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    Les Rêves

    Finally recording my dreams properly, without sacrificing details or decoding..after a rather long period. Any comments welcome..

    1. Dinner

      , 07-13-2011 at 11:48 AM (Les Rêves)
      I'm in NY house's family room, just coming out of the bathroom. However, the location is actually GMU even though my family is there. The sun is very bright in the room, it's all naturally lighted. As I leave the bathroom, I look outside to what should be the backyard and I see Felix. I'm completely shocked, my spirit is soaring, the sunlight is my feelings, spreading out. I notice he has a different hairstyle. His hair seems to be parted on one side, which is a really funny look. His eyes are also blue, but it doesn't strike me as odd. He's doing yardwork of some sort, near the grass. I'm on a high. He catches my eye and smiles/waves, I walk a bit closer as I smile and say hey. As I approach him, my visions shifts so that I can see him closely. I see his figure clearly, his whole upper body - mostly shoulders - is ridiculously big. Like, pushing possible human proportions. It seems to get biggest around his broad shoulders and back, and then shrink down immediately. I think, jeez he's huge. Like a giant. I am in awe. A bit of a blur after that. I find out that Felix actually lives right there, at GMU's border, instead of off campus. He's with his parents. Of course it makes no sense, but I just accept it. I have a blurred image of his parents, who seem to be really nice. My parents decide to invite his family over for dinner that day or something. My feelings were the most prominent in this dream; they would soar, soar, higher than they've ever been. My head was dizzy. I was engulfed with a storm of emotions. I was so glad he was there. Transition to a hall-esque place in which his family has come. Actually, I'm waiting their arrival. When they arrive, I remember one thing pretty well - I did something. I don't know what it was. But I tilted my head, and I saw Felix smiling down at me as he entered the dining room in the hall. I remember it was really significant, because what I had done was such a "Rabia" act, that I knew he would smile, charmed. I felt great, as I always do when I reveal something about myself to him. I hovered around a little. I thought, man this is such a great time to talk to him. I can spend the whole time talking to him. As the song goes,

      and in the darkened underpass, I thought oh god my chance has come at least. But then a strange fear gripped me and I just couldn''t ask..

      I went outside to check the food out. I was nervous and scared. The food was all spicy, Paki food and I wondered why my parents chose that, as it'd probably be to spicy for his family. I hung out, talking ot a few people. I was slowly becoming lucid. Shit sucked. But..I was still on a high.

      I woke up directly as this dream was fading, and I was like: yes, my first real dream about Felix this whole goddamn summer. Must tell Gus.

      I was shopping at Pathmark, looking rather bummy as I aways do at grocery stores. I remember very clearly, thinking about what to get and going through the isles. The pathmark looked weird, it was out in the open. No roof or walls. As I paused to look at cereal, two loudly conversing guys went down my isle. I became wary as they paused at the end, not talking anymore and eyeing me. After a while, I glanced up at the taller one who was staring. First thought: wow, he's really good looking. He walked over to me, and started talking, looking very amused. "...Rabia! from 804? Wagner?" First, I was shocked he remembered my name because it had been 5 years and only met a couple of times. Second, I racked my brain to remember him, and my brain instantly gave me a false memory. Very weird. I was like, "Oh my god! It's you! I can't believe you remember. Sorry about my appearance..blahblah." His friend sniggered when I referred to myself as bummy and then promptly walked away. So my guy says, "Yeah, I remember smoking with you and discussing Dali!" I get a sudden sepia image of us blowing smoke and laughing, in the dark. Once again, I am shocked he remembers. We talk during the rest of my shopping trip and we have a growing mutual attraction.

      At some point I go off to this outdoors restaurant area, where Mitty is playing cards on one table. I walk to the other end, and I see Father with his friends on a long table, discussing a business deal. I am afraid my dad will see me with this guy. I walk away, and meet up with this guy again. Our feelings are hung in the air, and I walk to say goodbye to him. It's all dark and we're around a foresty edge of an area, lots of people.. Curiously, it kind of resembles GMU woods. I walk down a pathway in the grass, leading to woods. This is where we are supposed to say farewell. I vividly remember a little silence, and then he grips me and kisses me on the forehead, for a rather prolonged period of time. I think it's really sweet, he's holding me as well. He lets go and I look up to him, and he's just smiling, waiting for me to initiate a kiss. I start to head towards his face, when for some reason my dream fast forwards to when the kiss is over. We exchange some kind of contact info, and he's off. I became pretty lucid after the kiss, and I feel liberated enough to do as I please as he's gone (trying not hurt a DC's feelings? What the fah). I fly into the air and swoosh back into the area where family is. I fly around a lot. It's great.


