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    I come back from the dead and update my log once more. :D

    by , 11-26-2014 at 09:25 PM (573 Views)
    ...Not that I was ever really active here. But I want to continue working on my journal and become active too. I haven't had any lucid dreams in a while, and I think updating this is going to help. Besides, this is a cool community and all.

    I only remember 1 dream from last night.

    Dream 1: I think I was outside of a house. Under the house there was this toy chest, and the toys in it were singing and talking. Now I don't remember what we were talking about, but it was apparently a good conversation. Then, two adults (probably in their 30s-40s) came by, and I remember closing the lid to the chest so that they couldn't see the talking toys. xD

    My problem was when I wrote this dream down, I was still pretty much half asleep. So I think I fell asleep before I could write down the rest of the dream. I know there were more details initially than what I recall now, but of course after waking up they slipped my mind. :/ I'm sure with practice I'll get it down.

    I forgot to mention I took melatonin last night. Going to keep track of when I do and don't take it in order to see if there's any correlation. I don't think there is, but maybe.
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    Updated 11-26-2014 at 09:28 PM by 58176



    1. gab's Avatar
      welcome back!
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      Thank you, @gab!