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    Unemptiable Mouth RC, Cute High School Guy, Transporting Bodies, Spa Adventures, etc.

    by , 05-02-2012 at 05:39 PM (758 Views)
    I've been really lazy about logging DJ entries and checking others lately, but I'm trying to get back into it now, starting with these dreams from the past week or so. I got lucid four times despite smoking lots of weed, too!

    April 28th

    #1 - Unemptiable Mouth RC [DILD]

    I was hanging out at the house of this kid AB who I knew in high school, except it was actually my house and we were hanging out in my parents' bedroom. It was just us and some random people, and AB apparently smokes weed now (which would NEVER happen in real life). I can't remember much of this part, but I know we got a pizza and we finished it but I still wanted more, so I said I was going to head out and get some since everyone else wanted to go somewhere else. At the door when I was getting ready to go I noticed that RE was with us as well. Now first of all, the way I was thinking of this was that AB, RE, and I all lived in my same neighborhood, and AB and I each lived in mirror copies of the same house. There's a street that extends directly out from my house, and in this dream the whole neighborhood was just symmetrical around this one street, so on the other side would be my house again, the one that's actually my house. Yes.... RE also lived on the other side but one street over, so we decided to walk home together. I realized that this was my first time seeing him since he got signed to a label for one of his latest songs (which actually happened in waking life), so I congratulated him for it. Instead of taking the symmetrical street we went to the next one over and started walking down it, and somehow it turned into a huge bazaar with lots of restaurants intermixed in it. RE went to stand in line to get some food, but I just sat down at a small table not far from him. Suddenly my mouth started seeming very full of chewed up food and it was really starting to bug me, it seemed like no matter how much more I chewed up and swallowed there was always the same amount still in my mouth, so I started just spitting it out on the table and it still wouldn't reduce in volume. O's mom suddenly showed up out of nowhere and sat down at the table with me, and I felt embarrassed because I couldn't say anything. I pointed to my mouth and made a weak gesture and she nodded, it looked like she was chewing something too. I went back to my annoyance and started getting really upset about it, thinking "This only happens when... I'm dreaming." The area has suddenly become a 7-Eleven-like store, and I get up excitedly and say to a DC a couple of times that I'm dreaming, to which he grumbles "Yeah, I heard ya the first time!" and walks off trying to mind his own business. I just flew around the store a little bit and tried to use the windows to teleport myself, but it didn't really work. After enough bouncing around, the dream faded. I woke up without moving and with my eyes still closed, so I thought about attempting a DEILD, but then I got antsy and decided I'd rather remember this dream for sure instead since it was my first lucid in a while.

    #2 - Cute High School Guy [DILD]

    I saw this girl... wow, her name would also be AB, I didn't foresee this problem. >w< Anyway, AB and this guy T whose last name initial I don't know, were walking around my old high school where I ran into them. It seems that they still go to high school despite the fact that they're also celebrating T's 23rd birthday, and it appears as if they're dating. T starts asking me to do something for him involving a bridge and digging but I can't remember exactly what now, though I agree to do it at the time. There was also talk of a monster...? Anyway, I start walking down one of the school hallways and see some black lagoon-type humanoid monster just standing there, and lazily think "I'm dreaming." I fly down the hallway and there was some cute guy standing there. I landed and the dream started fading a little bit, and I told him to hug me because I needed to stabilize. He did and I grabbed his ass while he was doing it. :3 After that, I took my glasses off for some reason and everything got really blurry. Wonderful move, me.... I put them back on but it didn't help anything, so I just gave up trying to save the dream and let it fade away.

    April 29th

    Dream Fragment - "D's house base, McDonald's food drug makes you full, K, aunts S and D."

    Dream Fragment - "A's boyfriend drive to movie dad meets us turn into M SSRI serotonin control dopamine M burped by boyfriend by being thrown into the air hilarious everyone so happy, dave1701 doing SSRI presentation, among others."

    Negligent Sisters [Non-Lucid]

    I had sisters (I'm an only child in waking life) that I normally forgot about because I never saw them, at least a few. I claimed that the last time I'd see any of them was around 15 years ago. J was over (and refusing to shut the door to my room no matter how many times I told him to) and getting to know them before coming into my room to wake me up in the morning, having spent the night. He talks about my sisters and I said if he was getting to know them then he probably knows them better than I do, and I'm obviously feeling a little dejected. He starts talking about how he'll have to take me home soon because he has stuff to do during the day, and I'm like "What the fuck? I'm already home....", and suddenly we can't remember who drove him over. I look out front and neither of our cars are there so I start getting a little concerned, but then I wake up.

