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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    11/29/10 The Goblet of Fire

    by , 12-05-2010 at 01:40 AM (751 Views)
    I wake up in a strange bed, though I'm not immediately sure why it seems strange. I roll over, I am comfortable there, and finally my sleepy mind is able to understand what it is about the bed. It's not a waterbed, my bed is a waterbed. My mind is still too hazy with sleep to figure out what that meant. I open my eyes and see I am In a bed surrounded by a privacy curtain. Where did that come from? I pull the curtains aside to look around, I have already noticed there is the sound of someone moving around out there, some other women also sound like they are trying to wake up first thing on the morning. I open the curtains and look out to see there are three other women in the room with me, one is stretching, another is still sitting on her bed, the third one hasn't even gotten out of bed. One of them has long curly dark hair, I somehow think her name is Andie, and she would be very pretty if it wasn't for her case of acne. She sees me looking at her, then she says she will answer right now, her acne cure multiplied her one annoying pimple into a full breakout. I was playing along, "Ouch... epic fail." She nodded in agreement, "You've got that right..." I am thinking I have an answer, I ask if I can try it. She says there is nothing to lose, go for it. I start to make a rhyme, but she says I need a wand first. So then I go to my bag and I find a wand. I point my wand at her face while making the rhyme I think will work. "Let your face be bright and clear, make those pimples disappear." Everyone is staring in shock and amazement as all of her pimples vanish, leaving a perfect complexion. She looks in the closest mirror, gasps, then glomps me. My next though is that I have just made a friend. She says she was dreading showing her face in public, she says I saved her life, well that's clearly exaggerating.

    Now the four of us finish dressing and head up the stairs to the common room. There is a lot of general talk going on, none of it seems very interesting. We head up to a large dining hall and sit down to breakfast, there is a variety foods available, I choose waffles. It looks like the entire school is there, and there is someone addressing the crowd. It's Albus Dumbledore! He is addressing he room, and everyone falls silent. He is announcing the tri-school wizard tournament. He says each house will have two participants, one girl and one boy, and we will compete against each other and the over schools' competitors in a series of challenges taking place throughout the year. He explains that anyone not finishing a challenge is eliminated, and the last person to finish is also eliminated. The main part of the announcement is that there is going to be a golden goblet in the main entry hall, all wishing to be considered should write their name and house on a piece of parchment and place that in the goblet. The goblet will choose the best suited pair from each house. Be quick, the participants will be chosen at dinner. He steps down and gathers himself some breakfast before sitting at the staff table beside Vegeta where they begin talking about something, I can't hear what they are saying... Somewhere in all this I realize I have become lucid.

    I am pondering my lucidly, the fact I am dreaming, when Andie gets my attention by talking loudly in my ear. "You should totally put your name in the goblet!" I look at her, surprised she said that... I know I can handle it since I am dreaming, but how would she know? I say no, I'd only make a fool of myself. She says that's impossible. If I'm not the best choice, the goblet won't pick me, will it? She says I must be a natural, the way I cured her acne, and Dumbledore said the contestants will receive all the necessary training, all it takes to enter is a sharp mind, strong nerves, an a willingness to try our hardest. She repeats that I should totally put my name in the goblet. I decide she is right, nothing to be lost by doing that. Andie is asking if I'm going to do it, she wants an answer now. Even though that is annoying, I tell her I will enter, but I don't expect to be chosen. She says she thinks I have a great chance.

    After breakfast is over, everyone is heading to their classes, I pick up one of the pieces of parchment and write "Raven Knight" on it, there is also a spot for house. I embarrass myself to have to look at my robes to confirm what house I am in, I add the word "Slytherin" under my name. Why am I in Slytherin?! Somehow I am losing my lucidly. By now I'm not even thinking about the fact I am dreaming any longer... I have to say I lost my lucidly. I slide the paper into the goblet and walk away from it. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and MoSh are standing nearby. Ron asks Harry if he's going to enter, Harry says no, he'd rather watch the tournament than be in it. Ron gives me a dirty look and says he doesn't think there should be any Slytherins allowed in the tournament, they will only cheat. He then adds that it doesn't matter since both Slytherins will be knocked out in the first round anyway. At the exact same time, Hermione says, "Grow up, Ron, they're not all Malfoys," and MoSh tells Ron, "No one cares to know your opinion, Ron, not all Slytherins are the same." Ron looks to Harry as if looking for support, but Harry just says he's staying out of it. MoSh says Harry might not want to enter, but he's going to go for it. Harry, Hermione, and I all tell him to go for it, but Ron is clearly annoyed that no one stuck up for him on his anti-Slytherin campaign. MoSh puts his name in the goblet.

