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    Sharks and a Snake

    by , 02-28-2015 at 12:29 PM (401 Views)
    Morning of February 28, 2015. Saturday.

    This is quite honestly one of the most ludicrous dreams I have had in years, if not decades…You have been warned.

    I am near the ocean in an unknown and otherwise unfamiliar region. There is a concrete bridge over one area fairly close to the shore. Over time, I notice activity in the water, which appears to be at least two sharks. I am not bothered by the presence of sharks even though I am fairly close to the water’s edge.

    At one point, I notice one shark jump onto another one. Looking more closely, I see that they are apparently mating in this way. Not only that, it becomes a bizarre scene. The female shark is on the bottom but is also on a jetski moving normally through the water and actually seeming to be in control of it (I am not certain if she had eaten an implied human rider prior to this - though it seems likely - where else would a shark get a jetski?). The male shark is on her back but eventually appears to have human-like legs at the rear that help him balance over her as well as stand on the jetski. There is a lot of suggestive motion and drama and it goes on for several minutes rather rhythmically and with no sense of comedy or lack of logic.

    Later on, a few other (unknown) people are in the area. A very long giant (but thin) snake is on the shore (though I see part of its body in the water at one point). It is not like a sea serpent, just like a giant coral snake or similar. I watch its huge head look down at me at one point but do not feel remotely threatened. When it gets closer to me, I start thinking about old monster movies. I start thinking that the motion of the snake is starting to look like stop motion animation from the 1960s.

    From here, there is an idea that the giant snake is knocking down skyscrapers that line one area of the shore. I start watching the action and become aware of a scene that looks mostly like pieces of walls and furniture raining down for a very long time - almost like a continuous “waterfall” of broken pieces of chairs and tables and small random pieces of the buildings, mostly cascading in the same general areas throughout, which makes it seem unrealistic. (I am not lucid at any point.)

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    Tags: ocean, sharks, snake