    April 30th

    Waiting For Class To End [Non-Lucid]

    I was doing some really bizarre worksheet in a high school class and then I got up to stand at the door with this girl A who's last name I forget. We could hear some kids yelling funny stuff with a musical track playing on the other side of the door, and we start making fun of it and I do a little dance that makes A laugh. We eventually pushed the door open to hear the music and I recognized it at the time but I forgot when I woke up.

    May 1st

    #1 - Horny Teacher [Non-Lucid]

    This girl who I don't know wants me to help her go to the game store (which is apparently anti-Jew ) at some vacation spot, I don't remember exactly where. The store ends up being a medicine store owned by my old Chinese class teacher. He tries speaking to me in Chinese and I don't understand him, but I don't need to to pick up on his incredibly lewd gestures. I laugh weakly and the girl and I leave (oh, also, I lost a sandal right outside the store and magically had it back on when we left), and then we see the actual game store we meant to go to. As we're walking in we look at each other and back at the medicine store and I say "Pervy old man."

    #2 - Transporting Bodies [DILD]

    I was helping a group of people transport bodies in bags into a truck being driven by a fake cop that's behind some huge house. The people weren't dead though, just unconscious. One of the bodies was actually melanieb, and I saw her sneak a quick glance before pretending to be knocked out again as she was put into a bag. I finally finish taking all the bags over and then walk out to the front of the house and become lucid. I try to make all the windows in the house suddenly shatter but it isn't really working, so instead I fly up to the roof and lay on my stomach and feel the brick texture, and I was intenting to make something of it but then I woke up.

    May 2nd

    Spa Adventures [DILD]

    There was a lot of dream leading up to this, but most of it is blurry in my memory. I was at some kind of resort hotel/apartment all by myself, and I went out to a room that was supposed to be like a private spa tub room. I got in the tub and was enjoying myself, but was also somewhat afraid that someone was going to break into my apartment, for whatever reason, but after I got up and locked the door to the spa room I stopped worrying about that. I looked around and noticed that there were no walls in the room, in fact the huge hotel building was built in a square design with all of the spa tub rooms directly on top of and under each other and all facing inwards in the square, so I could actually see lots of other people using their tubs as well. It was mostly girls, but some guys too. I became a bit concerned for my own privacy, but then figured that I'm already looking at everyone else, so, eh. Across from me and to the left a bit I saw a creepy guy looking straight at me, with some weird woman crawling around like an animal next to him. I tried to act like I hadn't seen him but it was too late, he yelled to her to get me, and she jumped all the way over to my tub and cornered me. She's reaching into my forehead and I'm freaking out, but she says "I'm just prying open your third eye so that you...." Well, there was more, but that part's a secret. Sorry! So I say "Oh, okay!" When she finishes opening my third eye, I'm suddenly standing in one of the hotel/apartment rooms again, and I think to myself that that was pretty crazy was just happened, it must have been some kind of hallucination or something. I happily walk off, but quickly become suspicious, so I do a noseplug RC for the first time ever in a dream. Holy crap, it works! Now I know what it's like to breath through my nose when it's pinched shut. I fly out through the window until I end up at some pool area where there are what seems to be a few random employees and a Chinese man and his daughter (?). I had a lot of energy so I was just yelling gibberish at them like usual and repeating stabilization mantras to myself, which seemed to work pretty well. The man and his daughter started getting into a fight so I flew off and started traveling down different hallways in the main hotel building. A thought suddenly occurs to me that if I'm dreaming now then maybe what happened was I fell asleep in the tub and the woman opening my third eye was hypnagogic imagery, and now I'm slowly drowning there in my sleep. I freaked out a bit but finally managed to "wake myself up".

    False Awakening - Ah, safe at last, back in the spa tub. Happiness sets in, then suspicion. Noseplug RC. Damn it! Oh well. Totally forgetting about my imagined danger, I fly off and hover around the other floors' spa rooms. One pretty much directly below me is occupied by three very gorgeous and very naked women just chilling in their tub, and I was intent on joining them. X3 But then I woke up. D: Damn it!

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    1. sinoblak's Avatar
      Lol, Aly, you've posted it in the end!
      It's just to say I'm glad to see this entry. Going to read it now.
    2. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Yeah, I finally got around to it. I have so many entries to read too! I'm going to be heading out of the house for errands in about 25 minutes, but I'm going to start reading as soon as I get back.
    3. sinoblak's Avatar
      Haha, the first dream is hilarious. I have experienced it in waking, lol! It's so funny and embarrassing at the same time! You must say something, they are waiting and staring at you, and you just chew in front of all those people! Great!

      "I'm just prying open your third eye so that you...."
      Do you mean she opened your head and you were ok with it? You're a brave soul, Aly!