      It's the fourth of July again. The fireworks are going off, but it's gray and rainy. I'm a little upset at my parents for some reason. It's nighttime, we are all outside somewhere when I saunter off. Fahim may be there. I walk off to a place right next ot the ocean. The water has leaked through the tiny wall. I lay down, right in the water next to the short, thin wall as the water pours. There is a pleasant homeless man right next to me, wearing a raincoat and tiny hat. He's not old, maybe 30's. I'm laying down and I can't move because I get terrified of the water. I feel like I'm going to be swallowed up by the ocean as I lay there, and actually sense myself slowly sliding towards the colossal gray mass of raging water. I fear trying to get up will permanently slide me into it. I wait for my parents to come. My father comes and rescues me, I try to play it off. I talk to him as if nothing's wrong, he gives the homeless man $20. Then he stares at his wallet, at a hundred note, and says..should I give a hundred or twenty? The homeless man looks at us, amused. I say, "Of course a hundred.." I see the bills in front of me, homeless man is grateful. Finally, I say, "Yeah, give me a hand getting up." It is such relief to get up. I look back to where the thin wall is, and I see most of it before me had already been swallowed by the sea. But I'm still holding my father's hand and it feels safe. :')
      memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    2. Generic

      , 06-28-2011 at 07:54 PM (Les Rêves)
      I'm just having the same dreams over and over. Many about Zooni, where she is alive again in one way or the other.

      And recurring dreams about going back to school, some time passing, and not seeing Felix, and becoming anxious/feeling dread.

      Every night, man.
    3. Middle School

      , 05-30-2011 at 03:55 PM (Les Rêves)
      I'm back in middle school. I see all my friends from there and I'm a little confused because I seem to be able to recall which high schools everyone chose to go to. So I wonder, how is this possible if we're still in middle school? Come to think of it, i kind of remember going to high school..? I dismiss the thought and talk with my old "friends." Suddenly I'm on a bus. The bus is really big and I lay down on a huge seat. It's like one of those travel buses instead of a city bus. I am laying down facing the back right in the front, there is a blanket wrapped around me. I figure I am going to IS 27, but its weird because it's not like a city bus. I'm in a half-way sleep when Felix enters. I'm in a bit of shock, and I only see his back. I can't look at him in the face since I'm supposed to be sleeping! Nevertheless I get a pretty big rush, and stare into his back in slight panic as he puts his stuff down. I cover my face with my blanket a little as he turns around and recognizes me (as I always do when I sleep), but I'm asleep so he doesn't rouse me. I feel around for my metro card in silence but I can't find it, which worries me. What if I have to get up before he leaves? I look a mess (haha). I fall into the halfway sleep again and kind of recall him getting off. As he does, I rush to the bus driver and talk to him about Feef. I ask him to tell me what stop he got off on. I feel content.

      The bus gets off in a pretty big parking lot, and I see the Forbes twins. I'm not really sure why we got off in such a place, but I hang around, still happy about glimpsing Feef. The dream has shitty recall at this point..and I remember showing up at school. The cafeteria lady gives me a paper with a key and tells me I've gotten a single at Tidewater (or rather, I read so). This is great news! I exclaim my joy.

      Updated 07-13-2011 at 11:52 AM by 11208

      Tags: dorm, felix, is27
    4. Al

      , 05-29-2011 at 05:29 PM (Les Rêves)
      My friends and I are in a huge gym that reminds me of CHS's gym, we take our seats on the ground. Gus and I are laying down, we're expecting to see her lover, Al, perform at whatever event this is supposed to be. The event's about to begin and everyone piles in, but I don't recall seeing Al and her hopes dampen. Suddenly a guy comes and looks at her, smiles, and sits down. I realize it's actually Al, noticing he looks like he just shaved. I'm surprised he decided to sit next to her out of all people, and they start talking. I'm up on a bleacher now as a break commences and everyone seems to go off to get food or something. I think this is a great opportunity. When Al and Gus come back, I realize Gus keeps saying "Ten minutes." Al says, "WHat about a lunch or something?" Al has a skeptical air and Gus has a passionate air. Then Al says, "Okay, what if I wanted to take you ice skating," and he seems really genuine about it, and Gus and i both know this is a huge turning point. I'm shocked he asked, really. Then Gus gets too passionate and says something along the lines of, "Kiss my knees and promise me you will come to visit." To VB, I assume. I knew I have to intervene because Gus is getting carried away. So I lay myself down, drawing attention, look at Gus, and say quietly "Stop it. You're scaring him." Gus calms down and they go off somewhere, I'm on top of a bleacher with a couple of my friends. There's a black-guy-giant taller than the bleachers talking into the phone, and I figure he's harmless but my friend tells me he's been talking crazy stuff. I listen in and he seems ot be discussing being pissed off at someone and adderall..ok then.

      Dream transitions and I'm on a dinner table, with Gus, Jess, and her sister VA. I'm surprised VA is there because her and Jess don't really get along. We're discussing where we are going ot eat after going out, and I offer to find a couple of decent restaurants in Arlington. I recall going on yelp and only being able ot find restaurants with a small amount of ratings. I find a really good Swedish one, but then I wonder what Swedish cuisine is like.

