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    The Usual Easiness of Hovering and Flying

    by , 12-07-2018 at 08:18 AM (375 Views)
    Morning of December 7, 2018. Friday.

    Dream #: 18,981-02. Reading time (optimized): 3 min. Readability score: 66.

    I become vividly aware of being in my brother-in-law Bob’s car in the back seat, on the right side. (This subliminally stems from sleeping on the right side of our bed, though my conscious self’s identity is otherwise absent as I have not been in La Crosse since 1994. My dream self’s location in the back seat implies being in temporary isolation from my reticular activating system’s processing.) It is nighttime. The parked car is in the middle of the east side of Wood Street. (This is scene is erroneous, as Bob would typically only park on Loomis Street near where he lived.)

    An unknown male is backing up his car, which remains perpendicular, from the other side of the street, towards Bob’s car. Although I think his vehicle might hit hard, as he does not seem to notice Bob’s car, the back of it only bumps the right side near my door.

    I start yelling at him and leave Bob’s car to go to the front of it. By now, a few other unknown people are present. At least one police officer (a preconscious simulacrum that does not activate) is nearby, but there is not much interaction (due to my level of dream state consciousness in the transition to the next scene). The man remains in his car. I point out to the others how the right front wheel of Bob’s car is now bent, the top at an outward angle. I go over to the left side and see that the left front tire has what resembles a big pile of white cream (or white “clay”) near it that appears as if it had been squeezed out from a short cylindrical protuberance on the tire. (Gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, in its natural form, is rare autosymbolism, yet has appeared in several dreams recently.)

    I walk back to Loomis Street, into the backyard of the house by way of the alley, and enter the house via the back door. As I walk around, I see that everyone is in bed. I want to tell them about the mishap with the car. The house is dark, and I complain that it is before eight o'clock in asking why everyone is already asleep. One bedroom replaces the porch, with the bed visible beyond the living room’s doorway and long ways to it, but my dream self does not recognize this error. At this point, I am more viably subliminally aware I am in the dream state (as validated by seeing people in bed and the RAS precursor of the previous scene not initiating), which triggers the next stage of the dreaming process.

    Vestibular system correlation kicks in as usual at this level of dream state consciousness. I am in Southside La Crosse now, near a group of about seven unfamiliar teenagers, both males and females. I easily allow myself to rise in the air and hover for a time, but I also fly around for short distances. Most of the other people are surprised. I tell them that I cannot understand why people walk over a long distance (such as from one side of town to another) when flying is so much easier. The others take turns rising in the air for a short time.

    From here, an unknown male happily flies with me, including through the service area of a restaurant (caused by subliminal hunger during sleep). I eventually arrive in the parking lot of a shopping mall. However, it also has a vague association with my old middle school in Arcadia.

    The parking lot (autosymbolism for an inactive body while sleeping) usually comes at a closer emerging consciousness stage than does a porch (in which porch, warehouse, shed or garage, parking lot typically correlates with incremental bands of concurrent consciousness in the waking process). There are a few unknown men who are amazed at how I hover and fly around. They talk about gravity and how I am “defying the laws of gravity.” I tell them that flying is a natural activity and that you only have to allow yourself to rise in the air.

    They continue to mention gravity as I walk to the other side of the parking lot, near the street, to prepare to fly again. I cheerfully yell back at them, “If gravity existed as you say it does, then the moon would be stuck to the Earth!” My affirmation stems from how the dream self and its imaginary physicality (moon) is not bound by the physical (Earth).

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