      And... I like that zesty ending.
    4. Linkzelda's Avatar
      I was helping a group of people transport bodies in bags into a truck being driven by a fake cop that's behind some huge house. The people weren't dead though, just unconscious. One of the bodies was actually melanieb, and I saw her sneak a quick glance before pretending to be knocked out again as she was put into a bag. I finally finish taking all the bags over and then walk out to the front of the house and become lucid. I try to make all the windows in the house suddenly shatter but it isn't really working, so instead I fly up to the roof and lay on my stomach and feel the brick texture, and I was intenting to make something of it but then I woke up.
      Lmao, this makes me wonder what melanieb thinks when there's people knocked out. I wonder if she does this as a sexual thrill, pretending to be helpless just for the creativity if someone decided to take advantage of her body.

    5. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by Sinoblak
      Haha, the first dream is hilarious. I have experienced it in waking, lol! It's so funny and embarrassing at the same time! You must say something, they are waiting and staring at you, and you just chew in front of all those people! Great!
      I know, doesn't it suck!? I get this in dreams SO much, this is just the first time it's ever made me realize that I'm dreaming. I get it with teeth falling out a lot too, the teeth will fall but be immediately replaced by other teeth, and then those will fall, and so on until I'm constantly chewing a mouthful of my own teeth. o_o

      Quote Originally Posted by Sinoblak
      Do you mean she opened your head and you were ok with it? You're a brave soul, Aly!
      It was for a good cause. Besides, my third eye can stand to be opened from time to time!

      Quote Originally Posted by Sinoblak
      And... I like that zesty ending.
      I think I would have enjoyed it more if it went a little further, but it was nice.

      Quote Originally Posted by Linkzelda
      Lmao, this makes me wonder what melanieb thinks when there's people knocked out. I wonder if she does this as a sexual thrill, pretending to be helpless just for the creativity if someone decided to take advantage of her body.
      Only one way to find out! :D
    6. Dreamprofesser's Avatar
      Very interesting dreams Aly! Its funny how pissed off that DC must've been when you became lucid in your 1st dream. Here is how i saw it..

      (You) "Yay im lucid!"

      (Random DC)

      "Yea yea yea" (Mumbles something underneath his breath)

      You bouncing around enjoying the scenary of the dream.

      Him walking away in the distance upset that he can't tag along with you in the dream world. XD

      Hahaha! I love your cute cheerful nature. Even in the dream you seem like you still have your cheerful personality. =)
      And wow...to your final dream. Did it feel funny when she stuck her hand into your forehead like that? I imagine it must've felt a bit weird.
      sinoblak and Alyzarin like this.
    7. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Hahaha, I can see it. XD That poor guy!

      Thank you! And nah, it wasn't too weird lol. I'm a veteran of third eye probings, though. Many times in waking life (though not necessarily fully "awake") I've had a long red tentacle spawn in front of me and then pierce through my forehead, after which my entire environment would begin to malfunction and I'd once again experience the greatest feeling in the world - total loss of control. Once it was even a transparent snake! It uncoiled in front of my face and then hissed, exploding as it did so into spiders that then pierced into my third eye the way the tentacle would.

      Oooh... gives me shivers thinking about it.
      Dreamprofesser likes this.
    8. Dreamprofesser's Avatar
      Hahaha, I can see it. XD That poor guy!

      Hahaha! Yea. =) Makes you almost feel sorry for those lonely DCs. =/

      Thank you! And nah, it wasn't too weird lol. I'm a veteran of third eye probings, though. Many times in waking life (though not necessarily fully "awake") I've had a long red tentacle spawn in front of me and then pierce through my forehead, after which my entire environment would begin to malfunction and I'd once again experience the greatest feeling in the world - total loss of control. Once it was even a transparent snake! It uncoiled in front of my face and then hissed, exploding as it did so into spiders that then pierced into my third eye the way the tentacle would.

      Whoa, that must've been spooky! But you seem like you have your third eye chakra opened fully Aly. =D
      Do you do any deep zen meditation?

      Oooh... gives me shivers thinking about it.

      Yea, i just got goosebumps when you told me that. =D
      Alyzarin likes this.
    9. Dreamprofesser's Avatar
      How come i don't know how to do the quotes like everybody else here? Aw.
      Alyzarin likes this.
    10. Alyzarin's Avatar
      How come i don't know how to do the quotes like everybody else here? Aw.
      You had it as [/QUOTE]text[/QUOTE], but there shouldn't be a slash in the open quote tag.

      Hahaha! Yea. =) Makes you almost feel sorry for those lonely DCs. =/
      Well, they get to join in the fun sometimes, they can suck it up every now and then.