      A fragment: being in my new single room in Hampton roads after a long night of partying.
      Frag: Accidentally leaving Randy numerous messages on his tumblr ask box, even though he doesn't have a tumblr, and fearing he will figure out its me. (esp. since I didn't hit anonymous button)

      The night before I dreamt about move-in day. I had moved into blue ridge and discovered no one had moved into my 222 room. That guy who's a female version of Helen was there along with Randy. I was pretty pleased with the fact Randy and I would be so close. Blue ridge had a huge ground floor with escalators. Nothing too important happened.
      Tags: aal, dorm, gus, jess, randy
    5. Scattered

      , 05-25-2011 at 02:36 AM (Les Rêves)
      Scattered Dreams, recall has already improved slightly so that's encouraging.

      Earlier on I remember a few nightmares with snakes.

      I'm in school, visiting, not really sure what school it's supposed to be, nothing looks familiar. It's a hot summer day with bright sunshine and my parents are here. I'm walking around when I see my old French teacher and decide to go say hi to her, but I approach a stranger's back.. Then my old math and French teacher call out to me. They are sitting close by and I go say hey! to them. They ask me whether I've heard about the new place ot eat and I'm like, what..Cinnabon? They say it's a place I've probably never ate at before and decide to take me there. We walk and I look down at my clothes, realizing I'm wearing a really shirt sundress. I wonder how I managed ot get away with wearing this in front of my parents..and wonder whether I should go back and change. We make our way across a street and the whole dream goes dark, that is, dusk settles in suddenly. I realize we're in front of some outback steak-esque place; I never dine in those kind of places. Dreams transitions.

      It's nighttime now and my dad and I are getting something from Cinnabon. We are in a carnival type place, but it's still my college. We make negotiations about what to get and debate over how long the line is. No events of consequence.

      At some point my parents are gone, I'm in a weird little movie theatre kind of place. Rita's trying to order something from the waiter whilst laughing hysterically, the waiter turns out to be Al. He shares the amusement and laughs a lot as well. I head over to a little Paki banquet, really dark, kind of like a lecture hall with food in first row. I inspect some kabobs and they seem unfresh, Kamran tells me they are form his dad and to check out the ones on the right side as they are fresh. They look all right so I take one. My dad's there as well, and he tells me we should hurry, and I wonder what his reaction is to me knowing everyone. We leave.

      Now for some reason me and Gus have gotten back form a club, we're in a dark lobby wherein some guy proceeds to criticize my appearance. I encourage him to be honest, and then when the lights turn on I give him a really loud yelling.

      It's move-out day again, seems I'm outside of Truman/Kennedy. There is a child that is my brother who's misbehaving so he's sitting in the corner. A couple of doctors arrive, they're half-Polish (as I figured form their last name) and half-Paki (as I figured form what they look like). It was really funny because I took note of their names and thought: yeah, this is a detail I'll need ot remember for my DJ. My dad looks at them admirably and i think about how he idolizes doctors.

      There are a bunch of fragments and stuff that I just can't access.
      Tags: doctors, parents, rita, uni
    6. Dreams Begin

      , 05-23-2011 at 11:40 PM (Les Rêves)
      So I really want to get back in the hang of things.

      I slept for a really long time and have a bit of recall, but not much.

      I think I'm back in uni and I'm climbing a building to it's very top. I somehow end up in Felix's room, which is very wide and gray, and well protected. It doesn't seem to have nay door, just a small attic-like entrance on the carpeted floor. It's pretty high up. I walk around, I get a little anxious that Felix might come up here and find me and think I went here intentionally. But then I'm like, no way. Lo and behold, the attic door starts moving, and I see his hands making their way up. I get really panicked and wonder how the hell am I going to explain myself. I make it obvious I'm in there and he stops moving and is like..uhmmmmm..who is this? So I tell him..hehe..it's Rabia..I didn't realize this was your room. I make up some lame excuse and he accepts it with ease. Funny he is not freaked out that I'm in his room. Before he even gets up there, I'm already talking regularly as if nothing happened.

      There was another dream I can't remember much in which I spoke to him for a really long time, and discovered that he was actually a really dull person. I remember waking up kind of panicked, and feeling relieved it was just a dream. It was a bad dream, all right.
      Tags: felix
    7. Amazing

      , 08-24-2010 at 10:34 AM (Les Rêves)
      I only have time to record this one dream, but it was amazing, at least in feel.

