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    7 Visitor Messages

    1. View Conversation
      Thank you! x'D I'm very scared of posting pictures of myself online, but I'm hoping to post a few more (larger images) in the future.
    2. View Conversation
      Happy B Day to you!
    3. View Conversation
      It won't lete send you a private message you can email me at the email it gives on my profile (it won't let me give it here)

      and I just started getting back in to it about a month ago
    4. View Conversation
      Oh shit, thanks for telling me about that, I loved the show, I was hoping they were gonna make a new one, I never heard about the legend of Korra. Personally, I think that waterbender vs a firebender is the least exciting fight of all time. Earthbender vs anyone, and firebender vs firebender are the best imo.

      Also, try what I said in that post, or, if your good at keeping stable in a dream, close your eyes and try to see with the earth like Toph does.
    5. View Conversation
      Yes, I have done something avatar related, it was actually one of my favorite things I've done, and I forgot to say it in 2 of my DJ posts xD. I got a staff like Aang, and sliced with wind. Once I did to cut a boulder, then again I did it in my casino dream, and cut 8+ people diagonally. I didn't think it worked at first, till their bodies sorta slid apart, it was hilarious. I also think I Earthbended a bit, but I can't remember specifically. I know I made a wave once, waterbending style.
    6. View Conversation
      Hi, just wanted to say that I love your signature.
    7. View Conversation
      I think your signature is so freaking funny!
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    About WarBenifit156

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    Date of Birth
    March 17, 1996 (28)
    About WarBenifit156
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    I'm a teenager who's happy with himself.
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    1. FryingMan
      FryingMan liked post by WarBenifit156 On thread : best inudction methods
      My favorite has to be the good old DILD, checking my hand or trying to recall how you got somewhere isn't really that hard to do and I only have to do it two or three times a day to get it to be a...
      Liked On: 04-17-2014, 07:56 AM
    2. Wasatch
      Wasatch liked post by WarBenifit156 On thread : My Tutorial for extending Lucid Dream Time. Hours of LD.
      In my lucid dream that I had last night I rubbed my hands, felt random objects, smelled the air, and tried to notice little details and these things made the lucid dream very long, vivid, and aware....
      Liked On: 02-19-2014, 05:29 AM
    3. djmarkspence
      djmarkspence liked post by WarBenifit156 On thread : Losing lucidty possible?
      Yes, losing lucidity can happen very easily but if you try to feel things around you, notice every detail with your eyes, hear the many noises with your ears, smell the air with your nose, etc. (use...
      Liked On: 02-08-2013, 08:48 AM
    4. SaucyHitman
      SaucyHitman liked post by WarBenifit156 On thread : Lucid Slacking
      Same here, except it's been like 4 months since I've had a lucid dream, lol. It's much harder to get motivated when you don't have any friends that have had a lucid dream before. Not to mention,...
      Liked On: 05-10-2012, 07:11 PM
    5. Dreamprofesser
      Dreamprofesser liked post by WarBenifit156 On thread : What's your favorite lucid power?
      Flying, Bending The Elements, Telekinesis, and Flying.
      Liked On: 04-15-2012, 04:31 AM
    6. Reagan
      Reagan liked post by WarBenifit156 On thread : Lack of sleep led me to find a possible new way to enter dream state (at least new to me) "spinning"
      Lol, my last lucid what when I got 3 hours of sleep on day and 10 the next on a school week since I lasted in REM more longer and I was happy :).
      Liked On: 12-21-2011, 10:08 PM
    7. atkins513
      atkins513 liked post by WarBenifit156 On thread : My Tutorial for extending Lucid Dream Time. Hours of LD.
      In my lucid dream that I had last night I rubbed my hands, felt random objects, smelled the air, and tried to notice little details and these things made the lucid dream very long, vivid, and aware....
      Liked On: 11-14-2011, 03:09 AM
    8. LucidRaider
      LucidRaider liked post by WarBenifit156 On thread : Instant WBTB?
      I like to goto bed around 9:00-10:00PM and wake up around 2:30-3:00AM in the morning. I usually stay up for only 20:00-25:00 minutes doing reality checks and playing around on DreamViews.com for a...
      Liked On: 05-04-2011, 12:33 AM
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    View WarBenifit156's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Lucid Dream #59 [#3 As Of 2014]: My Dreams [WBTB]

    by WarBenifit156 on 10-09-2014 at 01:09 PM
    Black is Non Lucid.
    Blue is Lucid.