      Whoa, that must've been spooky! But you seem like you have your third eye chakra opened fully Aly. =D
      Do you do any deep zen meditation?
      Actually I thought it was really cool. >w< The only meditation I really do these days is while wearing a light and sound machine. I used to meditate every day and every night but I was also making lots of poor health choices at the time so I was racking up a good amount of anxiety over my physical health. I accidentally discovered vibrations through meditating and that made my anxiety even worse because I had no idea what they were at the time, I thought I had seriously messed up my brain/body chemistry or something. I reached a point a few times where I could close my eyes and stare into the darkness (which would light up with colors) which turned into sort of a dark cloud pulsing pinwheel type pattern and I had enter strange third-person OBEs, though I still never really lost the ability to just open my eyes and do something else if I wanted to. Anyway, when I started working to overcome my anxiety and depression, I had to give all that up - it just brought me too far back into that anxious state, it was just counterproductive. I wasn't treating my mind with respect then, anyway. I would like to get back into it sometime... I know I'm already predisposed to hallucinations now. If I'm high or tired I get HI extremely easily, often very vivid and delirious like forgetting that I'm lying in bed and thinking that I'm sitting on my living room cough. X3
      Dreamprofesser likes this.
    11. Dreamprofesser's Avatar
      You had it as
      text[/QUOTE], but there shouldn't be a slash in the open quote tag.

      K. Let me try this again. Lol

      Well, they get to join in the fun sometimes, they can suck it up every now and then.
      Hahahaha! Yea, most dream characters have to be taught what fun is at times.

      Actually I thought it was really cool. >w< The only meditation I really do these days is while wearing a light and sound machine. I used to meditate every day and every night but I was also making lots of poor health choices at the time so I was racking up a good amount of anxiety over my physical health. I accidentally discovered vibrations through meditating and that made my anxiety even worse because I had no idea what they were at the time, I thought I had seriously messed up my brain/body chemistry or something. I reached a point a few times where I could close my eyes and stare into the darkness (which would light up with colors) which turned into sort of a dark cloud pulsing pinwheel type pattern and I had enter strange third-person OBEs, though I still never really lost the ability to just open my eyes and do something else if I wanted to. Anyway, when I started working to overcome my anxiety and depression, I had to give all that up - it just brought me too far back into that anxious state, it was just counterproductive. I wasn't treating my mind with respect then, anyway. I would like to get back into it sometime... I know I'm already predisposed to hallucinations now. If I'm high or tired I get HI extremely easily, often very vivid and delirious like forgetting that I'm lying in bed and thinking that I'm sitting on my living room cough. X3
      That sounds cool Aly! =D I have heard of those machines, surely you must have gotten great results with it. =) You sound very advanced as far as your chakras being opened.
      Oh Aly, i certainly would not recommend the usage of too many potent herbs or supplements, as the long term side effects is of great wonder to me. I use to smoke heavy a few years ago.. and got soo high i literally thought the people i was talking to were video game, or cartoon characters. Lol ( I play alot of video games in my spare time and watch alot of anime or cartoons) But i had to quit because of the extreme amount of anxiety and paranoia started to take effect. I do believe that certain cannibus, can be used to treat certain illnesses and so forth. I certainly can recommend some teas that can give you the same effects..but not as potent as what you are probably hoping for. But it will certainly help you with OBEs, and recall, and lucidity in dreams. Im drinking it as we speak, or type so to speak. Lol
      Alyzarin likes this.
      Updated 05-03-2012 at 06:18 AM by Dreamprofesser
    12. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      I loved it when you grabbed that guy's ass.
      Alyzarin likes this.
    13. Alyzarin's Avatar
      That sounds cool Aly! =D I have heard of those machines, surely you must have gotten great results with it. =) You sound very advanced as far as your chakras being opened.
      Oh Aly, i certainly would not recommend the usage of too many potent herbs or supplements, as the long term side effects is of great wonder to me. I use to smoke heavy a few years ago.. and got soo high i literally thought the people i was talking to were video game, or cartoon characters. Lol ( I play alot of video games in my spare time and watch alot of anime or cartoons) But i had to quit because of the extreme amount of anxiety and paranoia started to take effect. I do believe that certain cannibus, can be used to treat certain illnesses and so forth. I certainly can recommend some teas that can give you the same effects..but not as potent as what you are probably hoping for. But it will certainly help you with OBEs, and recall, and lucidity in dreams. Im drinking it as we speak, or type so to speak. Lol
      The machine is pretty cool. I've had some interesting experiences with it before, even things like suddenly entering a dream sequence, only to realize what's going on and watch the whole scene dissolve into flashing patterns again.

      I don't really smoke that much anymore, at least compared to how much I used to. I do intend to keep using various herbs though, in my endless struggle to activate my D2 receptors. I have a fascination with D2 and find its individual effects far more enticing than any amount of lucid dreaming or astral projection. I'm always open to trying new things because of that, though. What are these teas you've mentioned?

      I loved it when you grabbed that guy's ass.
      I loved that part too. XD
      Dreamprofesser likes this.