      I've woken up during the transition from one dream to another, slightly anyway. I transition straight into this attic which has a ladder that I am climbing. I'm lucid. The feeling is unbelievable, and not even the lucid part. I feel like I am standing there, and it's real life with a surreal touch. I can smell, feel, touch, and see everything so clearly. It is as if I am ACTUALLY standing there. I have experienced but once before in my dreams. It's unbelievable, as if my body has literally been transported to another world during the night. As I climb the ladder, slowly, I open the door that is on the ceiling. As I do so, sunlight streams in and I fly right up into the sky. I soar above the lands that lie below, and euphoria encompasses me. The realization that I am once again in my dream from a month ago or so hits me. I am amazed that i was able to tap into this feeling and world again. It is the actual continuation of that dream. There is golden sand scattered next to a gleaming, deep azure ocean. There is a castle fortress along with other buildings of a medieval appearance. The most amazing thing is that despite being far into this sky, hovering, I can see every detail of the land below. Off to the side there is a dark section of this land, where presumably the villain lives. She is actually female this time around, and I can feel her presence. But along with hers I can also feel Martinez's, who is trapped along with other people in one of the buildings. I don't see him, but his face flashes in my mind.. I need to get rid of the evil. The dream transitions..

      I'm on a bus with a group of students who posses magic, it seems. Or at least they are going off to magic school. I'm sitting next to an older teenage guy, although I don't feel like myself. I'm in someone else's body with their mind. I'm telepathic, and I discover that the guy next to me is as well. I say something to him from my mind, and his face displays shock as he discovers.. It's strangely beautiful, talking to someone simply from one's mind. I share with him my plans about catching the villainness. He agrees to go with me to fight. We escape the bus..and I cannot remember much more save for the fact that I am starring in a novel.

      These dreams were dreams of firsts. First time tapping into the same dream from a previous night. Unbelievable.
    8. Snt

      , 08-11-2010 at 11:15 AM (Les Rêves)
      I'm writing this dream very late, and I'm afraid I was dumbass enough to lose most details..but I'll write it down anyway. u_u

      So I'm in my NY house, and my mom is all anxious because we have visitors, I find out the visitors are actually the SNT. So this is exciting and I think huzzay, but before I do anything I go to my brother's room and get ready. I distinctly remember putting on eyeliner thickly. I have this whole emo get up, wearing my pea coat and my hairstyle is done in this emo-bangs-esque way plus the black eyeliner. I get frustrated while doing my hair. When I look down, I realize I have a coat on and I think it's a bit excessive slender-man look, so I take it off. It's the summer, after all. I stalk downstairs after this, grabbing my actual DJ for autographs. In the living room I see PK, and he's alone. He doesn't notice me there and I jump from the staircase to right in front of him and yell his full name. He gets shocked and jumps at my blatant freakiness, then sighs a breath of relief. I give him my DJ and try to act normal by asking him to sign it. I ramble a bit in English, and I think, he probably has no idea what I'm saying. Then he says something with a thick accent and it's incomprehensible, but I don't bother asking him to repeat himself. He comes across as a cold creature. He's like, "Why do you want me to sign this book, don't you want my signature on something else?" And the man is right, though it's kind of insulting that he rejected my DJ. In any case I grab my yearbook, and he seems fascinated by it. After looking through my friend's signatures, he signs it. I leave quickly since I do not like him. My mom approaches me and starts bitching about the men outside, who are practicing I think. She's like, "These guys are trying to seduce all the girls with flowers." I find this funny, and think, well too bad there aren't a lot of fangirls around here.

      I leave my house and go to this store that has computers and chairs. It looks like a small airport terminal. Some of the guys start coming there, but before they do I'm informed that the place is about to be captured by someone evil and we will all be stuck there. As the guys come in, including Martinez, I yell at them to stay the fuck out or forever hold their peace. But my yelling is pointless, as they cluelessly walk in and the door shuts behind them. I'm sitting by a counter, in a stool right next to the computers. Martinez has sat in the second row of computers (only about 4-5) and I see that the chair next to him is empty. His friend skipped a seat, and I think - well it's me lucky day. So I get up and walk to him and sit down. We introduce ourselves and he knows decent English. I can understand his every word. We discuss the evil person who has kidnapped us here and shit like that. His face is really close and I can see every detail; he's wearing blue. He comes across as a really nice guy and I have that same feeling again, the one from my previous epic dream about him. The funny thing is, as I'm talking to him, I say to myself, "I know this is actually a dream. SAD." But as always, I brush this realization off and continue talking. The dream unfortunately fades as background noise wakes me up. When I woke up, I could remember every single sentence of our conversation. I can never remember dialogue in dreams. Shame I didn't write it down, but a part of me doesn't want to encourage this dream love habit!

      PS: sorry for atrocious run-ons.
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. Otherworldly Creature

