that worry was becoming an obsession.

    Suddenly I came across a driveway full of cars. I assumed there was some party going on. I was lucid for a second again, but just enough for my brain to be like, "Hey Tara. What's up? I'm pumping a lot of blood to your vagoo, since you're in REM sleep and all, soo you're just gonna go look for sex now, okay?" and that's exactly what I did after losing lucidity again.

    I walked through all of the parked cars, casually looking for someone to have sex with. I found one occupied car but the person inside was asleep or something. I don't quite remember, but either way, I kept looking. I came across another car with a young man inside browsing his phone. He kind of looked like the actor who played Thomas Kalmaku in the new Green Lantern film, with the glasses and everything. I quietly opened the door and said, "Hey." He said the same back and I bluntly and casually said, "Do you wanna have sex?" He seemed a bit confused and asked why and I said something like, "Because I want to, it's fun and it feels good." After fiddling around on his phone for a few more seconds, he nodded and said, "Sure." but seemed kind of tired and not into it. I asked if we could go in the backseat because he wasn't moving, so we did. The dream sort of abruptly transitioned to us being in the back seat.

    We were laughing and eating orange creamsicles. Well, I was mostly acting like a goof and making him laugh. He commented on how silly I was. The excitement died down as we finished our creamsicles and sat in silence. The car light made everything orange and grainy, but provided enough light for me to see that he was smiling at me. He looked somewhat contemplative, like he was pondering the weirdness of the situation and who I was. I smiled back for a long while before glancing at his lips. My ears burned and face flushed, I could feel it. My heart was beating uncomfortably fast and hard. I had the overwhelming urge to kiss him and the overwhelming desire for him to kiss me. After staring at my feet and gathering my courage back up, I stared at him again, then looked at his lips while he sheepishly muttered, "I'm not going to have sex with you." I chuckled, smiled and nodded. I wasn't all that bothered. We were having a genuinely good time, as if we were best friends. I had kind of figured the sex wasn't going to happen as soon as the dream transitioned to us laughing in the back seat. But I still wanted to kiss him. I'm upset that I didn't. My vision faded as I began to have a false awakening, in which I went on Facebook and saw that the guy from the dream had added me and I was astounded that I dreamed of him before even knowing he existed. I was also quite excited to actually be friends with him. Then I woke up for real and was very disappointed but quite pleased with my brain for coming up with such a nice dream.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Joseph Gordon-Levitt

    by Tara on 06-30-2011 at 07:18 PM
    Skipped out on this for a few days. Whoops. Anyways, I went to bed between 1:30AM and 2AM, woke up around 10AM.

    There were cockroaches in my house, but they were big Madagascar hissing ones. Mom caught one and showed it to me and I thought, "Well, if we have 'roaches now, I should keep some as pets." but the one I was holding was suddenly dead. I accused Mom of accidentally killing it but it started coming back to life, so I assumed it was playing dead. I noticed it had a beetle shell but no wings. They resembled the spotted shell of a Hercules beetle. I realized it was a female and maybe started thinking up names of her, I can't quite remember.


    I was watching this business-type/reporter lady talk to a Japanese man who reminded me of Steve Aoki, except his hair was up in a Samurai-type pony tail thing. Anyways, the woman was asking him questions about I don't know what and the man replied, calling her madam at the end of his sentence. Then he asked, "What can I call you?" and she seemed confused. He said, "I was going to say he, but that wasn't right, and I don't want to say she. What can I call you?" My POV swooshed around them like a fancy camera, stopping at the other side at a low angle looking up. The man suddenly had no shirt and was wearing a piece of armor from a game I play. The two embraced each other all dreamy-like and shared a kiss. I laughed to myself and thought, "This is like all of those movies where the Samurai falls for the white woman." but I've never seen a movie like that.

    Something about leather jackets.

    My alarm went off and I woke up, pressed the snooze button and fell asleep again.

    ~ NSFW part ~

    I was in a parking lot, approaching a p old school van. I opened the door and there was Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who I was apparently going out with. He was either naked or in his underwear. Anyways, the inside of the van had a burnt orange shag carpet and lights. The walls were yellow and when I got all of the way inside, it sort of turned into my room, except 9999x cooler. There were Christmas lights strung up everywhere, a bunch of shelves with cool stuff and of course, the amazing shag carpet. Joseph had turned it into a bed of some kind. He was getting ready to get spicy, putting on a raincoat and such, while I was avoiding the situation by organizing my CDs. I really wanted to, I was just nervous, and self-conscious. Finally I sat down beside him and decided I would close my eyes and just let him undress me and he could stop when ever he wanted. So off comes my shirt and I realized it was kind of nice having my eyes closed, because it was more surprising and exciting when he would touch me. He said something, or maybe I did, but I don't remember what. I was under the impression he was smiling. Off comes my bra (I wasn't wearing any bottoms already, not sure when that happened) and a few seconds later he embraced/kissed me and we laid down. I remember seeing a picture or a tumblr post about Vegeta from DBZ on the floor and something about boners, all just as I was opening my eyes, but my alarm went off and I woke up.

    My alarm clock is silent for 10 minutes between each snooze so that dream was about 9 minutes long. Upon waking up, I realized it was one of the most vivid dreams I've had with my eyes closed. The sensations were all very real and I was surprised I didn't wake up from just having them closed, as that often guarantees the end of a dream. And my sex dreams usually get doubly spicy p fast, so it was nice having this slow and fairly realistic one.

    I really want a Madagascar hissing cockroach.

