Has anyone considered to possibility of a placebo effect here? As in the case of littlezoe, It sees when she doubts herself she does not get lucid. Just a thought I hope I'm wrong. With that said I am going to continue with the experiment (experiments are fun). From what I seem I definitely get more vivid dreams, not quite lucid yet though.

Also, I have not noticed any difference in arousal at night. Seems normal but healthy there. I think with most of you is has to do with your age and or relationship status. I get the feeling most of you are a lot younger than I.

Dose: 1/8 teaspoon peppermint oil with a cup of cold tea
Side Effects: None - perhaps mild constipation
Sleep Duration: woke after 2 hr 44 min of dose
Lucid: No
Dream Comments:Long epic dream. Tried MILD but only continued the dream non-lucid.