      , 07-23-2010 at 04:46 PM (Les Rêves)
      It all starts with me chilling in NY house. My mom is there, and she informs me that Aunt S is coming and that we shall go to the theme park and eat out. I find this a little strange, since it's really late at night. Aunt S comes and we talk for a bit. She comments on how skinny Amber has become, and how she doesn't really eat much nowadays. I'm like, well she was always pretty skinny anyway. Then Aunt S says that she's going to get married soon and lists a couple of different ceremonies that shall take place in the near future. I'm surprised once again, but I figure maybe she's met some guy at med school. It is the only explanation, because I know Amber well (or at least know enough to know that she would never allow being commanded around). I go upstairs to put on makeup, only I don't put on much at all and opt instead to put on contacts. I'm surprised because they go in without much trouble. My hair is a mess and I'm trying to fix it to no avail. This goes on for a bit (what a waste of dream time). Aunt S comes up to the room and we converse. She asks me whether I get bored to death in VA. I respond with an honest answer for the first time, telling her I don't get bored. I explain to her that I keep busy with work, books, internet, et cetera. Although. "It does get bland after a bit. Especially when compared to NY." She nods sympathetically. We're both gazing out of the window, apparently waiting for my dad to come. I pull the curtains completely to the side and notice something strange. The sky outside is the color that the sky hits right before dawn. It's lighting up rapidly. I find this strange, because it certainly isn't time for that yet. Aunt S agrees, and we both wonder why the sky is this color. Finally, I see my dad arriving along with Rana. There has obviously been a problem, and they seem to be coming into my neighbor's house instead of ours. I go outside and ask him what the issue is. He said they met some criminals and one of them shot Rana. I am so glad that my dad's okay/ They do have the food though, I guess. At some point amidst all this the scene transitions to the theme park. My mom and I go to this kiddie ride, only it is not really. My mom leaves at some point but I stay. It's like one of those rides with swings that rides round about. Only the swings are ridiculously long and it's like we're swinging about the empire state building. The feeling is amazing and I stay on for a few rides, feeling fear but thrill. It is morning here, strange. Scene transitions back to .. some place. It is meant to be the same but it's not.

      Now it's totally dark - night. I'm standing outside an unfamiliar row of houses. One of them is supposed to be my NY house, apparently. My parents have just told me to stroll by this other house that is my brother's to check on them or something. When I walk into the night, I feel fear again. There is definitely something lurking in the dark. I try not to pay attention as I navigate the streets to get into the house. It's a huge house, and from behind (which is the view I have), I see it's shaped like a building. The back is completely glass and reveals a large set of stairs. I enter them. They are like the kind of stairs that if one looks down from any given level, they can see the whole floor + stairs down below. Everything is exposed from the top. (It's a combination of floor and stairs, so it's not really a set of staircases) The stairs are dark except for moonlight coming in through glass walls. I walk up to our floor, and head into a well-lit hallway design like the stairs except with walls now. There are doors everywhere, and I walk into ours. My brothers are eating, acting like usual pigs, and I see that the penthouse is huge. It's also a huge mess, which comes as no surprise. I leave after a bit of small talk, entering the hallway.

      ^ Like this, only totally dark and more glass less wall. Also it's bigger.

      Now this is "supposed" to be our VA house, ad I find it weird that I've never been to these staircases before. Each door in the hallway leads into a room, and I wonder which would lead into my room. As I stand there, a large group of construction workers start arriving. They are going into one of our rooms for construction work it seems, and in the group of workers I see old classmates (the only one I remember right now being Taylor). They are happy, conversing, and I patiently wait for them to subside so I can continue my business. It's shocking how many of them just pile in, and I'm standing at the edge of the hallway through which they come in,s o I can only see them coming close up (in other words can't see the whole group). Finally, they leave. Now I go into the stairs. I don't feel that much fear anymore because there are so many loud, boisterous people around. I pin myself to the wall out in the stairs, and I see that there is an old couple in the penthouse next to ours. Taylor asks me to wish them happy anniversary or something, and it looks like all the workers have brought food and other party ingredients. I do so and a party begins. It' not the couple's anniversary party however, it's just some party consisting of the whole neighborhood. Before I know it, people start piling in to the stairs/floors. I watch as they do, the stairs are now slightly illuminated with the light from the actual floors.

      And then I see this guy. It's (dream) love at first sight. He's standing on the other side of the floor, tall and wearing this shirt that says "Ten Commandments." He resembles Martinez, although in the dream he is just a guy from the neighborhood. I'm pretty much entranced as I gaze upon him. Everything else goes silent.