    Lucidity: 3/5
    Vividness: 4/5
    Length: A Few Minutes

    NOTE: I woke up around 1:30AM then went back to sleep after eating something, then woke up around 4:30AM, so this is a WBTB, for sure.

    I needed to get home, so I got on the school bus so that I could get to the other side of it by going through the window. I didn't want to ride the bus since it was so packed, but once I got on it, I found out that it had over a hundred seats and was wider than three school buses combined. The seats were nice, too, like movie theater seats. I was then talking to my math teacher from last year, Mrs. Glenn, about something. She saw my drawings and thought they were nice. I was now on the side of a mountain, walking up the slope of it with my teacher. Once we went a ways, I saw statues in the ground that made me realize I'm dreaming.

    I realized I was in a dream and rolled with what was happening in the non lucid dream, so I stayed with everyone that was already there. There were about five or six people with me, most of them from my school. We saw some statues that were a similar color to trees. I told them not to touch them, or they might become animated. So what do they do? They touch one of the things, and it became animated. I had to carefully touch one of them four times on the shoulder before it became unmoving again, which made me feel relieved when it fell to the earth. We kept going past the human like statues and reached a meadow. I said, "yeah, you guys are definitely in my dreams." There was a part of the walkway popped up out of the ground to walk on, curved here and there, but flat and fuzzy with the grass on it. We started walking, then when I got to an ascending part, I jumped in the air and flew over it in a pose, my leg kicked out, and the other not. I landed on the other side slowly, everyone beat me there since I was so slow. I started to fly again, then taught them how to fly. Some got it, but some didn't. I flew around the place for fun, swimming through the air to show them a trick or two. It all of a sudden turned out that we were in a room when I hit the ground, I tried to make the roof disappear, but woke up instead.

    Updated 10-09-2014 at 01:15 PM by WarBenifit156

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment

    Lucid Dream #58 [#2 As Of 2014]: Crow's Head [DILD]

    by WarBenifit156 on 10-03-2014 at 02:20 PM
    Black is Non Lucid.
    Blue is Lucid.

    Lucidity: 2/5
    Vividness: 3/5
    Length: Very Short

    I was trying to get to my friend's house that was down a highway. We were going as fast as we could, all the while dozens of other cars were doing the same. There was a little kid on a tiny bike going down the highway, in the middle of it all. He had to keep stopping and going again, since he fell and fell off his bike. I feared for him that he'd get hurt, and he did. My friend found the boy's bike, it was nothing more than a piece of metal now, and then they found the boy. He had a black ash all over his body, like an overcooked piece of bread. I told them to leave it, they said no, so he came with us.

    When we reached this place that looked devilish because of all the dead animals around, I became lucid. The area was very dark, like something you'd see in Berserk. I jumped down off this ledge and then flew by willing it, mostly, up to this pillar of dead animal's heads. There was a bull's head staring at me with big eyes, and a crow with a very long orange yellow beak. I grabbed the head of the crow, willing it's beak to open. When it did, I feared it would bite me, but it didn't. I then put the bird's beak to a tree next to me and willed it to cut the tree in half. It didn't, so I closed my eyes (big mistake) and when imagined the tree getting cut in two. When I opened my eyes, the tree wasn't cut. My vision became black and I couldn't see anything, so I lost lucidity.