    EDIT: I forgot a bunch! It all came back to me a little while ago.

    I was at a big party in some.. warehouse or whatevs'. It was just jam packed with people, so many people. There were a few tables set up with.. I guess food but I think there were a few with whatever junk. I was talking with some girls next to me and could sometimes see myself, like I was in a movie. The entire room was very dim, lit with only blue lights so everything and everyone had a blue tint. A girl next to me nodded towards someone in the distance, so I looked over and my vision zoomed in but it was kind of blurry and I missed what I was supposed to see. Everything rewound, I think, and I zoomed in again. Everything was blurry except this one face and it was Voldemort. He stared at me and began to grow hair, then turned around and left very quickly (the warehouse had biiiig sliding doors that were always open. There was a parking lot outside). I was now under the impression that most of the people in the room were wizards. I remember Joseph Gordon-Levitt being outside the door and waving for me to come out. I guess this dream came before the spicy one.


    Some little tidbit about wearing black pants, a black leather jacket and a tie-dye shirt and tie-dye shoes. Most of the focus was on the shoes and just seeing them from different angles (I have tie-dye Converse in real life). I was admiring how nice black clothing looked with rainbow accessories.

    Updated 07-01-2011 at 12:42 AM by Tara

    non-lucid , memorable

    Bunk Beds

    by Tara on 06-23-2011 at 06:09 PM
    Missed some dreams the past few days, oh well. Went to bed around 1AM.. I think.. yeah. 1AM and Mom woke me up at 9:10AM, 10 minutes before my alarm would go off.

    I was coming up from some rocky beach, which I'm sure had some cliffs and waves crashing against it, walking towards my friends house on a rocky hill. I could see into his bedroom because it was missing a wall (the house was like.. three stories high but had one floor and just super high ceilings). He had a tower of bunk beds that made up for it, so you could just crawl over one of the bunk beds and be inside his house or vice versa. There were probably 10 beds or so and he had one of those rope climbing things as a way to get to the top, like the ones you see at playgrounds with the little steps on the wall in front of it. There may have been a yellow slide too.

    I'm in his room now and the walls are all burnt orange. The floor was hardwood and very light with a large, round antique rug in the middle, made of mostly reds as most antique rugs are. One of my friend's little brothers was on the top bunk, or almost, and I said something about climbing and being in a window. His brother called down, "That's actually pretty attractive." and I laughed because he's like.. 6 or 7.

    I started climbing up but I was having a lot of trouble. Somehow, I made it to one of the middle bunks. My friend was there, at the end of the bed on his laptop. His youngest brother, about 3 (they're both a few years older IRL), climbed onto the bed to admire a blanket or something. I was hiding my face under one and he started laughing and trying to find me but I started tickling him through the blanket. I imitated his baby scream/laugh and he laughed even more. My friend was laughing at us too and that went on for a while until said friend wanted to show me a video. It was about some video game.

    Then Mom woke me up.

    PS Edit: I tooted after writing this and remembered there was something in my dream about farting.

    Updated 06-23-2011 at 06:17 PM by Tara



    by Tara on 06-20-2011 at 02:37 AM
    I woke up at 10:30AM today and am only updating this now, so I've forgotten a lot of details but it was kind of choppy even when I first got up.

    Wow, I've actually forgotten the first part almost entirely. I was hanging out with Hitler, though. I kind of remember us possibly doing arts and crafts type stuff together. I was scared the entire time because, yunno, it was Hitler. I thought he might have been tricking me by being nice and was actually planning on killing me or something.

    Then I was on some.. train ride for kids. It was night and we stopped at this platform with an old iron street lamp. It was connected to a pine green building and the platform itself was probably like.. 10ft x 10ft, so pretty small. There was a wooden crate at one end being used as a table and I was sitting in a chair by it with my feet propped up. I couldn't see anything around me, it was way too dark and the light lit up only the platform. I glanced to my left, where the building was, and ♥Mark came out the door. He walked over to the the edge of the platform and started.. throwing something over the edge, I think. He might have been peeling something, like a vegetable or some fruit. I looked down at my hoodie and noticed it was a nice burnt orange colour.

    Updated 06-20-2011 at 03:06 AM by Tara

    dream fragment , non-lucid

    Stan the Man

    by Tara on 06-19-2011 at 08:35 AM
    There's this crow around my house named Stan who imitates cats and we feed him. He was in my dream and I forgot to update my DJ this afternoon (went to sleep at like.. 6 or 7AM, got up around 1:30PM).

    So I was sitting in our yard and my friend was there, but she was standing. It looked like we had some little get together going on. There were lawn chairs around and we both had drinks. I dunno if anyone else was there. Anyways, there's a branch hanging over her head and Stan is sitting on it and kind of acting weird, like flapping his wings a bit and stuff. In real life, my friend likes to run into flocks of birds and scare them off and I remember hoping she wouldn't try to scare Stan off. I didn't want her ruining the relationship we had with him. Luckily she didn't and just reached up and started petting him. I started thinking that he must be injured or incredibly sick because we can never get close enough to touch him, so I put a chair under the branch and got myself up to eye level with him.
    He looked like a crow, basically, but he also looked kind of cartoony. His head was broad and flat and his eyes were big and human-like. I think he may have had a cat body for a few seconds.
    Anyways, Stan was looking around really frantically and making strange noises. I was talking to him softly and inspecting his body for wounds, like lifting his wings and checking his feet and face. He seemed fine so I wasn't sure what was wrong with him.

    That's all I can remember.