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    1. Galantamine #5

      by , 02-28-2015 at 01:56 PM
      I went to sleep at 10:40 and woke up a 4:00. I took 8mg galantamine and .75mg melatonin dissolved in water. I used this mixture to wash down 500mg choline bitartrate. I went back to bed, laid on my back and put my attention on my breath for about 15 minutes. I then rolled over onto my right side and slowly counted myself to sleep.. "1...i'm dreaming......2....i'm dreaming." I let this go after getting to about 25 and fell asleep.

      1.I am in my paternal grandmothers kitchen. I am looking out of a window at a hummingbird feeder. There is a little ruby-throated hummingbird zooming around drinking from the little plastic flowers. I admire him for a little while. I turn and look around the kitchen, noting that it is my grandmother's. I look back out the window and the hummingbird is back. I reach up to the window for some reason and notice that my hand has only 4 fingers (including thumb). I check again and realize I am dreaming. I do a nose-pinch to confirm and it fails, I am certainly dreaming. The dream promptly fades.

      2.Next I am standing in a blue tiled room. I am in front of a folding table at which a colleague is seated. I am telling her about the hummingbird dream I just had. I explain to her I realized i was dreaming when I noticed that my hand had only 3 fingers and a thumb. I hold up my hand to show her and it is again short fingers, this time I have 2 fingers and a thumb. I realize I am dreaming. I immediately thank her for all her hard work at our job. I turn and look around the room and see a man standing on the other side of the room. i instruct my colleague and the man "please observe this!" I walk up to the wall and push my hand cleanly through the blue ceramic tile. I fell no sensation, my hand just disappears up to the wrist as I push against the wall. I look at the two dcs and they have no reaction. I decide to go talk to the man and the space between us instantly closes. I am immediately standing right next to him. His face changes slowly into that of a woman. The dream fades.

      I am completely in the dark, but I know that I am dreaming. I do a nose pinch test and confirm this. I rub my hands together and pat my body down to reinforce the embodied feeling, hoping for some visuals. I remember that I can take off the dark glasses, so i reach up to do so, but when I do this my real body's hand comes up and touches my forehead. I wake up.

      3. I am sitting in a parked car with my wife. It is early morning or nighttime. we are in a parking lot near a rural intersection. There is a cornfield across the street. A car zooms past us on the road and fails to make a turn at the intersection. It speeds through the cornfield and plunges into a forest. I ask my wife if she saw it, and she replies 'yes that was crazy." I do a nose pinch and realize I am dreaming....details omitted.

      Although Galantamine obviously works I am unsure how I feel about this method. It is somehow not as satisfying for me to get lucid in this manner when I compare it to non supplement induced LDs. I plan on giving it 5 more attempts (that will be 10 total) to see collect enough experience to enable me to reach an informed conclusion.

      Updated 02-28-2015 at 02:04 PM by 67045

    2. Memory: the Forgotten Fundamental

      by , 02-10-2015 at 04:13 PM
      This was a post by Sivason in a recent thread about memory and LD. I found it very clear and it opened a new perspective for me. great stuff!!!

      Quote Originally Posted by Travis E. View Post
      I think I'm learning something new today. But I reread this thread a few times and am still not 100% sure I'm clear on what is said, so just to be sure: In a LD, if I remember to try to remember, say, where my sleeping body is, I still get the benefit, even if I don't actually manage to recall for sure where it is, or I come to the wrong conclusion/have a false memory?

      But if doing this reengages the link to my memory, shouldn't I be able to recall this (in the cases where I don't)? Or is this “link” you speak of not the same thing as actually being able to flawlessly recall things, consciously, from WL during the dream?
      I will take a stab at simplifying this concept, although I may not say it exactly like Sageous would:

      If you become lucid, in that you know it is a dream, there is still a large portion of your mind that feels you are actually experiencing this stuff.

      In truth, this is 100% a virtual reality. Failing to honestly grasp the fact that it is 100% illusion seriously limits your control and ability to think rationally.

      A method of making yourself truly grasp that nothing about the dream comes from any source other than your own mind, is to grasp the reality that you are in fact sleeping.

      Simply saying "this is a dream" is not really enough. The act of remembering details about real life, such as the day or that you are asleep on the couch, removes most all belief that any part of this is real.