      For a while I just hang out in the stairs. I know, instinctively, that something evil is still lurking. I also know that were something to happen, such as an attack, it'd be completely up to me to defend the people. So I patrol the halls, trying to look casual and succeeding. So this guy has a little brother, an infant really. He's playing catch with him with a baseball. I watch them from the side, and I'm surprised to see that the little infant ventures off the staircase into the empty ground in the middle (where one can look down and see everything), I wonder a) how this is possible and b) why the infant wasn't scared. I am reminded of this psych experiment I once read about having to do with how well infants could detect depth. The younger ones usually couldn't. But then I see this sorceress next to Martinez who has apparently lifted the floor so he can practice ball. I get a little disappointed, thinking about how I could have done him that favor. At this point I know that I have a lot of power, although I have no plans to use it nor do I know how. Finally, at some point, I do end up exchanging some form of small talk with Martinez and I know that he has mutual interest in me. But i don't think it's love at first sight for him. (hehe) While this is happening I think about how this would be an awesome location for a college party. So now the danger begins. Somehow, its is daytime. What I have feared happens. I hear explosions going on outside the building. The glass wall is suddenly gone, though not out of explosion. One can climb right out into the building's ledge. I quickly exit, positioning myself at the ledge, above a gargoyle. The world outside is completely different. The sun streams into the earth, and the whole landscape is huge. It's like we are smack in the middle of a city clearing with building and such surrounding us. It's pandemonium. People are battling and getting slayed, and the battle participators seem to be hovering slightly above the ground. The enemy has a leader, a guy who looks to be in his 40's with black hair and a pale-ish tan complexion. He looks Turkish. I panic, because I have no idea what to do. My human powers mean nothing against him who seems to be exercising magic easily. I become lucid. I realize I can just fly up into the air. I do so, flying immediately above everyone. It is an amazing feeling, as always. The villain has a cronie, a monster-esque creature killing everyone in its sight. I approach this creature and use a spell to kill it. It immediately fades. The Turk gets attention of this, and he's angry but laughing. I guess he's surprised that I did it, but he approaches me and tells me he's glad to see me here. he was expecting me to come, it seems. I'm afraid for my life. the battle's still going on in full fury. I glance quickly back to my house-building and Martinez is still there. Mostly, I am afraid I won't get to pursue things with him.

      I fly to a broken glass window, and the villain stalks me. I try to use magic on him, but it doesn't work. He has another monster-cronie with him now. We're floating right next to my house. People/creatures have stopped fighting and are staring at us. I'm dodging whatever the villain attacks me with, until one last moment. I spot my dad, And of course I'm distracted because I don't want anything to happen to my dad. The villain takes out a gun, along with the creature, and shoots. It misses me, but it doesn't even matter. The presence of the gun alone is enough to announce my death. I am some kind of creature who dies instantly when a gun is upon her. So I know I'm dying. It's sad, really. I float over to my dad. I explain to all the people that my death will be finalized when the sun turns me into a "wisp." A wisp of a golden feather. It's like I'm reading of a chronicle. My dad engages in a weird duel with the villain, in plea for my life. I don't remember the details unfortunately, but it was complex and interesting. I tried helping him too (even though I was dying I wasn't weak or anything since nothing had physically hit me. I was just waiting to turn into a wisp of a feather..) My dad loses, and he reassures me that everything will be okay because I'm "going to heaven." I laugh a bit, and tell everyone (everyone in the city has stopped doing whatever to watch me, flying in the sky, die) "But I don't believe in god." I want to live so badly, and I stare into the sun and think, "If I am suddenly brought back to life instead of dying, I'll believe in god." Then I think, finally on the other end I'll see what really happens and whether god exists/after-life exists. In any case, I start giving out my death messages as I fly over everyone. Some to do with my parents, but I remember only one clearly, which was for Martinez of course (yes, dream love is powerful). I figure I might as well declare my love for him as it doesn't matter anymore, so still flying like a bird, I say, "And to the guy wearing the Ten Commandments shirt, who I've fallen in love with, even though I completely disagree with some of the commandments.." It was meant to be a slight joke because i was getting really emotional, and everyone laughed a bit. And when I looked back I saw him staring back at me, smiling an amazing smile, and that's when I knew feelings were mutual. I stared into the sun again. It was very powerful and vivid.

      Finally, my physical body dissipated and I was watching only in spirit I guess (ha ha). I looked to see a small wisp of a feather floating where I had been. And just like that, my spirit was flying right into the sky.

      But something weird happens. I float into a land, a desert land populated with thousands of warriors. I am approached by one of the warrior leaders, and he says, "We've been expecting you." I know, that these warriors have been training here for years (and for some reason this is China or Japan maybe because most of the soldiers are Japanese). I'm surprised, and the guy (who had been my friend in the real world I realize,but had "died") says, "Well, we weren't going to leave the evil on our world that easily, were we." So I'm like the real leader of all warriors and I feel this immense sense of adventure. We are not really dead, we just had to leave Earth when exposed to "violence" (the gun I assume). I fly over the desert land and marvel at how many warriors we have, who have all "died" only not really. I talk to my acquaintance, and we both discuss the pain associated with our perceived deaths on Earth. He goes into his own death, saying he had died centuries before when they used to train creatures like us for fighting. He said he had actually died when faced with a villain his first time. There's a flashback to the super-swings I was on earlier - they had been his death site. I feel for him and explain to him that I knew nothing about my uh race (?) or the powers within. I do tell him that I managed to kill a monster. I am excited that we'll soon be able to return to Earth and unleash our fury, not only because I want to save the earth from the villain and namely my parents, but especially because I want to meet Martinez and pursue our love.

      Alas. I am jutted into consciousness and it's a huge freaking shame because I wanted to finish the epic adventure.

      * I had to leave out a lot some stuff that wasn't too important because this was getting too long.
      memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    10. Escape

      , 07-19-2010 at 02:54 PM (Les Rêves)
      [Nasty habit I'm developing, writing down dreams RIGHT before sleeping again after sleep deprivation. Kills all recall..]

