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    3 means complete

    by , 03-18-2013 at 10:32 AM (944 Views)
    Another dream fragment again on dreams:

    This was a dream about a DV thread. I think I started it. I don't remember exactly what it was about,but I remember it involved the number 3, and blackbirdrising in my dream interpreted the number 3 to mean complete, done.

    I woke up, and almost managed to persuade myself to not write this down again.Grrr!

    I think this is my last dream for the night. Is it my third? No, it's only the second one I can remember.

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    Updated 03-18-2013 at 10:38 AM by 61501

    non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes


    1. blackbirdrising's Avatar
      Ha, cool Joanne. I've been using numerology for 17 years to help me discover energy behind names, ages, addresses, all that and more - 3 describes energy focused on writing creativity, critical thinking, being a bit hard on yourself, very expressive, and fights the urge to bury anger inside and let it build and later explode. Since the number 3 doesn't mean "complete" or "done", for the general 3 public, it must be a message meant just for you, and would make sense when put in context with something you've been going through in your life...so thinking as I type... whatever it is, its in 3 stages, 3 trimesters - Ah ha, its a variation of a pregnancy dream. '3 means done' means the "baby" or the "new beginning" is ready to start once you get to the end, so you need to be prepared for some waking up to reality - and maybe you dreamed of me because you needed to hear all of the energies behind the 3.
    2. JoannaB's Avatar
      Definitely not pregnant. but I have been wondering whether I will need to look for a new job, so that could be part of it. I dreamed of you because I knew already that you were into numerology. 3 has a different meaning to a Christian (which I am), the Trinity, God, who is "complete" among other things. Take a look at this site: Meaning of Numbers in the Bible: The Number 3 -- it clearly identifies complete as one of the meanings of the number three in a biblical interpretation. It's interesting to me that three has very different meanings in different traditions: for example biblical versus numerology. This dream could thus be a reflection of my approaching life from a Christian tradition in which three does mean complete, but the mention of you in the dream may be a message to myself to also look at other interpretations, to keep an open mind.
    3. blackbirdrising's Avatar
      No your not pregnant, 99.999% of pregnancy dreams have nothing to do with motherhood or having a baby - the symbolism of the 3 stages often found in the pregnancy dream is about soul development, physical change, lifestyle change, an end to one part of life and beginning of another. Its common to have them during times like changing jobs, graduation, or when something as simple as - people looking at you differently, new perspective.

      Its funny you mentioned the trinity and Christianity because I originally typed in "trinity as in Christianity"in my reply but I erased it because I thought there was no way that could apply to you. I'm Christian too! Try being born a psychic then being raised in a Church of Christ household, boy that was fun.
    4. EbbTide000's Avatar
      Hi Dragon Arise (Blackbird Rising)

      and JoannaB

      Just for fun

      My name is Debra Jane Dixon

      4 29 1 5 4 6 5 = 36 = 9
      Debra Jane Dixon
      5 1 1 5 9 6 =27 = 9

      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
      A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I -

      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
      J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R

      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
      S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

      And Blackbird Rising here is the scary bit (hahaha)

      4 2 9 = 15 = 6
      D e b r a
      5 1 = 6

      1 5 = 6
      J a n e
      1 5 = 6

      4 6 5 = 15 = 6
      D i x o n
      9 6 = 15 = 6

      So O-O (hehehe)

      6 6 6
      Debra Jane Dixon
      6 6 6

      And JoannaB

      [quote]Another dream fragment again on dreams:

      This was a dream about a DV thread. I think I started it. I don't remember exactly what it was about,but I remember it involved the number 3, and blackbirdrising in my dream interpreted the number 3 to mean complete, done.

      Well, JoannaB

      3 was significant at the beginning (in 2008) so I feel you dreamed that dream for me.