      To do something as advanced as remembering the location of your body, you will need to scan your waking memory.

      This act stimulates your rational mind, and enhances the ability to fully realize you are in a virtual reality, and therefore subject to no laws of physics.

      That is how I would summarize it. Sageous may have a point or two to add, but that is the general method.

      Quote Originally Posted by JustASimpleGuy View Post
      Just a thought, but has anyone ever tried to meditate in a LD?
      Sure, you can meditate if that is what you want to do. It is a very good way to pass the time in states like delta. I would hold off on it unless the dream is very stable, as you could drift into non-lucidity.

      Quote Originally Posted by Verre View Post
      A while ago I was trying some memory experiments along these lines. I had a hypothesis that it might be easier to remember past dreams while dreaming, but to my surprise that didn't work well at all. Memories of waking life were more reliable, but sometimes amusingly out-of-date like Sivason described earlier. I also noticed a remarkable degree of reluctance on the part of my dreaming mind to perform this task, like it didn't want to have to remember.

      However, the real stumbling block came whenever I tried to think about my sleeping body... and woke up. This happens every time. The minute I let my thoughts stray to the fact that my physical body is actually lying in bed, the dream dissolves and there I am lying in bed, even if I had no desire or intention to wake up. At this point when I'm dreaming I'm careful not to think about my sleeping body, because I've never found a way to do it without ending the dream.

      Any suggestions?

      1) I have often had memories of other dreams only while in a lucid dream. I do not know why, but it is something I have noticed.

      2) Try not to feel where your body is, it is possible, but risky. Instead keep it an intellectual scanning thing. It will work well enough to just ask if you are sleeping in your normal place (bed) or are you sleeping on your desk at school.

      Updated 02-10-2015 at 08:42 PM by 67045

    3. competition day 4

      by , 01-28-2015 at 03:59 PM
      With ?? They have built a wooden model of the starship enterprise it is totally complete except the engine things on the back. We are discussing where to install the model airplane engines to allow it to fly. The person shows me a schematic drawing of the model. It indicates where the engine thingys are to be attached in a tab/slot fashion. In the end it is decided not to put engines on it as there is no good way to fit both the propeller engines and the starship engine thingys on the model.

      I am at some sort of factory in a heavily industrial area. I am just passing through the area. Nearby is a large drain pipe with gray water flowing from it, the water is about knee deep. Three people climb down a ladder from above into the drain. They step into the water and walk out of the drain. One has on a large diaper and is accompanied by a beagle. They are looking for something. The water flow slows to a trickle and I look up the drainpipe. It appears to be a metal conveyor belt. It occurs to me that I can walk up it into the factory and reach my destination easier. I ask someone and get permission. I walk up into the drain and then climb up s ladder into the factory. Inside behind me when I reach the top of the ladder is s large mechanical disc shaped area with a metal scaffolding structure around it. The disc obviously rotates when operating. There are little metal tentacles hanging around & the tips are covered with a bright green fluorescent liquid. I avoid them carefully. In front of me I step around some scaffolding atop the ladder into a round platform. There are some people working on this platform . Seated near the center is a shirtless man/alien/ogre. His head is oblong and he has two large eyes that are too far apart.

      #1: intense thick black smoke rising off in the distance, something is on fire.

      #2 I am younger and looking through some girls notebook, she has information about bands and musicians written in it, also my name is written on several pages.
    4. Competition day 2

      by , 01-26-2015 at 02:30 PM
      1. Zombie apocalypse underway. Military is leaving as they feel their job is done but many zombies remain. High atop some buildings someone who was asleep does not believe there are zombies angers a crowd of them and I shout "run!!!" I am on a patrol with two others. We walk past some prostitutes, they accost us and put their hands in our pockets, trying to steal our wallets. I point a rifle at one and we move on. A big burly body guard comes after us and racially insults one of my companions. We are going into a subway tunnel, there are soldiers by the entrance. I load my rifle, an m-14. Clearly cycling the action and removing the magazine. I ask army guy for 7.62x49 ammo, he says he gave his last few rounds away. I tell him I would like a .223 when military leaves, he describes it's virtues for zombie elimination .