      I am in my NY house. I think we are back there for the summer again. There is this rabbit identical to Zooni behind the TV. We don't know how it got there or anything, but I pet it and befriend it. It disappears after a bit. I feel anxious. There is also a puppy in the house, yapping around like annoying little puppies do. I feel intense fear; I think the puppy's going to attack th bunny. I see it woofing towards the bunny and I immediately pick it up and shield it. My mom asks me what I want to do with the bunny. There will be no one to take care of her when I leave for uni, but at the same time I've grown too fond of this bunny in the day or so that she's been at my house. I'm town, the thought of letting her go is so saddening.. I fear that she'll end up in a crappy household and get abused. But I can't leave her at the mercy of my family members. Guilt overcomes me and it's sickening familiarity disturbs me yet again.

      I had another "escape" dream, I don't know why. I have these ever so often, and they all have such weird vividness attached to them.

      I'm in my VA house and hiking around my bedroom. I know that tonight is the night I run away. I try to gather things I will need. As the dream starts i feel anxious to just get out, but then I slow down and be practical about it. I peer in the fridge and debate bringing food. Then I give up the idea, just grab crackers and water. I shove necessary things into a small backpack and then just throw all my cash into the backpack. I can't be carrying heavy loads. I leave quickly out the door. I start running. that familiar feeling overcomes me, the knowledge that as soon as I leave the house and start running my family will spot and run after me. All will be lost. I sprint into the lawn from the gravel road, and I think about how I can't give up because I'm doing this for my brother. (Apparently the purpose of the running away was to make sure an operation happens to my brother.) I feel anxious and disturbed. Every detail of running into the woods is clear. I can smell the grass, feel the humidity on my skin, the backpack flapping against my back. It is just the beginning of night.. I come across a weird little cabin where pig-human-creatures reside. They invite me in or something, I don't know, somehow I am there having dinner with them. I am spending the night there for safety, but it makes no sense because my parents are there too. This is weird because of their extreme aversion to pigs. We sit at this really small table and I recall their squiggly tails and all. It's fucking disturbing, don't ask me why. Just the fact that they're pigs talking and acting like humans I suppose. A little fire is going on somewhere. It's so small. I feel claustrophobic. I need to get out to find my brother. We are now going to retire to bed, and I see my father in the doorway. He tells me not to worry about the strange appearance of the cabin. I see a very recognizable face of a man but I forget who it was.. He'sin one of the rooms and we quickly glance at each other while I pass through a maze to the bedroom.

      That's all. I need to stop being a lazy ass and put my pen + notebook back on to my bed.
      Tags: escape, zooni
    11. I'm Such A Barracuda

      , 07-17-2010 at 02:19 PM (Les Rêves)
      I had gone to Uruguay on a trip with friends. I thought about how I could see my friend Adrienne there, and decided I'd contact her. (IRL she's actually in Paraguay, not Uruguay..) The whole country seemed to be a rain forest, and it was flooded over with water. I was a bit scared, and we were riding in a bus (friends and some school people). It was like a bus/boat, since we were in water and actually steering oars? I was terrified, because I am rather afraid of water. We just swished away, and I was so disappointed because I was expecting more of Uruguay.

      Transition to Staten Island. I'm about to go jet skiing with my brother. I head outside and it's a really bright, sunny day. I'm standing on huge stairs ascending above the ground. I see that my brother is on a huge-ish bus and a jet ski's beside him. A cute looking guy is next to him, and I take note of his good looks. I get on the bus and I realize the guy's Rhett. I exchange some small talk with him, possibly involving college. At some point, I get off the bus. I seems that I have to go back home for some reason. As I start to exit the bus, I see that we are in a road that snakes through woods. It's just about the start of dusk, and everything has a light blue glow. I glance at the woods and realize I probably have to walk through them, they look very formidable. I tell my brother to drop me off a little bit further so I don't have to brave them. I think I get back in the bus for like, two more seconds. They drop me off in front of a bunch of houses. I have no idea where I am in the Island, I would guess Todt Hill because of the woods and grandiose houses. I enter the lawn of one of the houses, dusk has certainly settled in. An Indian girl who looks around my age approaches me, assuming she lives in the house I'm trespassing. I just tell her that I need to get to Forest Ave because I can walk across the island and to my house from there. (I figure that much walking will help me lose all the weight I gained in NY, in any case. Good plan all around.) She says she doesn't know and I enter this house complex. I think she lead me there. I'm in the main lobby, and this really attractive older guy (I'd guess late 20's early 30's) approaches me. He's some guy that the Indian girl lead me to. I talk to him for a bit and he offers giving me a ride home. I think about the stupidity involved with riding home with a complete stranger, but then I kind of imagine having sex with him in his car, and it's appealing. Nevertheless, I just kind of laugh and talk to him for a bit but don't accept the ride. I debate for a while what I should do, I think maybe he's safe because the Indian girl knows him and all.. But then again I don't know the Indian girl. Then I think that if he pulls out a gun or something while we're driving I could just seduce him.