    So there I was, at Hogwarts and going to classes, and somehow I managed to not be lucid at any point during the day. Our first class was Herbology, which was an uneventful class about some plants... then there was Potions, with Snape... now that was interesting. I am sitting in around the middle of the room, surrounded by MoSh, Tigress, Asuka, and Draco… Crabb and Goyle are sitting in front of Draco even though that put them in the front row, apparently they were suffering from separation anxiety or something from sitting apart from him in the past few classes. Snape was openly rude to Harry, and not too friendly to anyone from Gryffindor, though he seemed to be nice to the Slytherins overall. He didn't seem to pay any attention when Draco turned around to make rude comments to Harry, Ron, or Hermione, but if one of them said something back, he would notice that right away. This was annoying me, so I finally told Draco, "Why don't you grow up and act like an adult? You're making it embarrassing to be in Slytherin…" He started saying that Hermione is the mudblood, Ron is the mudblood lover, Harry is the… I interrupted him, and said my five year old cousin goes around calling people he doesn't like dumb names. My seven year old nephew used to do that, but he seems to have grown out if it sometime during his sixth year. I added that if Draco really wants to be putting off the image that he has the maturity of a five year old, go for it, but I had thought he was a bit beyond that. He looked at me for a bit, then I said it was making him look bad to be calling people names like a child. He said he didn't think I would like mudbloods, either… I said it doesn't matter who he likes or doesn't like, no one likes everyone, but he doesn't have to act out on it in such an immature fashion. If you don't like them, just ignore them. People are talking… about you… with mean, mean words! He looked questioning… I added, words like immature, childish, over-entitled, momma's boy, daddy's girl, poor little rich boy, and making wagers as to how far he would make it once he graduates, or if he will even be able to graduate at all. He asked who, I said I wasn't going to point fingers, he said then those people are the immature ones. I said I had never claimed the people talking were mature… they're passing gossip, also childish, but I just thought Draco might want to give them a bit less gossip that is about him.

    During the whole time Draco and I were talking between the tables, Snape didn't say a word, of course we were keeping it down, not yelling or anything, but I would still have expected Snape to say something. Ron pipes up now and says even other Slytherins know Draco is a worthless sack of shit… I look down at him and say he had better cover up, his own immaturity is showing now… then I roll my eyes and say it must be a guy thing, Hermione agrees with that. Snape has stopped his lecture by now, and he is standing to my left, but he is glaring at Ron. He is in a cranky mood, and he sounds it as he says, "WEASLEY! It seems you don't think you have to pay attention in my class! So why don't you come to the front of the room and add the next ingredient to my Mabajuice potion? Ron says Draco started it, he was calling Hermione a… Snape interrupts and says Ron can either go add the next ingredient and get it right, or he will have a week of detention and 10 points from Gryffindor. Hermione was going to say something, Snape said no help from Granger. Something in my mind tells me the next ingredient is powdered Hemilroot… whatever that is… so I grab Ron's arm as he passes, and I whisper the ingredient to him, to add two pinches of Hemilroot, all I can do is hope he'll listen. Ron glares at me and pulls away, I have a bad feeling he won't listen. My feeling proves correct, Ron gets up there and pours in a green fluid, the cauldron overflows with a foul smelling green goop… Snape says that's ten points from Gryffindor and detention for a week, anyone who was paying attention would have known the next ingredient was two pinches of Hemilroot before adding the Jackshire juice… Hermione was shaking her head sadly, she was right beside me and she had heard me tell Ron about the Hemilroot. I shrugged at Ron, indicating that if he won't take help where its offered, there's not much I can do about it. Ron was staring at me, clearly surprised I had told him the right answer after all. Snape tells Ron to return to his seat before he decided to make it 50 points from Gryffindor and two weeks detention. Ron hurries back to his seat, looking thoroughly embarrassed, Draco is making fun of him, I comment that Draco is acting immature again.

    There is nothing else worth noting throughout the day, or at least not until we all gather together in the great hall to have dinner and wait for the ceremony where the Goblet of Fire will select the Hogwarts competitors for the Tri-School Wizard Tournament. As I am still not really lucid, I go ahead and eat along with the others, though when I help myself to dessert, it is a much smaller helping than after the first meal I ate at Hogwarts. After the food is gone, it is time for the ceremony to begin. A floating cart is brought into the room, and moved down the center aisle to the front where the cover is removed from it to reveal the golden goblet from the front entry way. Dumbledore comes forward and says the goblet will select the Hogwarts contestants, the other schools will arrive in a short time, and they will have already selected their contestants before they arrive. We wait as the following students are chosen to participate in the tournament…

    Gryffindor: MoSh… MoSh seems quite pleased with that as he goes to the front of the room where Dumbledore told them to gather. Hermione Granger… Ron and Harry do a double take to see Hermione has been chosen, it seems they didn't even realize she had put her name in. She joins MoSh at the front.