      2.At the farm with some girl, just hanging out. Talking about staff at work. There is lots of photo equipment lying around. We just talk and eat some food. Think about swimming, but realize "the water will be cold." My uncle arrives with some other sales type guy. They are outside talking. I go to the kitchen sink and peek out the window. I see them talking. One has a purple car parked near where they talk. I go back and we clean up the equipment and mess from eating. Other family members start arriving to do some work on the pool/house.

      3. am at work (in a different building) mrs. x tells me supervisor was looking for me, I ask why she is telling me this, another staff member tells me "because he never knows where to find anyone!" I realize that earlier mrs x had asked me to get a candy bar, which I give her, then I walk away. I remember the wrapper, and return to give it to her, saying " this is yours too." Then there is a radio contest and wife wins a fanny pack from morning comedy DJ.

      fragment: Flying in a helicopter over woods at the farm. They have flooded with a dark brackish water. I see many alligators lurking in the water. I point out 2 large alligators in a spot near the old woodpile/firepit.
    5. Post lucidity goals

      by , 12-24-2014 at 06:10 PM
      Upon recognizing the dream state, I will perform item #1 followed by any of the subsequent items.

      1. Look around and repeat "this is a dream"
      2. Recite the Vajrasattva mantra.
      3. Make offerings to the Buddhas
      4. Listen to the grateful dead
      5. Explore my surroundings
      6. Walk through a mirror
      Tags: goals
    6. KonchogTashi's workbook

      by , 12-19-2014 at 03:21 PM
      Progress update nights of 12/17-18

      keeping up with the state testing and intention setting. I have been doing more tests involving digital clocks and text. Text is never a big component in my dreams, but I think the more I use the test, the more text will appear in dreamland. Getting in 10-15 tests for each of these two days.

      Wednesday night was a bust. I had a later than normal bedtime which gave me only 5 hours total sleep. I woke in the middle of it with no recall. I woke in the morning for the final time and struggled, but came up with nothing. This was a bit frustrating honestly.

      Thursday went better. I had some difficulty falling asleep so I probably only got 6 hours total sleep. I woke in the middle of the night for recall but had nothing. I got frustrated by this, but looking back it was needless as typically I don't have any recall in the middle of the night. I think this was just "sleep confusion" playing dirty tricks on my rational mind. It was difficult to fall back asleep, but I managed to and had a weird short lucid which kind of straddled the line between WILD and DILD.

      I am aware, but there is just blackness. I "look" down and see my hands, they are pale and translucent, and my arms vanish just before the elbows. I instantly know that I am now dreaming. I clap my hands together and vigirously rub them, feeling the "friction." I do this for a few seconds, then pat down my dream body, waiting for visual elements to develop. I start to move around, feeling the motion of my dream body, but still without visual elements developing. Lucidity fades and a detailed dream develops (I think).

      I think the dream I recalled (it was long and recall was very good with many clear details and dialogue). arose immediately after this brief lucidity as I was only asleep for about an hour. I am not counting as as an LD, but still is is encouraging!

      I will probably update somewhat sporadically over the next two weeks as I will be off work and finding time to sit down at a computer will be more of a challenge. Don't think I've thrown in the towel though as I will be practicing carefully each night with WBTB and MILD as I will have the ability to sleep in and rack up 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Many LDs await!!
    7. Thursday night/Friday morning

      by , 12-20-2013 at 06:48 PM
      1.i am a speaker at an education. Conference at a fancy hotel organized by s. Webb. It mimics northmont schedule for a day and I speak 6th period.. Second period I was missing for some reason and Susan had to cover for me in bowmans class. I decided to blow off my conference slot bug had a change of heart. Fished around in this hotel trying to get dressed. My clothes had been misplaced. I found some but soaked them beyond wearing with an iron. Had others stashed, but a cool had moved them. I was swinging around like a monkey , climbing cabinets trying to get my clothes from high cabinets. While talking to the cook. I was on my way to the conference when I woke.

      2. Godzilla is coming down from the mountain to destroy the city while I am in traffic. He goes away from me, and I follow in my car. At. A gas station a business man is plotting to use Godzilla to get power over the city. Dedric Wilson wants to use Godzilla to destroy rival barber shops. I tell him my fMjly are barbers.

      3. Shooting arrows into a lake with Annabelle. Aiming at floating pumpkin. I tell her to watch the window of the little shack on the island in the middle of the island.