      I go to the lawns again, and I'm surprised to see my mother entering the Indian girl's house along with m grandmother. There is some kind of party there because everyone is all dressed up. I feel relief as now I can just go home with my mom, but I don't enter the party because I'm dressed really casually and not wearing shoes. I become a bit anxious again, as I have to hang out in the lawn and the lawn scares me..a bit.

      There was some point where trouble happened and I tried calling the police. But the number wouldn't work and I wondered whether it was really 9-1-1 or 9-9-1..etc.
    12. Herpderp King/ Uncle/ Veteren

      , 07-16-2010 at 11:24 AM (Les Rêves)
      I am traveling to a far away land with my two brothers and mother. We are in a van that resembles the mystery machine and my mother is driving, which is very weird since she never drives. We are trying to hurry up as fast as we can because my brother needs to get an operation. Something has gone wrong with his machine, as per usual. I'm slightly panicked because I fear for my brother. (T) The setting is strange, our van is filled with grayness and outside the gray fog swirls around the highway. I hear police sirens coming, and I freak out because I don't trust my mom's driving and think she's gonna get us arrested. After a few tense moments, my mom assures me the police peeps are simply swerving around us. We arrive at our destination, which seems to be a small grayish town with smoke all around it. I enter some bar/restaurant thing. I sit down next to my uncle as my mom/brothers sit beside me. My uncle and I are on bar stools while everyone else lounges on tables below us. I notice my cousin Sonia and some random chick (she looks Paki) sitting with no other than Mr. HerpDerp himself.

      I find myself slightly surprised to see him there, but not surprised to see his typical herpderp smile. He chats with my cousins. My uncle starts conversing about marriage to me. We talk about how much parents should contribute to matrimonial decisions. It seems as if everyone is listening. I strongly express my utter disgust for arranged marriages and say that there is absolutely no room for parents to make any decisions. I say, "It's my choice. My. Choice." I kind of say "Choice." pretty loudly. I see that my mom is staring at me icily, while Sonia seems to have a good natured expression on her face. (She is obviously in the dream because of her rather unfortunate matrimonial decisions, that weren't well, hers) I glance over at the table and notice something weird, all of Pique's height is concentrated on his legs (he continues smiling like 8D). His upper body is really short and I find it weird that I look taller sitting up straight in my chair than him. He's like Abe Lincoln. And well, no wonder.

      My uncle and I head outside because my brother must leave for the hospital or some shit like that. We discuss my graduation gift, in which I say nothing pretty much because I don't exactly expect anything from him. We're moving around seats at the side of the van and I see Pique outside as well. We smile at each other and exchange small talk. He actually seems like a really nice guy. (I wake up at some point here. I make myself go back to sleep so I can uncover some of PK's DC personality) I think we kinda hang around each other for a bit but then I go back inside the bar which seems to have transformed. It is now outside and it's night. I sit over on a small round table, and I see that there is an American soldier sitting next to me reading some literature intensely. I think it's Kafka. He seems very depressed and I get the hint that he's suffering from PTSD. I mean, I know he is. My interest is on this poor fellow now (forget PK). I move over to his table and try talking to him, mostly interested to see what lit he's reading and why. He seems very closed off and doesn't talk much. I just feel a bit sad.

      I became lucid at some point, I think around the time I woke up and went back to sleep. I lost lucidity at some other point.

      Updated 07-16-2010 at 11:27 AM by 11208

      Tags: pique, uncle
      lucid , non-lucid
    13. Hm.

      , 07-15-2010 at 08:28 AM (Les Rêves)
      I was on vacation with the T-hir family. I was standing on a coast, it was cold and the sun was not shining. Everything was cast over with a bright blue-gray. I had long desired to ride on a boat, so I decided to do so. There was a huge mountain across the ocean. I wanted to go there, but i don't know why. I got into a boat and I rowed it. the water was wild, slashing around me and entering the boat. I steered on, completely astonished at the beauty.

      I came upon the surf tormented rocky shore. Reem and I ventured across it into a huge, brightly lit cave. Her mother, family, and my family were there. There was a rocky formation of some type of well in the cave. I looked into it, and I saw a rabbit identical to Zooni. The character was different however. The rabbit jumped out of the well, much to everyone's shock. It hopped over to Reem, and she played around with it. They seemed to get on well. I wanted the rabbit to come over to me, so we could play. I felt as if I obviously connected better with rabbits, and plus i longed to play with it. I approached the bunny, and I tried to stroke it. I recalled stroking my own Zooni, and how she would simply relax and lay down, half-asleep as I stroked her fur. This rabbit skittered around me, it was afraid of me and didn't want to play with me. It escaped from my hand and went back to Reem. As Reem stroked it in the way I had, it fell down into a sleeping position, and i smiled, recalling when Zooni did that. I had forgotten all about it.


      Frag about school.
      Tags: symbolism, zooni