    Hufflepuff: I don't recognize the name of the woman from Hufflepuff… I'm not sure if she is not in the series or if she was just not well known or if I just forgot, but the woman chosen is Rose Zeller. The man chosen is a very familiar name, Cedric Diggory, who I am determined to have survive this version of the tournament.

    Ravenclaw: For the woman in Ravenclaw, the goblet spits out the name Tigress, the man named is Eddie Carmichael, who is not someone I am familiar with even though the name sounds familiar.

    Slytherin: The final students chosen are the ones from Slytherin… the first name to come out of the goblet is my own, Raven Knight, which doesn't really surprise me since I am a traveler and have abilities beyond the regular students there. I go to the front of the class and stand by MoSh and Tigress, there are actually a few students rude enough to boo at me, but one look from an annoyed Dumbledore silences them. Regarding the people who booed, Tigress says they need to shut the fuck up. The final name from the goblet is Draco Malfoy, which seems to make the Slytherins quite happy. They had cheered for me, but clearly they are more familiar with Draco.

    So that should be the last name to come out of the goblet, and everyone is talking and getting ready to go, McGonagall is telling all of us contestants where we should meet to be told what we need to do to prepare for the first challenge. She stops talking in the middle of a sentence when the goblet seems to be getting active again… for the other names it gave, there would be some smoke and fire coming from the goblet, and the parchment with the name would be ejected into the air for Dumbledore to catch. The goblet is active again, which it shouldn't be, but somehow I am figuring it is about to spit out Harry Potter's name. I look over to where Madeye Moody is sitting at the staff table, and I see him watching the goblet with a satisfied smirk while everyone else is clearly perplexed. A piece of parchment is ejected from the goblet, Dumbledore catches it and opens it up to read the name… Harry Potter. The room is filled with talking now, no one seems to know what to think of this, the only people not completely confused are MoSh, Tigress, Moody, and me. Dumbledore has to call the name Harry Potter twice before Harry seems to realize he needs to join the rest of us, I think he might have been considering it a joke of some kind…

    All of us gather into a room where there is a lot of talking and arguing about Harry Potter, about whether or not he should compete, it is finally determined that he has to participate because the goblet spat out his name. There are a few more arguments about that, including from Harry, who doesn't really want to participate, but finally it is decided that Harry will be in the tournament. Some people accuse Harry of cheating, but even Snape says that Harry wouldn't have the skill to fool with the goblet. After the arguing about Harry is done, the talk about the first task begins. Draco is mocking Harry, Harry responds by mocking Draco right back… Harry asks Draco what spell Lucius used to make sure Draco was chosen from Slytherin… I don't even bother saying anything this time, apparently they are both equally immature and no one is going to listen to what I have to say. Hermione seems equally resigned to that. The instructors there, and Dumbledore, aren't willing to give us exact details about the challenge that lies ahead, they simply tell us that it would be a good idea to prepare for it by seeking help from Vegeta. Draco says he's not going to go to a muggle for help, there's nothing Vegeta could possibly teach him. I tell him if he wants to say that to Vegeta's face, I'll need contact information for his next of kin. Draco looks at me, not believing, I say I have seen Vegeta fight, and there isn't a witch or wizard anywhere that could beat him. The instructors tell Draco it is up to him if he follows that advice, but it is highly recommended. I tell Draco I am definitely going to do it, and I really think he should come with me at least once to see what Vegeta can do. If he remains unimpressed at that point, then don't come again, but I don't think that will be an issue. Draco doesn't answer, but I am thinking that as long as there is another Slytherin there, he will come.

    This is about it for the dream, after that I spend some time talking to MoSh and Tigress, before heading back towards the Slytherin dorms. On the way there, however, I feel like I am waking up… which is the first time I have thought about dreaming since my lucidity slipped away earlier… and now it is too late to become lucid, because I wake up.

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    1. INeverWakeUp's Avatar
      Vegeta: Albus?
      Albus: Yes, Vegeta?
      Vegeta: I kinda gotta go kick Kakarot's ass.
      Albus: For swearing, the answer is no.
      Vegeta: Damn it! Oh s***, I meant...ugh, f*** it. DAMN IT!!! NO!!!
      Albus: (Raises Eyebrow.)
    2. INeverWakeUp's Avatar
      That's what they were discussing.
    3. Emiko's Avatar
      Just curious: Do the canonical HP characters in your dreams look like the film actors, or like Mary GrandPre's illustrations, or something else entirely? When I read Harry Potter DJ entries here, because I'm reading about these characters through a text-based medium, I picture them the same way I did when I read the books, which is, looking like Mary GrandPre's illustrations.