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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    01/06/13 Search For Nomad

    by , 01-06-2013 at 08:40 PM (653 Views)

    Where's Nomad?
    I am flying in my Fire Valkyrie to the moon. I land on the moon and get out to take a look around. My current goal is to find Nomad because I haven't heard from him for a while. What seems like a long while. I have become convinced that the Templars have something to do with this, and I intend to investigate and see if I can find him. I focus on opening a portal. I want to find out what happened to Nomad. A portal opens and I go through it. On the other side I find I am in a place I don't recognize. It is very green and very beautiful, but I don't see any sign of Nomad.

    I wonder why I have been brought here. I am still feeling convinced that the Templars did something to him, and thus I figure they probably somehow interfered with my portal to find him. I'll just have to find out directly from them. I open another portal and go through it. I am in another place I don't recognize. But this time I am not alone there. And as soon as I arrive there are alarms going off, people running around… I wonder where I have ended up. I am in the hallway of some kind of underground facility. Some kind of attack hits me, and it is draining my energy. I look around some more and I realize the people around me are Templars, and they don't look very happy to see me there. I grab a guy as he goes past me and tell him I just want to ask someone a question, nothing more. He looks rather doubtful about that, he doesn't seem to believe me. I tell him I want to know what's happened to Nomad. He chuckles slightly and asks if the nomad has wandered off… that is what nomads do after all. I tell him I want to know what he and his people have done to Nomad. He just looks at me with a blank look on his face. He clearly doesn't know anything. I tell him I want to talk to someone who does know something. A man comes down the hall, he says that would be him. He says he hears I have been harassing his people to find out where Nomad has gone… well, he'll put that question to rest right now. He says neither he nor any of his people have anything to do with my inability to get in touch with my friend Nomad. I don't believe him. I tell him he is lying. He asks if I ever considered that Nomad simply doesn't want to talk to me. I tell him he's wrong about that, and I know he did something. He says no, neither he nor any of his people did anything. Accept that and be gone. And keep them out of my dreams… or they might have to really do something. He is pissing me off. I tell him to stop lying. He says to be gone while I still have the energy to do so. The attack I have been getting hit by has continued draining energy. I tell him I'll show him how much energy I have left… I tell him this is for whatever they have done to Nomad, and I drop an immortal fire right there, the white fire incinerates everything in the area. I am now standing in a ruined underground facility. The attack on me has stopped. I realize part of the reason I am so pissed off is that I don't really have a clue what has happened to Nomad… I wonder how I will ever find out and I wake.

    B and E Without The B
    I am in the yard of a house that is for sale. My mother is there with me, she says she thinks this could be the house we are looking for. She says we should go inside and look around. I ask if we should really be doing that. She says as long as the door is unlocked we can go in and look around. She goes over and tries the front door, and it opens. I follow her inside and we look around in the house. It is a large and very nice home. I am thinking there is no way we could afford to buy that home anyway. I am about to say something when I spot a cat in the corner of the room. I am officially distracted and I go after the kitty. The cat doesn't run away so I go right over to the kitty and start petting. It is a cute little tabby cat with the softest silkiest fur I have ever felt. The cat begins to purr softly. My mom has left the room to look around some more, and apparently she startled up another cat. A cute little tortie comes into the room.

    I approach the second cat and start to pet. The first cat follows me, one cat for each hand. I pet both cats at the same time and hear purrs in stereo. My mom returns to the room and sees me with the cats. She said she doesn't think the cats come with the house. I comment that they had better not be abandoned kitties. A woman I don't know enters the room. It turns out she is one of the home owners. She asks what we are doing in there. I tell her I am loving on her kitties… they are sooooo cute! I scoop the purring tortie into my arms and continue petting. The woman says we weren't invited in here and should leave. My mom says she is definitely interested in buying the place. The woman seems to slightly change her attitude. She is still annoyed at us for being there but is now trying to hide it, she is clearly hoping to convince us to buy the house. My mother and her start talking about money as I continue to love on the two kitties. A third cat enters the room, I put down the tortie to pet the new cat. The new cat is a solid white cat. So many cute kitties! I am in kitty cat heaven! I am loving on the cats when I wake up next to my own pretty kitty.

    I am playing a virtual reality version of Assassin's Creed II, but I am playing as a female Assassin. I am walking through one of the cities looking for anything interesting. I think there are still some glyphs I need to find before continuing the missions. So I look at a map contained in my iPad which is effectively disguised as a book. I locate a building that has a glyph that I have not yet decoded and head for it. There are buildings in the way. I am about to start climbing one when someone yells out. It is a guard. I think better of climbing the building as I don't really want to get in a fight right now. But in spite of the fact I don't do anything out of the ordinary the guards seem to identify me as someone they don't like and they come towards me. When they get closer one of them calls me an 'Assassino' and they all attack me. I pull my sword out to defend myself, wondering what the hell they decided to attack me for when I hadn't been doing anything.

    I hadn't even been looking for a fight. So I am in a fight now and there are five enemies. I'm used to the fighting system of the virtual reality version so I take them out quickly. Now for that glyph. I head towards the building while staying on the ground so I don't trigger another attack. Well that is what I am hoping… but it doesn't work. I step around a corner and a group of guards immediately attacks me on sight. I wonder why they are doing that. I know for a fact I am not notorious right now… well there is a tiny bit of notoriety due to the previous fight… but not enough to trigger an instant attack. So I defend myself again. By the time I finish with the four that attacked more of them have joined in, and there are a couple of brutes involved so my counter attacks aren't always working. I ask a guard what they attacked me for and he just tells me to give up and die. So I keep fighting until I finally get rid of this wave of attackers. I look around and see everyone is watching me. A couple of civilians run away screaming while one cowers against a building and begs for his life. I put my sword away and tear down a couple posters with my face on them to get rid of my notoriety. I am clear now. But that hasn't helped me in the past. I am almost to the building. I approach the building with the glyph and I find I am under attack yet again. I think maybe this time I'll avoid the attack and just run away. So I do, and they chase after me yelling that I'll never escape. I am about to jump into a hiding spot but then more guards come after me. And more… and more… it seems they never stop coming. I realize I am going to have to fight after all, and now there are way too many of them. I wonder if I'll be able to handle all of them. I check my supply of medicines and find I have a full bag. So I turn and fight them. The ones susceptible to counter attack aren't a problem, though the brutes are a bit of an issue. I get hit quite a few times by them and I have to use a couple of my medicines. I finally win the battle, which I think was against… I'm not sure how many guards. But it seems to go on forever. I wonder if there is any point in trying to get to the glyph I've been after. Is there any chance to get to it before being attacked? I am trying to determine the best course of action when I wake up.

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