      We are all one (in the Eternal Beloved) so that is possible.
    5. EbbTide000's Avatar
      Hi Dragon Arise (Blackbird Rising)

      and JoannaB

      Just for fun

      My name is Debra Jane Dixon

      4 29 1 5 4 6 5 = 36 = 9
      Debra Jane Dixon
      5 1 1 5 9 6 =27 = 9

      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
      A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I -

      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
      J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R

      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
      S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

      And Blackbird Rising here is the scary bit (hahaha)

      4 2 9 = 15 = 6
      D e b r a
      5 1 = 6

      1 5 = 6
      J a n e
      1 5 = 6

      4 6 5 = 15 = 6
      D i x o n
      9 6 = 15 = 6

      So O-O (hehehe)

      6 6 6
      Debra Jane Dixon
      6 6 6

      And JoannaB

      [quote]Another dream fragment again on dreams:

      This was a dream about a DV thread. I think I started it. I don't remember exactly what it was about,but I remember it involved the number 3, and blackbirdrising in my dream interpreted the number 3 to mean complete, done.

      Well, JoannaB

      3 was significant at the beginning (in 2008) so I feel you dreamed that dream for me.

      We are all one (in the Eternal Beloved) so that is possible.
    6. blackbirdrising's Avatar
      6 has familiar energy, its humane, aligned with musical expression, lots of teachers, emergency responders, medical personnel, and people who are willing to go where angels fear to tread have this number around them. I don't believe 666 is "the number" we have to fear. Personally, I think thats our credit score. And its stamped on everyones forehead, and controls whether people accept us/trust me/will allow us to work, live in a home, own any property.
    7. JoannaB's Avatar
      Only today did I piece together this piece of the puzzle: my dream interpretation of the number three was likely at least in part Trinitarian, and I knew that blackbirdrising is into numerology, but what I had not realized until now is that when I see the username blackbirdrising one of my mental associations is to one of my favorite songs "Morning has broken, like the first morning, blackbird has spoken, like the first bird ..." which is a deeply religious song in praise of creation. So that fits into the puzzle I think. It's actually pretty amazing how well it all fits together given that blackbirdrising also identified creativity as one of the meanings of the number 3. Got to love such short dreams that pack so much meaning into them, and are like a mystery short story.
      Updated 03-23-2013 at 12:55 AM by JoannaB
    8. JoannaB's Avatar
      I cannot believe I forgot about this little game I play! Of course 3 means complete for me - duh! http://www.dreamviews.com/attaining-...d-tonight.html
    9. EbbTide000's Avatar
      OMG WOW

      JoannaB wrote

      3 means Complete

      Another dream fragment again on dreams:

      This was a dream about a DV thread. I think I started it. I don't remember exactly what it was about,but I remember it involved the number 3, and blackbirdrising in my dream interpreted the number 3 to mean complete, done.
      An old guy who moved into this boarding house kept telling me about a book he loved. Today he loaned it to me. I just read 10 minutes on to tape-a-talk.

      Book called:

      In the Company of Angels

      By Cherie Sutherland PhD in Sociology (expert in Near Death Experiences)

      Page 9

      The Hierarchy of Angels


      The best known, and most influential ordering in the west is the Celestial Hierarchies outlined by Christian theologist Dionysius, an early sixth-century Syrian monk. Strongly influenced by Neoplatonism and it's devotion to the number three, Dionysius outlined a hierarchy of angels organised into 9 (3x3) 'choirs'

      First Triad

      1 - Seraphim
      2 - Cherubim
      3 - Thrones

      Second Triad

      4 - Dominions
      5 - Virtues
      6 - Powers

      Third Triad

      7 - Principalities
      8 - Archangels
      9 - Angels


      ...The highest-ranked choirs of angels are with God. They are able to directly contemplate the beauty of the supreme deity and are filled with the gift of divine light. Then, as 'bright and spotless mirrors', they reflect this light on those further away from the Source.

      Within Christian monastic tradition, Saint Bonaventure, a contemporary of Aquinus, envisioned this hierarchy as representing phases of the soul ...

      ... and as a means by which God could descend into man.
    10. JoannaB's Avatar
      Yup, Christianity has a love affair with the number three. I am a Christian. I do not believe all that stuff about how many angels where - I think we have no way of knowing such stuff. However, people are more comfortable explaining complex things, and simplifying them to make them more understandable and comfortable, and the number 3 is certainly a simple and elegant number. The other number that is very meaningful to me is 42, because of Douglas Adams.