    Then, there were these re spawns I had, I re spawned as the baby once, asking my friends to put a blanket over me so I could talk to my friend without creeping her out. Then I was in a space ship, still trying to find my friend. I was in my room on the floor doing something on the computer. Someone came into my room who I've never seen before, a nerdy looking girl. She was grateful to meet me, but I asked her to step outside so I could get dressed since I was in my underwear and t-shirt only. I got dressed and came out, we said a few things and then I left. I went in search of my friend again, this time going to the school. One of my brother's friends brought me there, it took a while. I found out that he wanted to talk to my friend Jake, who didn't go to this school, so we had to go back on the highway. We made it to my friends house, she was fine, she talked to me and everything, as usual. We were in a mall buying food and talking about how bad some of it was for you.

    Updated 10-09-2014 at 01:15 PM by WarBenifit156

    non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid

    Lucid Dream #57 [#1 As Of 2014]: The Mansion [DILD]

    by WarBenifit156 on 09-16-2014 at 02:31 PM
    Black is Non Lucid.
    Blue is Lucid.

    Lucidity: 3/5
    Vividness: 4/5
    Length: Short

    I was in a mansion, trying to eat a gigantic pumpkin that I found. It started to develop spikes all over it, like the inside of an artichoke. I saw a bug on it, but it didn't bother me too much. Then a spider that was black and spotted white, was jumping randomly, like it was drunk. I left because the spider was scaring me.

    After leaving, I gained lucidity. I flew to the upstairs, glad that I finally fell asleep after trying to for about three hours. When I reached the top, I was in this menu where I was choosing what I looked like. There was no option to get out of the menu, so I kept looking up, down, and around, willing a window to appear so I could get out. One did, eventually, and I flew through it. I was back where I was before I was sucked into the menu, the upstairs of the mansion. I came to a room that had the spider in it, somehow, but there was no spider. Instead, two frogs were trying to murder each other. I had two options, according to a dream character: Let the frogs kill each other, or kill them using a bird. I chose the second one, and a bird came down and scooped up one of the frogs. It came back after a second and was disappointed that the other frog wasn't there. I killed the other one, then got angry when I thought of how I tried so hard to fall asleep tonight, and punched the frog in the back of the head, it being as large a human being now. I then was in a restroom, looking at my reflection. I was very skinny and had scars on my back. My face looked the same as it usually does, though.

    After losing lucidity, I was in a DOTA game where I was Crystal Maiden with Tidehunter's E, dodging everything and hitting all of the other team with it. This took place in a field that was not textured at all.

    Updated 10-09-2014 at 01:16 PM by WarBenifit156

    lucid , non-lucid , side notes

    Lucid Dream #56

    by WarBenifit156 on 12-28-2011 at 07:35 PM
    Lucidity: 6/10
    Vividness: 7/10
    Length: ~3 Min.

    I was with another girl when I became lucid. We were supposed to go somewhere so I ran, I hit the walls and everything. Then I found a bathtub, we both got in and then for some reason she turned into a doll. I was like "whatever" and started washing her up. At times I had to do the rubbing hands trick to become more lucid, but I still gradually started to lose lucidity.
    lucid , memorable , side notes

    Lucid Dream #55

    by WarBenifit156 on 12-13-2011 at 10:52 AM
    Lucidity: 8/10
    Vividness: 9/10
    Length: ~4 Min.

    A bunch of 343’s from Halo came down from the sky and I went lucid, I went downstairs and said that aliens are coming. I checked to see if it really were a dream by looking at my hand, I had 3 fingers. Then I screwed around with them for a little while and then for a walk. I walked to the mall and when me, my brother, and some random dude got there, I told Cameron that this was a dream, I expected him to smile and want to mess around with the girls and such. I just observed the scenery and sang to myself my favorite songs, not out loud, of course. I walked around and tried to do things like make people disappear and since I wanted it to last as long as possible, I did the rub your hands together trick, it was kind of strange doing it. I got the idea of finding my dream guide before I woke up.
    lucid , memorable , dream fragment